XBLA - Battlefield 1943 - 1200pts

The lag was primarily only there for the first 5-10 hours the game was out on Wednesday morning. That they fixed pretty easily.

The problems connecting to games through quick match and with friends was the big problem up until Saturday.
I'm liking the game, easily worth $15 but my issue with anything and everything Battlefield remains. A person driving a jeep is useless unless they have a gunner. Don't sit on the carrier for 10 minutes waiting for another plane to spawn, get in the damn boat and go capture a flag. If you are solo in a tank and see a person running behind you, WAIT FOR THEM!
If it weren't for the idiots this would be such a fun game...
[quote name='nasum'] Don't sit on the carrier for 10 minutes waiting for another plane to spawn, get in the damn boat and go capture a flag. If you are solo in a tank and see a person running behind you, WAIT FOR THEM!
If it weren't for the idiots this would be such a fun game...[/QUOTE]

Totally agree with you Nasum. I have found that I just spawn on teammates/squad first and then flags second is the best way to rack up points and kills. One game I saw three guys waiting for a plane on a carrier for a good ten minutes. Luckily we were holding down three flags while those IdioTs were out there waiting for a plane spawn. I like to stay active by just spawning near a flag we are taking or one (forward position) that we are about to take. I had good streak the other night of four games in a row of over 500 pts by doing this. Planes and tanks are great, but I can't tell you how many kills I have gotten or assists for that matter, in a jeep with a teammate. Really fun game and best purchase so far on XBLA title.
[quote name='nasum']A person driving a jeep is useless unless they have a gunner.[/QUOTE]

Don't need to be effective at killing as they're very easily destroyed. Sure I've gone on killing sprees with a gunner in tow when the team sucks, but generally that usually isn't the case for me and I'll be up against either a good tank driver, a good plane pilot who knows how to bomb, or an infantry class who knows what an RPG is.

They're usually best for travelling long distances very quicker in my opinion as it's just too easy to destroy or even shoot out the driver/gunner as they're very exposed in them.

[quote name='nasum']If you are solo in a tank and see a person running behind you, WAIT FOR THEM![/QUOTE]

From my experience, I see tons of people running behind tanks but rarely ever to jump in with them. It's not really difficult to kill someone sitting in the turret of a tank, especially with rifle grenades. Since I seem to see it as a death sentence in games where I go up against a team with a few decent people, it's generally better to run behind it as cover. Plus you sprint nearly as quickly as a tank, so if you're using it to cover ground it's not really that much more effective.

My main beefs are:
- People who spawn camp planes/air raids constantly.
- Snipers who sit on one end of the map and fail at life.
- People who grab landing crafts on carriers and don't give two shits about letting more people in before they leave. (Sucks when you have four of them in a game who all grab them first -_-)

Oh and for those who use squads and don't know, you can mark a single flag per squad by putting your reticle over it and hitting select. It's a good way to coordinate your target a little easier than trying to explain which point you specifically want to go to.

EDIT: And the 360 is less than 13,000,000 kills to Coral Sea. Only two or three more days until we get it.
I think that many people just don't know that there are a lot of ways to get points. Savior, defense, assist, destroy...it seems like anything you do short of running around will net you points. Just being a driver of a vehicle nets you 10 points when a passenger gets a kill, which is as many points as a kill itself.

I agree with Draekon that people generally won't hop in the gunner seat. More times than not, like he said, it's just a free kill. Personally, the only times I ever hop in the gunner seat is if one of my friends is driving and capping a flag. I can watch his back, he watches the front, and we can communicate where enemies are on our blindsides. If he tells me is more than one enemy attacking from the front, I know to bail out and take cover behind the tank because I know at least one person will shoot at the gunner for the free points.
Just got 608 points in one round.

It took a while for me to get the hang of this game for some reason I just couldnt get the control scheme down and kept hitting the wrong button a lot.

I dont really like the planes all that much because every time I am in one I only get around 200 points when I know I could be in the high 300 if I wasnt in it.

Now is anyone else having audio issues? Mine seems to cut out at random.
[quote name='nasum'] A person driving a jeep is useless unless they have a gunner. .[/QUOTE]

Not true. Jeeps are so fast they are easy to run people over with. I got most of my kills one match from it.

I agree that you won't rack up major points from flying planes, but I still do it when I can because it's fun. I don't need to be high on the leaderboards to have fun, I just need to fly planes.
Alright the thing I dont like is the sniping. 2 shots is a little much with the distance and how slow it takes to reload these guns.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Alright the thing I dont like is the sniping. 2 shots is a little much with the distance and how slow it takes to reload these guns.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you've got to hit them in the head for a one-shot kill. Plus the longer the shot you're attempting, the more you need to lead in to the location they're running.

