NEW Gamerush Deals thread - This place still rocks

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I traded in a few old Ps2/XBOX sports games....I only could manage to find Test Drive: Eve Of Destruction for $10. It's a decent game, a bit slow though....I may trade that back in. My store has nothing good/expensive though. No Halo2, SW:Battlefront, Fable....nothing. Oh well, maybe I will trade my Fable and SW:Battelfront in anyways so I can get $70 credit for the games....I'm kinda sick of them anyways.
I'll probably go to Gamerush this afternoon to try to trade some games, but I'm not sure which ones to take. I have a bunch of stuff I don't play anymore that I'd like to use on the trade 3 get 1 for $10 deal, but I hear that they reject some games because they lose money on accepting them. Is this true? I have three years' worth of Maddens for GC and Xbox... should I even try them, or will they be rejected? I also have some older stuff that's just plain old crap: Agressive Inline, Mega Man NT, Agent Under Fire, etc. Will I have better luck with those?

Just wondering what some other experiences were...

edit: and last time I was there, they didn't have any promotional signs up at all. I assume all the deals on the front page work at all Gamerushes, regardless of their laziness in signing. Is that correct?
You know, it's bad when you start to run out of things that are worthwhile to trade in for.
Since I've managed to get lots of great new stuff for the past few weeks (10+ newish games), it is taking me longer and longer to pick out anything.

From the way I figure it, I have to find a game that is selling for at least 20 to make a trade in worthwhile if I'm trading in PS1 stuff, and at least 30-40 if I'm trading in GBA, PS2,GC and Xbox stuff.

Of course, being in the situation I'm in is a great problem to have.. I've gotten so many good games off of this deal that I'm not going to see the end of the games I've already bought until months into next year (yet I still keep making my backlog grow... oh well).

I wish that Gamerush were better about preorders, though. I'd love to preorder my copy of Suikoden 4 from them, but I don't trust that I'd get it if I ordered it from them.
Yeah, I have so many good, scratch that, excellent games right now....i just don't have the time to play them. Right now I'm playing MGS3 and sitting on:
Metroid Prime 2
Baten Kaitos
Pikmin 2
Zelda 4 swords gamecube
viewtiful joe
Onimusha 3
Arc the Lad TOS
Sword of Mana

Almost all of these came from game rush.
[quote name='slavefive']Yeah, I have so many good, scratch that, excellent games right now....i just don't have the time to play them. Right now I'm playing MGS3 and sitting on:
Metroid Prime 2
Baten Kaitos
Pikmin 2
Zelda 4 swords gamecube
viewtiful joe
Onimusha 3
Arc the Lad TOS
Sword of Mana

Almost all of these came from game rush.[/quote]

did you get that metroid prime 2 and baten kaitos preowned at GR?
[quote name='rafissaying'][quote name='slavefive']Yeah, I have so many good, scratch that, excellent games right now....i just don't have the time to play them. Right now I'm playing MGS3 and sitting on:
Metroid Prime 2
Baten Kaitos
Pikmin 2
Zelda 4 swords gamecube
viewtiful joe
Onimusha 3
Arc the Lad TOS
Sword of Mana

Almost all of these came from game rush.[/quote]

did you get that metroid prime 2 and baten kaitos preowned at GR?[/quote]

I'm going to guess that was on the back of a preorder deal or a trade in of Fable or any of the other plentiful games that still reap a 35 dollar return.
I'm going to back to GameRush on Sunday to trade in Fable for $35 since I suspect this will be the last week for it to have $35 trade in value. Haven't beat it yet since I was messing around in the game for 9 hours and have only explored a few towns, but I'll just wait for a price drop, or go against what I do normally and trade it in and then buy it back a week or so later. :?

I'm hoping to get Star Wars BattleFront on Xbox. I've heard that the online play is pretty good, I think.

I ordered 11 PS1 games off of last night, 10 being $1.99 and the other being $1.49. I've only bought PS1 games to trade in at GameRush once (with 2 PS1 games), but I've run out of my own games to trade in, so I'll just have to start using PS games now. :(
Oh, and last night, I cancelled my Metroid Prime 2 preordeer even though they had the game in, since I'm still trying to beat the first Metroid Prime. :lol: I'm just going to wait on a price drop for Metroid Prime 2.

I switched the money for Metroid Prime over to a MechAssault 2 preorder, so I know have that paid for and can't wait for it. :D

I didn't see anything for those preorder MechAssault 2 or Forza deals. I'll ask about them next time, but forgot about them.
gamerush trade 3 get a used game for 10 deal is so great. i just have been waiting for my gamerush to get in a copy of fable. i never bought it because i was low on cash, and didnt really want to spend 50 on it.

over the last 2 weeks, i have gotten 2 more games paid in full and about 75 in credit with spending little to nothing out of pocket. i am so happy they opened the gamerush around the corner from my house. i have made 300-400 extra at least from their deals over the last 2 months. i am set for the next six months of gaming. :D :D :D

as of now have about 250 in credit and 3 games paid in full :lol: :lol: :lol:

ps. sorry to post this pointless stuff, but i am bored, and gamerush is the coolest store ever.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='rafissaying'][quote name='slavefive']Yeah, I have so many good, scratch that, excellent games right now....i just don't have the time to play them. Right now I'm playing MGS3 and sitting on:
Metroid Prime 2
Baten Kaitos
Pikmin 2
Zelda 4 swords gamecube
viewtiful joe
Onimusha 3
Arc the Lad TOS
Sword of Mana

Almost all of these came from game rush.[/quote]

did you get that metroid prime 2 and baten kaitos preowned at GR?[/quote]

I'm going to guess that was on the back of a preorder deal or a trade in of Fable or any of the other plentiful games that still reap a 35 dollar return.[/quote]

Let's see......

