Extremely doubtful that would happen. Online components may not function, but the games SHOULD always be there for you to play. They know people have poured shit loads of money in to their ecosystem, and they want you to stay forever. I really don't see them dropping XBLA from the next system. Maybe a rename, but unless they do something radically different for the 360, I wouldn't worry too much. As for the PS3, I imagine they are pretty much screwed, since Cell is dead(right?).
[quote name='Ubichu']For those of us who plan to keep our Xbox 360 console because we bought a lot of games on XBLA and want to keep playing them, will those games still work on the 360 when the 720 is released? Or will Microsoft really shut down XBLA to try to force everyone to buy a 720 so that Xbox 360 owners will no longer be able to log into our XBLA accounts, download games we bought, or even play them?
If they shut down my ability to play my purchased games on any Xbox 360 while logged into my account, I vowed I will never buy another piece of digital download software as long as I live for any computer or system. When I pay money to buy games, I expect to be able to use them as long as I have the system... not when some company arbitrarily decides to take away what I thought were lifetime licenses. I've spent over a thousand dollars on XBLA and I haven't played half of my games yet. I bought them not expecting to have a time limit on playing them.[/QUOTE]