I usually use the rifleman class and can hit people up to halfway across the map with somewhat decent accuracy.
Yeah, I am always for 1 shot kills to the upper chest and head area but its not too bad I get a decent amount of kills and points each round anyway.

Anyone notice that this game does not give a flying fuck where it spawns you? Its hilarious.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Yeah, I am always for 1 shot kills to the upper chest and head area but its not too bad I get a decent amount of kills and points each round anyway.

Anyone notice that this game does not give a flying fuck where it spawns you? Its hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly but, you can control where you spawn. After you die, when you choose your class, you can also choose what flag to spawn at.
It only really happens when you are trying to prevent the other team from taking a flag by spawning multiple times in the same spot.

This one time, 5 of their players where taking a flag and I tried to stop them. I spawn in front of a tank and got blown to bits. Then spawned right next to 2 of their players who had to take a second to notice I wasnt on their team before they blow my face off. 3rd time is a charm though because I spawned just as a air raid dropped a load of bombs leveling the entire place killing me for a 3rd time.

Not to mention I once spawned in the path of a tank driving backwards to get away from rockets. I spawned...looked to the right and was instantly crushed to death.

Thats what I mean....we all complained about COD spawn points but some of these are just straight rofl to me.
Ah ok, understand now. Thought you had gone all VipFreak and got stupid.

It is frustating as I've tried to do the same thing as you, spawning on a disputed flag in order to take it back. I learned my lesson to just spawn at the closest undisputed team flag and attack from their.
[quote name='homeland']Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly but, you can control where you spawn. After you die, when you choose your class, you can also choose what flag to spawn at.[/QUOTE]

Could mean one of two things.

1) The random spawn based on the flag location you select.

2) When you're not in a squad, spawning defaults to auto-spawn which will randomly place you at a flag usually nearest to battle I think. So you need to hit Y and change it to flag spawn and move it around. If you're in a squad it defaults to squad spawning though.
[quote name='slickkill77']Sniper must be two shots in the body to kill. 1 shot 1 kill for snipers would be just dumb.[/QUOTE]

Do you have any reasoning behind this random statement?

There have been a decent amount of games that allowed 1 shot kills to the upper chest and head (note I said upper chest and head not body shots) and been perfectly balanced.

There is so much going against snipers that I always feel they deserve their kills if they manage to hit. They (notice I am saying they a lot because I rarely play a sniper in any game but always feel they get the short end of the stick) have to deal the added time in between shots, the loss of any real CQ weapon (although that pistol is a beast in this game) and they get the added benefit of having to lead their shots.

I think it would be fine but I have said this about most games that have snipers in them. I hate spray and pray tactics and enjoy seeing dumbasses get killed as they rambo it up so although I am rarely a sniper I am all for having 1 shot kills so people actually have to think a little.
If someone is capping the flag and you're trying to spawn there to prevent that from happening, especially when they have a tank, expect resistance. Expect to die. Otherwise, spawn somewhere else.

Also, in regards to the sniper, you have to keep in mind there are only three classes. It has to stay balanced.
There'd be so many snipers if you could one-hit kill on any part of the body and with their range advantage, it'd be difficult to take them out on anything other than using another sniper. Not to mention cover is an issue when capping flags like five minutes into the match as people like to remove it all with tanks and air raids remove it a lot too. It's also difficult to tell where they shoot from unless you can always notice the blood splot location in the split second before you die pointing to their camping location. Unless someone else fires at them to "spot" them for your team so they're more visible with the icon above their head.

I did pretty well sniping before I started having a slight lag issue, but I rape with the Rifleman class so I don't really use sniper very often. For the most part I feel that sniper is balanced, but it could use a change or two (slightly quicker bolt action reload or the ability to stay zoomed in while while reloading in between shots).
Still disagree. I truly think its a over reaction by most people because its the same in every game that has snipers. The area that I am referring to is still so small that I truly do not think there would be a upsurge of people trying to get easy kills. In my opinion it just gives the sniper class slightly more balance as they always have to deal with a lag issue in every game in which the hit registers the wrong part of the body.

Upper chest as in the area below your neck but above your heart would only increase the amount of 1 hit kills slightly. Actually now that I think of it for all we know they could have included this already since its so hard to tell the difference between a clear head shot and a neck shot.

But I have had this same discussion a million times I have always thought snipers shots should be 1 hit kills that include the neck area, I just dont think a shot to the ankle should have the same damage as a shot to the neck.

But I never said this game wasnt balance because I think it is. In fact I dont really have any gripes about it. they even managed to tone down the red dot that completely screwed up Bad Company.

