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Here is a list of all the current and upcoming Xbox Live Marketplace Sales for the US*. This include the Deal of the Week, Family Plan Sale Item, and any other sales or promotions. I have also included the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade releases. Most sales are for one week.* Please feel free to PM or post if you doesn't see anything listed here. Please note: ALL ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! and some sales are for GOLD MEMBERS ONLY*. Have fun and enjoy.
(*unless otherwise noted)


Xbox Live Deal of the Week:


11/8 - Legendary Warriors

-Deadliest Warrior: The Game - 400 Microsoft Points - 50% off - Metacritic - Quick Look
-Scott Pilgrim The Game - 400 Microsoft Points - 50% off - Metacritic - Quick Look
-Shinobi - 200 Microsoft Points - 50% off - Metacritic

Avatar Store:
-Deadliest Warrior Samurai Helmet - 80 Microsoft Points - 50% off
-Scott Pilgrim Guitar (Prop) - 120 Microsoft Points - 50% off


Family Gold Pack Deal:
(lasts one week)


Misc Sales:
If a start and end date are not listed. Act fast as these "sales" could end anytime.

-Cat (Pet) - 160 Microsoft Points - 33% off
-Pug Dog (Pet) - 160 Microsoft Points - 33% off

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As a cag I just can't see myself paying for dlc that's free on another platform (l4d1/2/steam)

ehh I just want the last ME2 dlc but knowing ms, they may not even put it on. (voted for ME2, prepared for disappointment)
Big shocker, BF2 won the last time they did a vote and will probably win this time too. Personally I would prefer the Left For Dead content, but since it seems like it won't win, i'll vote for Mass effect and hope the most recent dlc iis included in the sale bc i already have the rest from last time it was on sale for 200 pts.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']Are either of the NFS: HP packs on sale worth snagging? I don't have NFS:HP yet but it's on my hit list when I can snag it for
Voted for ME2 (even though I own or played all the DLC) since I really don't want BC2 to win again.
Seriously, if you missed the last time this happened, too damn bad. Give other people/games a chance.

PopCap games never really interested me, but it's great that they're finally putting decent games on sale again.
Pretty cool sale for Popcap games, already have PvZ, Peggle, Zuma and Bejeweled games. Def worth it for PvZ if you haven't picked it up yet. Same goes for Peggle.

I voted for AC2 dlc lol because I'm a bit behind and well I'm done with ME2 and DLC now.
I'm voting for the Left 4 Dead 2 deal on all my accounts and telling all my friends to vote for it as well. Don't care for me2 single player and there will probably be a goty edition later on with most of the dlc. Plus, it doesn't state all dlc for your choice will go on sale if won in the voting so it'll probably be the older stuff that most of the fans/hardcore people would have purchased already so be ready to hear for the 'its not fair' or 'should of waited' negative comments spamming the thread.

Astropop is a must buy!! Love the game, no one's beaten my score and got most of the other games already. They're all worthy of a purchase..
I'd pick up some of the Popcap games if I didn't already own Peggle and PvZ on Steam. Those two are more than enough to satisfiy my Popcap needs.
[quote name='Cameron4All']Another "vote for the deal of the week"?
Well, all of the others from the last vote have gone one sale since, except for the one I voted for.
So, what the heck. Let's try again!

One vote for Marvel Pinball tables!!!!
(But alas, it is not an option) :cry:[/QUOTE]

Oh Look!
Marvel Pinball just went on sale on PSN w/Zen Pinball for $9.99 for both.
Looks like I will just pick it up there.

But also looks like I will be getting at least a couple of the PopCap games that I have not gotten yet on XBLA. The sale this week is starting to get back to better days!
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[quote name='Firvagor']Voted for ME2 (even though I own or played all the DLC) since I really don't want BC2 to win again.
Seriously, if you missed the last time this happened, too damn bad. Give other people/games a chance.

PopCap games never really interested me, but it's great that they're finally putting decent games on sale again.[/QUOTE]

I voted for BC2 :D

lol jk. eh can't decide if i want ME2 or L4D DLC more. though having more people on Vietnam is always good if they put neither wins.
[quote name='intoxicated662']I'm voting for the Left 4 Dead 2 deal on all my accounts and telling all my friends to vote for it as well. Don't care for me2 single player and there will probably be a goty edition later on with most of the dlc. Plus, it doesn't state all dlc for your choice will go on sale if won in the voting so it'll probably be the older stuff that most of the fans/hardcore people would have purchased already so be ready to hear for the 'its not fair' or 'should of waited' negative comments spamming the thread. [/QUOTE]

There will not be a GotY for ME2. The PH version of ME1 didn't even include the DLC so I wouldn't hold my breath for one for ME2.

Also your own logic is against you. If your after any of the L4D2 DLC and it doesn't go on sale you will be disappointed too.

There is much more likely to be a L4D2 GotY edition, considering the first one has one, than ME2.
Im gonna vote ME2. Im hoping the digital comic and Arrival are included as well. I didnt grab Overlord either on the last sale even tho I thought I did.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']There will not be a GotY for ME2. The PH version of ME1 didn't even include the DLC so I wouldn't hold my breath for one for ME2.

