xbox 360 RRoD


i've had my fair share of xbox's just like everyone else (6 to be exact). i treat it like a king, put it in a well ventilated area, and i never take it anywhere. but somehow i keep getting the RRoD. it's driving me crazy and i finally switched to a PS3, but i miss playing Halo 1 and xbox live (much better than psn). im just wondering, does this magnitude of failures happen to everyone? or am i just super unlucky? i even bought the new black one and it's on the way out...
It's happened to me on 4 different 360s and I don't have a single friend with a 360 that hasn't dealt with it at one time or another.
I've been through 6 as well. I have the black one now, and it's done good for me so far. If I keep getting free repairs via warranty, it doesn't bother me too much, but if it ever dies on me and I'm out of warranty, that's it for me. I would miss XBox Live, though.
I had the same problem, switched to PC gaming and found out that without case and Card Modifications Video cards also die reasonably quickly. With the increase in PS3 yellow light deaths I'm beginning to think the DS is the way to go.
I had 2 go bad on me.
Switched to the new black model and decided to install games to the drive wile I play them. When i'm done I delete em'. Seems to be working so far so good. Plus it's quiet when I do that.

Aside from what everyone says about the black model being so silent.... in about a month it gains noise. Not as bad as the old one, but it's still a bit noisy.
[quote name='momshotdad']i've had my fair share of xbox's just like everyone else (6 to be exact). i treat it like a king, put it in a well ventilated area, and i never take it anywhere. but somehow i keep getting the RRoD. it's driving me crazy and i finally switched to a PS3, but i miss playing Halo 1 and xbox live (much better than psn). im just wondering, does this magnitude of failures happen to everyone? or am i just super unlucky? i even bought the new black one and it's on the way out...[/QUOTE] havent had an issue with the slim yet, but even the slim gets RRoD (seen alot of those on youtube)
^I didn't know the new slims would fail like the original Xbox 360. I was planning to upgrade to newer Xbox 360 S so to avoid the red ring of death on my 120 GB Elite.

Edit: Come on Microsoft make a kit for using old 20-120GB Xbox 360 hard drives with newer 4 GB Xbox 360 S models. I don't want to take apart my 120 GB hard drive and have to find a slim enclosure case.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']^I didn't know the new slims would fail like the original Xbox 360. I was planning to upgrade to newer Xbox 360 S so to avoid the red ring of death on my 120 GB Elite.

Edit: Come on Microsoft make a kit for using old 20-120GB Xbox 360 hard drives with newer 4 GB Xbox 360 S models. I don't want to take apart my 120 GB hard drive and have to find a slim enclosure case.[/QUOTE]

same here, i learned about it after i bought the slim, i woulda been more than happy staying with my ps3, coulda used that $199 upgrading my gaming library.

its pretty easy plus the case should be under $10. its better than paying an extra $100 for the 250GB. heres the most recent video of RRod @ 4:00
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That guy in the video is an idiot. The old model had a failure rate of about 33%. The new one is nowhere near that. Obviously there will be SOME failures, there are with every electronic.

Moral of the story, the slim xbox doesn't make the RRoD impossible, just much less likely.
I have three Xboxes in my house and none of them has had the rrod.

And my S model is as silent today as it was when I bought it the day it came out.

Guess I'm just lucky.
I'm curious if that 33% figure has gone up since it came out a few years back. I had one for a year when I was able to get it for $150 through amazon and barely used it with no RRoD but I'm not sure I'd ever buy a MS console again because I'd feel like I'm tiptoeing through the tulips for the fucking thing.
I had an old 2007 Halo model and that RRoD'd on me. Bought one again in 2009 and haven't had problems and it sits on a carpeted floor. I don't use it 20 hours a day like some people do playing Gaylo or CoD BLOPS.

I'm done with M$. I will not be buying the xbox 720 or whatever they'll call it, no matter how sexy the game list is or how many cave shooters they put out.

It'll be Playstation for me from now on.
bread's done