[quote name='Thrinn']Is RollingSkull a... a Double Dragon V fan?

N-n-now wait a minute. Let's not be hasty here. I clearly, plainly misspoke.
You don't just SAY that about a man.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']Shank 1 was awesome. Waiting on a sale on 2 so yea that is probably a great one too. Can we count the SoR remake if it hasn't officially been sanctioned or released? Regarding DD for iPhone, nope, I just straight missed that one. As soon as it drops to my $0.99 price point I'll get it. Until then it can wait.
Adventure games? Meh, I haven't played anything really good in a long time. I played through the first 2 seasons of Sam & Max recently and they were good, but nothing special at all. Funny, but only
I'm still going to have to disagree about SP not being great. I contend it is an all around great game. It won't be remembered because nobody played it. That doesn't mean it doesn't deserve a special place in history. It's not an epic game or the best that ever existed or anything, but it's still great fun.[/QUOTE]
I will agree to disagree with you on SP. DD on Iphone likely won't drop though. I think the devs are foreign enough that they don't "get" Ibuzz.
And Shank 2 is SUCH a marked improvement that I cannot even play Shank 1 again. It's just that good. While you wait, you should check to see the update notes for Shank 1. They went back and redid that to have right-stick dodging among other things.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Just to chime in on the Spelunky discussion, I grabbed it on sale about two weeks ago and I have to say that its one of my most regrettable purchases on XBLA ever. I pulled the trigger based on nearly everyone who frequents this threads overbearing enthusiasm for the title, but I just see no magic in it at all. I can't seem to squeeze any fun out of it at all while playing, and its not due to the difficulty mind you. I just find it uninspired and would always rather be doing/playing something else.[/QUOTE]
I'm here for you.