Also your own logic is against you. If your after any of the L4D2 DLC and it doesn't go on sale you will be disappointed too.

There is much more likely to be a L4D2 GotY edition, considering the first one has one, than ME2.[/QUOTE]

The dlc for me1 sucked really, which is why it was on the platinum hits version. The best thing on that disc was the premium theme. I won't be disappointed actually, because I don't own the game but I play it co-op with a friend. I was just stating my vote for it because I know people who own it and have only either 1 of the dlc's and have been waiting for all the dlc to go on sale. By the way, l4d1 goty was crap because it just included the free dlc on the game disc which was available for everyone on the xbox marketplace.
[quote name='intoxicated662']The dlc for me1 sucked really, which is why it was on the platinum hits version. The best thing on that disc was the premium theme. I won't be disappointed actually, because I don't own the game but I play it co-op with a friend. I was just stating my vote for it because I know people who own it and have only either 1 of the dlc's and have been waiting for all the dlc to go on sale. By the way, l4d1 goty was crap because it just included the free dlc on the game disc which was available for everyone on the xbox marketplace.[/QUOTE]

I can only assume you haven't played ME1 (or ME2 for that matter since there is no coop in either)? The Bring Down the Sky DLC was quite good. Granted the VR missions weren't very good but that's because it was all combat no story. Kinda why ME2 isn't as good as ME1 anyway.

And I wholeheartedly agree that theme is awesome. I've seen it before but do not have it as I haven't been willing to spend all that money essentially just for a theme since I already have the game. Even after TIV it's going to be the most expensive theme I'd ever bought.

I can understand the desire to see all the L4D2 DLC to go on sale you seem to be in the exact same boat as the ME2 people. The Arrival has yet to be on sale and I can only assume it would be included in the next sale. If not through this deal then right before ME3 comes out much the same as the ME1 DLC went on sale before ME2 came out.

Really all of the content listed in this member's choice poll will likely go on sale in the future anyway. So the argument is really a question of who's content gets to go on sale first.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']I can only assume you haven't played ME1 (or ME2 for that matter since there is no coop in either)? The Bring Down the Sky DLC was quite good. Granted the VR missions weren't very good but that's because it was all combat no story. Kinda why ME2 isn't as good as ME1 anyway.

And I wholeheartedly agree that theme is awesome. I've seen it before but do not have it as I haven't been willing to spend all that money essentially just for a theme since I already have the game. Even after TIV it's going to be the most expensive theme I'd ever bought.

I can understand the desire to see all the L4D2 DLC to go on sale you seem to be in the exact same boat as the ME2 people. The Arrival has yet to be on sale and I can only assume it would be included in the next sale. If not through this deal then right before ME3 comes out much the same as the ME1 DLC went on sale before ME2 came out.

Really all of the content listed in this member's choice poll will likely go on sale in the future anyway. So the argument is really a question of who's content gets to go on sale first.[/QUOTE]

I finished me1 in 18 hrs, 49 mins and bringing down the sky was okay but only took about 45 mins to complete. I agree though, me2 doesn't compare to me1. I tried me2 and couldn't get into it for some reason so just stopped playing it early. I actually ended up getting me1 ph @ kmart last year or so for about $10 when it was on sale (around me2 launch I think) as that deas was posted on here :bouncy:

Needless to say, it sucked when I tried to import my character into me2 and found out my gamesave was corrupt. Same luck happened on fallout 3 and on bioshock 2 it wasn't saving at certain points which led me to not play much of single player games anymore. I would prefer to see me2 content go on sale instead of ASS'n creed or battlefield though. Then again, me2 has so much dlc so that would probably be the most beneficial but that's even if they put most of the dlc on sale.
[quote name='kingzblend121']Does anybody know what's up with the Gatling Gears sale? Like is a the family deal or a price drop?[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure, but it was well worth the download for 800msp IMHO.
Bought PvZ
Missed the chance to get the game free...600 seems fair.

Trenched, orcs must die and From Dust are the XBLA games I'll be waiting for this summer
i picked up plants vs zombies and im thinking about getting peggle and peggle nights too.

now I need someone to sell me on heavy weapon, zuma or bejeweled blitz live.
[quote name='iRandom']Bought PvZ
Missed the chance to get the game free...600 seems fair.

I couldn't have said it better myself! Got it free, or I'd have paid the 600 in a heartbeat.
Does anyone have a spare 400 MSP code from Bing Rewards? I'm at 400ish and I'll send you one back when I hit 500. I just don't think I'll make it there before Saturday, which is when I'm going away and unable to buy PvZ.
[quote name='jimrome27']Heavy Weapon sounds fun. is it worth the 400?[/QUOTE]

I got it on a whim, for 400 points I like it, worth burning some free time on the Xbox.
Wow, never thought I'd see Heavy Weapon go on sale! The demo for that came pre-loaded on my first 360. My son and I both liked the demo. I told him I wouldn't buy it for 800, but if it ever went on sale for 400, I'd grab it. He stopped asking me about it a couple years ago. At this point, I really thought I'd see it de-listed before it ever went on sale.

