All GameStop's got a TON of new Xbox One's allotted to them, so everyone should be able to get one from there today. I took $100 from my PS4 pre-order and got an Xbox One reserved at GameStop. I'll make my final decision as to which one I get in the fall.
The dude at my local GS was also telling me they got a bunch more XBO preorders allotted also. Part of me suspects this was all part of MS' plan:
1. Make the preorder allotment small so that it sells out despite the bad press
2. Gaming sites report on XBO selling out preorders (saw an article on gamespot saying this yesterday morning)
3. Undo everything that made the console unattractive so that everyone wants it now.
4. Release a flood of preorders so that gamers
5. Gamers, thinking that preorders are almost all gone, run out to snatch it up.
This is the scheme that crossed my mind, but after reading Microsoft's PR statements this past month I'm not sure they are smart enough to come up with it.