Awesome, OP thanks, my PS+ and XBL Gold were both up in Feb. and I only got a PS+ 1 year card for x-mas. Great that this is at a B&M store, and not an online site like they usually are. Grabbed one!!
thanks op, if i order this now, would that go toward the 2,500 i would have to spend in a year to get the premiere silver or would it restart in two days? idk because i just made a best buy account 10 minutes ago
Holy shit that was a chore to price match online. Now I know why I prefer in-store because looking someone eye to eye seems to work out better for me. First thing I had to deal with is that she wanted to say the Black Ops II Gold card I bought was different from this Gold Card. The problem being they had different skus and the BLOPS II sku was still $59.99. She said the descriptions were not the same and that the BLOPS II card may allow me to have Netflix since it said excluded on the sale card but not the BLOPs II card. After I finally convince her they were the same she then says video games are an excluded item on the price match guarantee. At this point I am done being nice and explain I have Pmed multiple video games the last 6 months. She THEN says it is past the 30 window which I then inform her I am a silver member. Well things changed after that and I was approved in like 5 minutes with an apology. I hate being rude to CS because they deal with so much crap but when she says she cannot be sure one gold card is the same as another that is on them and not me. Anyway, I got the $20 back so I am good...I just hate having to argue.
My sub expired a few weeks ago & I was waiting for a good deal before renewing. I had a $5 BBY Rewards Zone cert to bring the price down to $34.99. SOLD!
Thank you OP. I ordered one. I still can't believe the MSRP is $59.99 on this. I've had xbox live since 2006 and this $39.99 is the most I've ever had to pay thanks to the kind folks of CAG.
For some reason, my subscription says "33% off Xbox Live" on Xbox. I can turn on auto-renewal, but I'm not sure if that means I get a price of $40...any thoughts?
[quote name='sangredekrazy']How long is this running for?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='desertraider']The was posted in the BB weekly ad. Price should be good in-store as well as online. This sale runs through 1-5-2013.[/QUOTE]
In other news, I just cashed in two months worth of Xbox Live Gold memberships thanks to Bing Rewards. I've been looking for a year sub and I have $10 in RewardZone money. This looks like the place to go.