I think I'll pick up that and Astropop at least. Maybe Bejeweled. I know everyone loves PvZ, but I just can't get into tower defense games, so I think I'll still pass on that. What is Peggle Nights? Is it essentially just another version of Peggle; new boards, same basic game? Never mind, I looked it up.
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[quote name='Danimal']Wow, never thought I'd see Heavy Weapon go on sale! The demo for that came pre-loaded on my first 360. My son and I both liked the demo. I told him I wouldn't buy it for 800, but if it ever went on sale for 400, I'd grab it. He stopped asking me about it a couple years ago. At this point, I really thought I'd see it de-listed before it ever went on sale.

I think I'll pick up that and Astropop at least. Maybe Bejeweled. I know everyone loves PvZ, but I just can't get into tower defense games, so I think I'll still pass on that. What is Peggle Nights? Is it essentially just another version of Peggle; new boards, same basic game?[/QUOTE]

Perhaps this is none of my business, but wouldn't it have been worth it to have been playing the game over the years with your son than saving a measly $5? Don't get me wrong, I'm a CAG and understand, but your post just made me sad for some reason.
[quote name='KASPENN']Looks like the Sonic sale started a day early. I'm not sure if the add-ons/Games on Demand are on sale as well. (Don't know the original prices for those)

Sonic Adventure - 400 Microsoft Points - 50% off
Sonic & Knuckles - 120 Microsoft Points - 50% off
Sonic The Hedgehog - 240 Microsoft Points - 40% off
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - 240 Microsoft Points - 40% off
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 - 240 Microsoft Points - 40% off
Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 - 800 Microsoft Points - 33% off[/QUOTE]

Is this what? The 3rd time they have had a Sonic sale with these exact same prices? These Sonic deals are becoming almost as annoying as the Risk Faction monthly sales they like having.
[quote name='Fear No Darkness']Perhaps this is none of my business, but wouldn't it have been worth it to have been playing the game over the years with your son than saving a measly $5? Don't get me wrong, I'm a CAG and understand, but your post just made me sad for some reason.[/QUOTE]

lol, $5 is worth waiting over 2 years...... :booty:
Personally, I admire a person who can stick to their standards. I wish I had that self control. This site has made me extremely aware of that.
[quote name='Fear No Darkness']Perhaps this is none of my business, but wouldn't it have been worth it to have been playing the game over the years with your son than saving a measly $5? Don't get me wrong, I'm a CAG and understand, but your post just made me sad for some reason.[/QUOTE]
I actually felt the same way reading it. On the other hand, it would be a nice little surprise to spring this upon him now. Hopefully his son hasn't lost interest after all these years.
[quote name='harry hood']I actually felt the same way reading it. On the other hand, it would be a nice little surprise to spring this upon him now. Hopefully his son hasn't lost interest after all these years.[/QUOTE]

It was worth the $5 though, lol
[quote name='KASPENN']Looks like the Sonic sale started a day early. I'm not sure if the add-ons/Games on Demand are on sale as well. (Don't know the original prices for those[/QUOTE]I just checked & it seems some of them are on sale:

Sonic & Sega Racing Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone - 320 MSP (originally 560 MSP)
Sonic & Sega Racing Ryo Hazuki - Forklift Truck - 240 MSP (originally 320 MSP)
Sonic Adventure DX Upgrade - 240 MSP (originally 400 MSP)

If I find some more, I'll list them. I checked Sonic Unleashed & it seems none of the DLC, nor the game was on sale. S&S All-Stars Racing game also wasn't on sale.

All I know is, S&S ASR DLC is finally on sale. *goes to buy it*
[quote name='GregSal1']I'm not sure, but it was well worth the download for 800msp IMHO.[/QUOTE]

I played the demo. it was fun but I thought it wasn't worth 800 msp IMHO. I'll wait until it's 400 msp.
[quote name='Jabrim']I got it on a whim, for 400 points I like it, worth burning some free time on the Xbox.[/QUOTE]

I was going to download the demo but for 400 points, I also thought the same and just bought it.
Checking out Zuma, Heavy Weapon and I might as well check out FF2 even though I have the first one.

Hoping Sonic 4 finally hits the 400 msp point this time.

*edit* Sign, never mind, just looked back a page. 800 points yet again! If you haven't bought it the last 10 times it was 800 points, here's your chance!
I think I'm going to skip all the deals and just buy Trenched the demo WOWed me. I need to find people to play with because with more people this could turn into an amazing game.
[quote name='MidnightMarauder74']I'm tempted to get PvZ. But I'm getting an Ipad2 for my wife this summer. Should I wait then to get the Ipad version instead?[/QUOTE]
PvZ on iPad is the best PvZ experience. It's like this game was made for touchscreen.
[quote name='lilman']PvZ on iPad is the best PvZ experience. It's like this game was made for touchscreen.[/QUOTE]
I second this, I have it for my iphone and it's awesome
With 190 MS points in my account, I've been waiting on ANY game to spend the points on, and so finally it looks like I'll buy Sonic and Knuckles, yay for repetitive Sega sales!
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