EDIT: My bad Trakan.
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Ah, Soodmeg, your idiocy knows no bounds.

My name is right to the left of my post. Spell it correctly or use this special feature we have on CAG called the "Quote" button.

If you're dying repeatedly, don't spawn there. You can cap it later. It's that simple. I'm not CAG's best, but I'm better than you, and I'm content with that. ;)
Dont need a post like this. We all know were we stand, same as 3 years ago.
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[quote name='Soodmeg']It only really happens when you are trying to prevent the other team from taking a flag by spawning multiple times in the same spot.

This one time, 5 of their players where taking a flag and I tried to stop them. I spawn in front of a tank and got blown to bits. Then spawned right next to 2 of their players who had to take a second to notice I wasnt on their team before they blow my face off. 3rd time is a charm though because I spawned just as a air raid dropped a load of bombs leveling the entire place killing me for a 3rd time.

Not to mention I once spawned in the path of a tank driving backwards to get away from rockets. I spawned...looked to the right and was instantly crushed to death.

Thats what I mean....we all complained about COD spawn points but some of these are just straight rofl to me.[/QUOTE]

I'm not trying to be an asshole here but unless the point the other team was trying to cap was your only flag, you have no business complaining about spawning and dieing right away. If I spawn and die at the same point a couple times I usually get the hint and spawn somewhere else.

Soodmeg I'm sure I'm speaking for more people than just myself when I say I get tired of seeing you bitch about a game every time I look at a thread for ANY game. The NCAA Football game is a great example. A couple weeks ago I went into that thread to see what people were saying about it and I see you bitching about the game left or right.

What games do you actually like? I mean good lord, the UFC game is another example of where you said you like the game but then just ripped it to shreds talking about how terrible the game design is.

I was very disappointed to see that you got BF1943 because I knew it was inevitable that you would start bitching about this game all over this thread. I just hate it that every game thread I go into I have to see you ripping on that particular game. fuck
I can't see his post, but I know I'm right.

I'm always right.
[quote name='bg88']I'm not trying to be an asshole here but unless the point the other team was trying to cap was your only flag, you have no business complaining about spawning and dieing right away. If I spawn and die at the same point a couple times I usually get the hint and spawn somewhere else.

Soodmeg I'm sure I'm speaking for more people than just myself when I say I get tired of seeing you bitch about a game every time I look at a thread for ANY game. The NCAA Football game is a great example. A couple weeks ago I went into that thread to see what people were saying about it and I see you bitching about the game left or right.

What games do you actually like? I mean good lord, the UFC game is another example of where you said you like the game but then just ripped it to shreds talking about how terrible the game design is.

I was very disappointed to see that you got BF1943 because I knew it was inevitable that you would start bitching about this game all over this thread. I just hate it that every game thread I go into I have to see you ripping on that particular game. fuck[/QUOTE]
Go look at his YouTube channel.


Yes. Videos of him bitching about games.
Sigh* Lets spoiler tag this as to clean the thread up a little.

Funny thing was is that I wasnt actually bitching. I said I found it funny where the game spawns you sometimes. It wasnt really even that big of a deal but since you want to make into one fine. It really was just a comment of the spawn points not a calling for them to change everything. Clearly I know spawning where the enemy is will most likely get you killed.

BG88, I like a lot of games including this one I say this many times about different games. But just because I like a game doesnt mean every aspect of said game is perfect. I rip into things I think are flaws thats about it. If you find me too annoying you can put me on your ignore list if you so choose but I really dont mean it to be personal, I dont get why people take what I say about a game as a direct insult to them though. But just let me point out that you said you came into the NCAA thread to see what people were saying but then got upset that I was saying negative things. This is why I think I rub people the wrong way...people feel that only positive things should be said about a game and I usually am 1 of the few that are saying anything negitive. Although many of my remarks are shared amongst reviewers.

UFC is a great example, I really like that game and have said that many times I just dislike a certain part of it. You cant tell me the constant loading screens is good design can you? When I pointed that out half the thread took it as insult, which is strange since all the reviews I read stated this very thing as a flaw.

I rip into games fine but the thing I never do is constantly rip into people. Yeah, I can see where people would find the fact that I point out flaws in games annoying but at least I still talking about the game and I try to keep it civil. Hell I am really just shooting the breeze about most of this.

Come on now Brak, I thought you put me on ignore like 3 years ago? How is it that you still respond to things that I say? Dont you ever get sick of this and for the record it doesnt really count as a ignore if you got out of your way to find and respond to post by the person.

Traken....well Trakan. I actually shouldnt have said that, my bad. Although you probably meant the snide remark as you always do I really shouldnt have responded with that.