Metroid Prime 2, Paper Mario (played and beat already), Metal Gear Solid 3 = back in the trade 2, get a preorder for $30 deal.

Zelda 4sa $1, Fable $5, Onimusha 3 $10 = trade in 3, 4, or 5 and get a PO for $10, $5, or $1 (respectively). Got Viewtiful Joe PO 1/2 off when I bought Fable used (b1g1 1/2 off)

Pikmin 2, Baten Kaitos = using left over store credit, both new.

Sword of Mana was $10 at best buy, Arc the Lad was $7.50 at Sears and Sudeki was $20 from w/ the soundtrack.

The game rush games were all from multiple deals or schemes throughout the last couple of months. Just when I think I'm going to relax and not scheme for a while, i cook up another devious deal (all 100% legal :twisted: ) to get more store credit and a new game (my latest conquest was Baten Kaitos and $8.50 more store credit). Plus, i still have $25 left over at game rush. I'll probably wait for Zelda - Minnish Cap or use it on Kingdom Hearts CoM or Katamari Damacy (if i don't get one of them for christmas). It's almost to the point where I love the scheming more than playing the games. Isn't that messed up? :?
[quote name='AlanSaysYo']I'll probably go to Gamerush this afternoon to try to trade some games, but I'm not sure which ones to take. I have a bunch of stuff I don't play anymore that I'd like to use on the trade 3 get 1 for $10 deal, but I hear that they reject some games because they lose money on accepting them. Is this true? I have three years' worth of Maddens for GC and Xbox... should I even try them, or will they be rejected? I also have some older stuff that's just plain old crap: Agressive Inline, Mega Man NT, Agent Under Fire, etc. Will I have better luck with those?

Just wondering what some other experiences were...

edit: and last time I was there, they didn't have any promotional signs up at all. I assume all the deals on the front page work at all Gamerushes, regardless of their laziness in signing. Is that correct?[/quote]

trading in old sports games depends on your store, sometimes even the individual employee. they should be accepted, so there's no harm in trying. The other non-sports games, no matter how crappy, should definetly be accepted.

And yes, most deals (esp. the trade 3, get 1 PO for $10) work at all GRs.
That trade 3, get used game for 10 bucks deal is awesome :D . I only have 1 GR in my area though (I live in a small town), but I just hope they accept $2 psx games... and have good used games (Halo 2 maybe?)
I was able to pick up Star Wars: Battlefront and X-Men Legends in the past week at my local Gamerush. (University Area Gamerush)

As for Fable - they had at least six copies and I had a hard time chosing between Battlefront and one of the six.

They only had one copy of SW: Battlefront, so I ended up trading for it. A lot of fun in co-op offline and a blast on XBL.

Then I get home and Battlefront is missing the instructions. Anyone else have this problem? No biggie since I've played it before, but it was a surprise.
[quote name='Maizrim']Then I get home and Battlefront is missing the instructions. Anyone else have this problem? No biggie since I've played it before, but it was a surprise.[/quote]If you mean that it didn't come with instructions, GameRush does not require instructions when you trade in your games. However, if you get a game that does not have them, you can always ask for them to go find you one in the back or something. I've done this several times. :)
I have a question for members who trade often at gamerush. Today, I went to a store in Mesquite,Tx to do some trade. This is the first time I traded in that store. The manager call some customer service number and start mentioning my member's number as if to check on something. Afterward, she list the games that I wanted to trade in. Is this action indicative of anything special (as in am I being put on some blacklist)? The games I traded in were brought 3 days ago at another blockbuster.

Normally, I would allow more time between trade. Since I saw the Halo2 Limited Edition, I couldn't resist and traded those games in to get the trade 3 get 1 for $10 deal.

Have this ever happened to anyone before?
[quote name='newbie2000']I have a question for members who trade often at gamerush. Today, I went to a store in Mesquite,Tx to do some trade. This is the first time I traded in that store. The manager call some customer service number and start mentioning my member's number as if to check on something. Afterward, she list the games that I wanted to trade in. Is this action indicative of anything special (as in am I being put on some blacklist)? The games I traded in were brought 3 days ago at another blockbuster.

Normally, I would allow more time between trade. Since I saw the Halo2 Limited Edition, I couldn't resist and traded those games in to get the trade 3 get 1 for $10 deal.

