XBLA - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - 1200pts

[quote name='yukine']What is with the annoying McDonald's colors?

And the tag is CAG SSF2THDR[/QUOTE]

Yeah that's the gamertag, except I remember requesting to get on the list, but the owner never approved it so I cancelled request. So can't say how active it is in adding people.
GGs to Jer (Son of a Beep) and Phrostbyte.

Thanks for the compliments, Jer. I only started playing ST really when HD Remix came out. I had some residual skill off the bat from playing the other Street Fighters and then I learned a thing or two. As you could probably tell, I'm really only good with Balrog. I can play everyone else semi-proficiently, but not at the same level as 'Rog cause he's the only character I really tried to learn so far. If you get a mic going on your joystick, we'll have to play again sometime, and I'll try to impart the little bit of knowledge about the game that I do have.
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']Yeah that's the gamertag, except I remember requesting to get on the list, but the owner never approved it so I cancelled request. So can't say how active it is in adding people.[/quote]

It wasn't getting requests and I stopped checking it for awhile. I just accepted the two people who had a pending friend request.
I just added the CAG SSF2THDR gamertag as well so add me next time you check it. I'd love to play. I'm kind of average but looking to get back into it.
Jim, I think you invited me to play last night. Sorry I didn't join, I wasn't giving you the cold shoulder but I had plans to play some Left 4 Dead.
[quote name='Rodimus']Played some normal player matches last night and it's defiantly more fun than ranked.[/QUOTE]

What do player match have against ranked matches? Ranked matches never did anything to them.
[quote name='Rodimus']Jim, I think you invited me to play last night. Sorry I didn't join, I wasn't giving you the cold shoulder but I had plans to play some Left 4 Dead.[/QUOTE]

No prob man. Some other time.
[quote name='Matt Young']What do player match have against ranked matches? Ranked matches never did anything to them.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure it's the fact that ranked matches glitched and zeroed out the ratings. For some people there's no point in playing them now. However, I like online player matches the least and play either tournament or ranked. I guess it would be fun if it's a bunch of people you know, but otherwise I really don't like watching two life bars drain for 4 or 5 matches before I get a match in.
Just in case you didn't know you can get the master of all things achievement in player matches. You just have to do it one sitting. Tried it on one of my accounts and it worked. You can even set the match to one round to make it faster.
[quote name='ced']I'm pretty sure it's the fact that ranked matches glitched and zeroed out the ratings. For some people there's no point in playing them now. However, I like online player matches the least and play either tournament or ranked. I guess it would be fun if it's a bunch of people you know, but otherwise I really don't like watching two life bars drain for 4 or 5 matches before I get a match in.[/QUOTE]

I know, I know... I was just messing with him for that fact that he said "defiantly" rather than "definitely".
Hey guys, I decided for some insane reason to ditch my mediocre Ken for a much much worse Balrog cause it seems like i never run into any other Balrog players.

Does anyone have any strats or combos they'd be willing to share?
[quote name='GenghisJohn']Hey guys, I decided for some insane reason to ditch my mediocre Ken for a much much worse Balrog cause it seems like i never run into any other Balrog players.

Does anyone have any strats or combos they'd be willing to share?[/quote]

Jim Foley taught me this: HP grab, wait for it to finish, walk underneath opponent, c. SK, HP grab again.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Jim Foley taught me this: HP grab, wait for it to finish, walk underneath opponent, c. SK, HP grab again.[/QUOTE]

haha thats basically my whole offense as Balrog now. Hope for my oppoent to miss and do that cheapass headbutt
[quote name='AlphaQSilly']Just in case you didn't know you can get the master of all things achievement in player matches. You just have to do it one sitting. Tried it on one of my accounts and it worked. You can even set the match to one round to make it faster.[/QUOTE]

Can someone else confirm this too please?
id love it if i could get some help with my shitty balrog. Isnt he supposed to be able to turn punch through fireballs? I've been letting people toss them at me all day and I havent gotten it to work once. Any tips would be appreciated
[quote name='eastx']Can someone else confirm this too please?[/quote]

works perfect. I did it on remixed mode w/ win 2 matches.
[quote name='GenghisJohn']id love it if i could get some help with my shitty balrog. Isnt he supposed to be able to turn punch through fireballs? I've been letting people toss them at me all day and I havent gotten it to work once. Any tips would be appreciated[/QUOTE]

I could teach you quite a bit, but it would be easiest to play me online rather than trying to discuss it through the forum. Send me an XBL friend request.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Jim Foley taught me this: HP grab, wait for it to finish, walk underneath opponent, c. SK, HP grab again.[/quote]

That sounds cool, I'm gonna try that out. Balrog's HP grab is the most annoying move in the game.
[quote name='eastx']Can someone else confirm this too please?[/QUOTE]

Definitely works. I mentioned it a few pages back. I was very surprised.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']I could teach you quite a bit, but it would be easiest to play me online rather than trying to discuss it through the forum. Send me an XBL friend request.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good to me, but you dont have your gamertag listed....
Is there anything better than being scared cause you get matched up against someone playing as Zangief and then you're relieved that they're a terrible zangief and you can only guess how many perfects you're going to get :D
[quote name='yukine']Why does everyone quit playing ranked once they get their 100 wins? I much prefer ranked over player matches.[/quote]