Hi. Zew.

EDIT: CheapyD should really tie my name into some advertisements with the amount of people that come into threads to respond directly to me.
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lets get to the real issue at hand here...

the start of the game, spawing quick and racing to the plane only to have the rest of your "teamates" get pissed and shoot you with rockets.
But isnt there no team damage? (Thankfully)

Also, here is one thing I would like to say, I was really on the fence about the infinite ammo before getting this game. I honestly think it works like a charm.
[quote name='Captain Freeze']lets get to the real issue at hand here...

the start of the game, spawing quick and racing to the plane only to have the rest of your "teamates" get pissed and shoot you with rockets.[/QUOTE]

LOL, that has happen to me a bunch of times.I can't wait until the new map is unlock so everyone can have a freakin plane.
Soodmeg, I don't have a problem with you discussing negative parts of a game. I prefer it when threads about games discuss the positive and negative aspects of the game. Its just the way you describe these games that bother me. You seem to dwell a lot more on the negative aspects as opposed to the positive things about said game.

The UFC game is probably the best example I can think of. You keep saying you like the game but then go on to rip the way the game is designed. You aren't talking much about what they did right with that game, but much more focused on discussing its problems. The problem with this is what if someone goes into the UFC game thread who is on the fence about getting the game? They might see your post where you are talking about that game having some of the worst game design you've ever seen. Your post may have just made a bunch of people decide not to buy that game, even though it is a pretty solid game despite its flaws.

I just wish you would spend a quarter of the time you do ripping on a game's flaws praising what it does do right. You never know who is reading your post when you do that. You could be turning people off a game just because you might be blowing the game's flaws out of proportion.

That is all I have to say about that. Lets just get back to the discussion about BF1943.
Still loving the game but two concerns after 3 hours of playing last night:

1) I'm getting one-shot-killed or two-shot-killed a LOT, not by the sniper rifle, but by the regular assault rifle. I don't quite get how, and it seems to be from quite a long range, but there seems to be a lot of players that have figured out how to put people down on the quick with this weapon.

2) I just can not figure out how to dogfight. I get blown out of the sky by other planes extremely quick, but I can't do the same. I have fired into the red circle until I'm blue in the face and I barely scratch them. It's frustrating. I've tried everything I can think of - I've tried shooting ahead of them too, I have only brought down a couple planes.
instead of dogfighting shoot the planes on their carrier. problem solved and advantage gained :)

I really just like to use the planes for bombing runs and getting to an important cap point like the airfield ASAP at the beginning of a match.
[quote name='thrustbucket']1) I'm getting one-shot-killed or two-shot-killed a LOT, not by the sniper rifle, but by the regular assault rifle. I don't quite get how, and it seems to be from quite a long range, but there seems to be a lot of players that have figured out how to put people down on the quick with this weapon.[/QUOTE]

I can kill people halfway across the map with a Rifle, but the only time I one-hit somebody it's a headshot (And shows it on the kill icon). Otherwise it takes a few shots, unless someone else had delt damage to them recently.

Yesterday I did encounter some weird stuff with a couple of guys where they turned around and one-shotted me when I had full health and the icon did NOT show a headshot. I've shrugged it off as it's only happened only a few times. One of those times in particular I actually put a full clip into him (unzoomed shots with the rifle) while he wasn't moving before he turned around and killed me too.
[quote name='James1221']will sound like a jackass but, all i see in trailers is planes flying. Is this game mostly flying?[/QUOTE]

No, it's mostly not flying. In fact, you get an achievement for 10 minutes of flying. You can play the game just fine without ever flying. It's more like COD2 multiplayer with vehicles.
[quote name='James1221']will sound like a jackass but, all i see in trailers is planes flying. Is this game mostly flying?[/QUOTE]

The first three maps are not. As a mattar afact, you don't have to do any flying at all and if you want to win the matches, being on the ground is pretty much necessity. However on the map that's about to unlock (41.7m out of 43m), Coral Sea, it looks to be plane-only or at least mostly planes as you'll probably start off on land with a bunch of plane spawns or a carrier with a bunch of planes.

Won't be able to tell 100% how Coral Sea operates until it releases what seems to be tonight.
[quote name='thrustbucket']No, it's mostly not flying. In fact, you get an achievement for 10 minutes of flying. You can play the game just fine without ever flying. It's more like COD2 multiplayer with vehicles.[/QUOTE]

thanks. greatly appreciated.
Wow, this post turned out way longer than expected. Spoiler tagged added.
[quote name='bg88']Soodmeg, I don't have a problem with you discussing negative parts of a game. I prefer it when threads about games discuss the positive and negative aspects of the game. Its just the way you describe these games that bother me. You seem to dwell a lot more on the negative aspects as opposed to the positive things about said game.

