[quote name='WNYX585AM']I am really amused here by people who seem to be disappointed in the Borderlands 2 season pass sale and are now stating they will wait for the GOTY version. It's not like the GOTY version will be available any time soon. As anyone on this site should know, the older a game gets the cheaper it gets. This is a popular game that just recently came out and only half of the DLC has been released.
Saying you will wait 6 months for a cheaper price is like saying the sky is blue. That's the nature of video games. Once the newness has worn off, the price drops.
I don't fault anyone for waiting for a cheaper price, but I do find it funny when people have unrealistic expectations for something they want and then compare the reality to an assumed value that will supposedly be available 6 months from now.[/QUOTE]
I agree. I was surprised BL2 was even on the sale. I just got a 360 and rebought the game to play with some friends and was thrilled that it went on sale. I admit, I was expecting 1600 points, but 1800 is still pretty good, especially when I got the points on sale. My only disappointment is that the Mechromancer did not go on sale. I got her for free on PS, but now I have to buy her on Xbox. Still well worth the money, I have played this game more than any other game in my life. Now I'm looking forward to the Skyrim content going onsale since I was not able to get it on PS.