One, because the rating system is broken. Two, because Id prefer to be in a game, especially with friends, where we can be in a room and not do one and done games. And at this point, almost everyone playing ranked is a scrub Akuma player anyway.
Sometimes I just do ranked matches because I'm impatient and I don't wanna wait my turn in a player lobby! When I lose in a ranked match, I can just fight someone else within a minute... sometimes I feel like I'm waiting forever in a player lobby (especially when it's set to 3 out of 5 round matches).
Not sure how this happened but I was playing in a tourney match vs a Vega (gamertag: xBATTLEHORNETx) as Cammy and I went up 2-1. Round 4 stops and he's doing nothing and the battle ends with a disconnect. Somehow he was declared the winner of the tourney despite being the one that disconnected (or at least I'm pretty sure he disconnected as he was offline when I checked on his status). Just weird that the game gave such an arbitrary win like that.
fuck this game right in its ear. I used to be able to play Street Fighter back in the day (SNES version was the last one I played) but this game is fucking hard. I lost the first match on normal (HD remix version). I lost twice to Chun Li and went to easy.

I'm losing matches left and right on easy! Oh sure I could blame my total lack of skills, but instead I proclaim fuck this game!
[quote name='ZForce915']fuck this game right in its ear. I used to be able to play Street Fighter back in the day (SNES version was the last one I played) but this game is fucking hard. I lost the first match on normal (HD remix version). I lost twice to Chun Li and went to easy.

I'm losing matches left and right on easy! Oh sure I could blame my total lack of skills, but instead I proclaim fuck this game![/QUOTE]

That's what happens when they are going for the original arcade experience rather than basing it on the home console versions.
[quote name='ZForce915']fuck this game right in its ear. I used to be able to play Street Fighter back in the day (SNES version was the last one I played) but this game is fucking hard. I lost the first match on normal (HD remix version). I lost twice to Chun Li and went to easy.

I'm losing matches left and right on easy! Oh sure I could blame my total lack of skills, but instead I proclaim fuck this game![/QUOTE]

A lot changed from the snes days. I barely played Super Turbo myself in the arcade but i watched a lot of people play it and got familiar with it on GGPO as well. Once HDRemix hit, it took some adjusting but i finally got to a good level of play and do decently. You just need to learn the basics of the characters before you can really be competitive. Honestly, you do need to know what every characters moveset and timing are. Its critical in predicting your opponent. Fun times tho!
I finally got my last achievement(the 100 online ranked wins). I need a break from this game. 2 out of every 3 fighters have been Akuma for the last week or two. I hate Akuma.
[quote name='ced']Not sure how this happened but I was playing in a tourney match vs a Vega (gamertag: xBATTLEHORNETx) as Cammy and I went up 2-1. Round 4 stops and he's doing nothing and the battle ends with a disconnect. Somehow he was declared the winner of the tourney despite being the one that disconnected (or at least I'm pretty sure he disconnected as he was offline when I checked on his status). Just weird that the game gave such an arbitrary win like that.[/quote]

Actually I thought you disconnected. I tied up the round 2-2 and you were gone. You must have checked my status as I signed out of the tournament.

That was my old gamertag. My new one is l994SupraTT. That is a lowercase L not a 1.
[quote name='AlphaQSilly']Just in case you didn't know you can get the master of all things achievement in player matches. You just have to do it one sitting. Tried it on one of my accounts and it worked. You can even set the match to one round to make it faster.[/quote]

I'm assuming that one sitting means the same room? I'm sure I beat someone with each character tonight but it was in different rooms. Couldn't really keep one room open long enough to go through the entire roster.
[quote name='ZForce915']fuck this game right in its ear. I used to be able to play Street Fighter back in the day (SNES version was the last one I played) but this game is fucking hard. I lost the first match on normal (HD remix version). I lost twice to Chun Li and went to easy.

I'm losing matches left and right on easy! Oh sure I could blame my total lack of skills, but instead I proclaim fuck this game![/quote]

Ha, I had the same problem as you, with my arcade stick, and was so pissed. The best way I found to make it easier would be to change the speed setting in Options to like 0 or 1.
I love when people online call you a lag switcher because you beat their Akuma with T. Hawk.

Yesterday I learned to really use T.Hawk. I can usually pull off his strongest move (that spin thingy) 6/10 times, otherwise I use his other two moves, which result in people calling me cheap. What am I supposed to do? Sit there and let you hadoken me from far away? No, i'm going to spam that jump two punch move on you.
Before Remix, I couldn't use T.Hawk worth a damn. Now, I am lot better with him and that is thanks to the more forgiving motions for his throw.
Apparently Capcom's coming out with a patch. Man...I want to get Master of all Things in a Player Lobby before they fix that glitch.
you block a lot? Anyway, if you wanted to play it tonight, we could, because I was planning on helping another CAG with Burnout tonight, but we already did that, so...yeah. It should only take like 30 minutes if we play 1 round matches.
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']any suggestions for blanka vs ryu?[/QUOTE]

Use the slide (DF + FP) under his fireballs and then jump in with Roundhouse or a jumping strong.
bread's done