The UFC game is probably the best example I can think of. You keep saying you like the game but then go on to rip the way the game is designed. You aren't talking much about what they did right with that game, but much more focused on discussing its problems. The problem with this is what if someone goes into the UFC game thread who is on the fence about getting the game? They might see your post where you are talking about that game having some of the worst game design you've ever seen. Your post may have just made a bunch of people decide not to buy that game, even though it is a pretty solid game despite its flaws.

I just wish you would spend a quarter of the time you do ripping on a game's flaws praising what it does do right. You never know who is reading your post when you do that. You could be turning people off a game just because you might be blowing the game's flaws out of proportion.

That is all I have to say about that. Lets just get back to the discussion about BF1943.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, I see what you are saying and it would seem exactly like that. I dont really discuss the positive about a game because most of the time 98% of the people have already claimed it to be the greatest of all time. I disagree with one point, I never blow a games flaws out of proportion.

Its rare that you see people really talking about the negatives in a game. They seem to always get glossed over and forgiven as video game are reviewed and talked about much more favorable then any other form of media.Its ok to rip Epic Movie but point out a Halo plot hole and you are the worlds biggest Troll. As you just said someone might buy this game because there were glowing reviews that never mentioned any flaws..then they wasted their money.

It goes both ways. I am a big believer with taking the good with the bad. If the game does some thing great I will say it...if it doesnt I will rip it. Its really that simple. UFC is a great game but has one of the worst game designs I have ever seen. A full min of loading time before you throw a punch insane. I take the good (solid game play, great graphics, good commentary etc etc) with the bad (extremely shallow career mode, horrid loading times, etc etc)

In all honesty, I just dont get why people get all hurt when I rip a game though in my opinion gamers are some of the worst people to accept any and all criticism, either its perfect or its shit apparently.

Read these 2 articles for some insight.

[quote name='thrustbucket']Still loving the game but two concerns after 3 hours of playing last night:

1) I'm getting one-shot-killed or two-shot-killed a LOT, not by the sniper rifle, but by the regular assault rifle. I don't quite get how, and it seems to be from quite a long range, but there seems to be a lot of players that have figured out how to put people down on the quick with this weapon.

2) I just can not figure out how to dogfight. I get blown out of the sky by other planes extremely quick, but I can't do the same. I have fired into the red circle until I'm blue in the face and I barely scratch them. It's frustrating. I've tried everything I can think of - I've tried shooting ahead of them too, I have only brought down a couple planes.[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean and its part of why I said that about sniping. I think the sniping in the game is fine but would like a little more damage done because its really easy to get hit and then sprint behind the nearest tree.

As said above the reloading and time it takes to re-cock each shot plus the inability to continue to look through the scope seems a bit much for 2 shots.
[quote name='Draekon']I can kill people halfway across the map with a Rifle, but the only time I one-hit somebody it's a headshot (And shows it on the kill icon). Otherwise it takes a few shots, unless someone else had delt damage to them recently.

Yesterday I did encounter some weird stuff with a couple of guys where they turned around and one-shotted me when I had full health and the icon did NOT show a headshot. I've shrugged it off as it's only happened only a few times. One of those times in particular I actually put a full clip into him (unzoomed shots with the rifle) while he wasn't moving before he turned around and killed me too.[/QUOTE]

That happened to me a couple times also, I figured it was some type of lag issue. There seems to be a slight bit of lag on some of the games I have played but not too much.
anybody having problems with voice chat on this game? I've only played it twice online so far, but both times I couldn't hear any of the other players through my headset. I thought it might be the wireless headset, so I switched to wired and still no player sound through the earpiece.
[quote name='mick16']anybody having problems with voice chat on this game? I've only played it twice online so far, but both times I couldn't hear any of the other players through my headset. I thought it might be the wireless headset, so I switched to wired and still no player sound through the earpiece.[/QUOTE]

You can only hear people in your squad. If you weren't in a squad, that's why you couldn't hear anything.
[quote name='slickkill77']Thats what it is. No one chats on there. I party chat.....Coral Sea is ba[/QUOTE]

Ah, I see why you didn't reply to me yesterday when I joined your game and was in your squad.
Anyone actually play Coral? I have been playing all day and havent come across it yet but some other forums say they have played it.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Anyone actually play Coral? I have been playing all day and havent come across it yet but some other forums say they have played it.[/QUOTE]

Don't choose Quick Match. Instead pick Air Superiority for matches on Coral Sea.
bread's done