Have this ever happened to anyone before?[/quote]

Never happened to me........You've been marked!
as far as i understand from a manager at gamerush/blockbuster is that the trade 3 get one for 10 will last till the end of the year.

could this be the last hurrah?

i'll be soo sad :(
[quote name='sj41']However, if you get a game that does not have them, you can always ask for them to go find you one in the back or something. I've done this several times. :)[/quote]really? I found a copy of pikmin 2 but it was an ex rental and was missing instructions so I hesitantly passed on it.
[quote name='newbie2000']I have a question for members who trade often at gamerush. Today, I went to a store in Mesquite,Tx to do some trade. This is the first time I traded in that store. The manager call some customer service number and start mentioning my member's number as if to check on something. Afterward, she list the games that I wanted to trade in. Is this action indicative of anything special (as in am I being put on some blacklist)? The games I traded in were brought 3 days ago at another blockbuster.

Normally, I would allow more time between trade. Since I saw the Halo2 Limited Edition, I couldn't resist and traded those games in to get the trade 3 get 1 for $10 deal.

Have this ever happened to anyone before?[/quote]

You are not alone the Mesquite store are all Nazi's. They gave me some BS about you can only trade one game ever at each store and would not accept 3 of the titles I traded in cause they are low demand games.
[quote name='buster90'][quote name='newbie2000']I have a question for members who trade often at gamerush. Today, I went to a store in Mesquite,Tx to do some trade. This is the first time I traded in that store. The manager call some customer service number and start mentioning my member's number as if to check on something. Afterward, she list the games that I wanted to trade in. Is this action indicative of anything special (as in am I being put on some blacklist)? The games I traded in were brought 3 days ago at another blockbuster.

Normally, I would allow more time between trade. Since I saw the Halo2 Limited Edition, I couldn't resist and traded those games in to get the trade 3 get 1 for $10 deal.

Have this ever happened to anyone before?[/quote]

You are not alone the Mesquite store are all Nazi's. They gave me some BS about you can only trade one game ever at each store and would not accept 3 of the titles I traded in cause they are low demand games.[/quote]

Well, too bad. Thier store, thier rules.
Gamerush actually gives store managers a remarkable amount of lattidute on these deals.
There is nothing I can do about that, but I was wondering if this would affect my trading at other gamerush store. I could care less if I could never trade in that particular store again. But I certainly don't want it to affect my trading at other stores.

I've actually heard from members having bad experiences with Mesquite stores, but I saw halo 2, that's why I decided to take a risk. I guess the important thing is I got the game I really wanted (Halo 2 Limited Edition). Btw, if other members around Mesquite are interested, I saw a couple of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. I would trade in six games to get that also, but I doubt the manager would let that happen!
ok guys one thing not to do at gamerush. really i think it was just the manager at the time but i went in to pick up my NFS underground 2 and said that i didn't want it because i picked it up somewhere else. they said ok we'll just give you the credit for it so you can just look around and we'll take care of it. So i looked around and went back up with another game and they give me my credit recipt with only 31.79. i say what is this and they said since i used the trade two get a pre order for 30 i only get the 30 bucks credit for it. what a rip. i recommend just picking up the game and taking it back at a later date, don't try to turn them around on pickup.


p.s. - on the recipt she manually took the 20 bucks off because there was no other way to do it, what a bitch.
[quote name='fuzzman24']ok guys one thing not to do at gamerush. really i think it was just the manager at the time but i went in to pick up my NFS underground 2 and said that i didn't want it because i picked it up somewhere else. they said ok we'll just give you the credit for it so you can just look around and we'll take care of it. So i looked around and went back up with another game and they give me my credit recipt with only 31.79. i say what is this and they said since i used the trade two get a pre order for 30 i only get the 30 bucks credit for it. what a rip. i recommend just picking up the game and taking it back at a later date, don't try to turn them around on pickup.


p.s. - on the recipt she manually took the 20 bucks off because there was no other way to do it, what a bitch.[/quote] :-({|=
[quote name='sanjuro'][quote name='sj41']However, if you get a game that does not have them, you can always ask for them to go find you one in the back or something. I've done this several times. :)[/quote]really? I found a copy of pikmin 2 but it was an ex rental and was missing instructions so I hesitantly passed on it.[/quote]They probally would have had some. I've asked several times for manuals and they always had them. :)
fuzzman24 wrote:
ok guys one thing not to do at gamerush. really i think it was just the manager at the time but i went in to pick up my NFS underground 2 and said that i didn't want it because i picked it up somewhere else. they said ok we'll just give you the credit for it so you can just look around and we'll take care of it. So i looked around and went back up with another game and they give me my credit recipt with only 31.79. i say what is this and they said since i used the trade two get a pre order for 30 i only get the 30 bucks credit for it. what a rip. i recommend just picking up the game and taking it back at a later date, don't try to turn them around on pickup.


p.s. - on the recipt she manually took the 20 bucks off because there was no other way to do it, what a bitch.
Boo hoo!

Honestly i wouldn't have been mad but the fact that she just manually took the $20 off sucks. I am just trying to help others not get screwed out of there 20 bucks. someone needs to take their grumpy pills.
[quote name='fuzzman24']fuzzman24 wrote:
ok guys one thing not to do at gamerush. really i think it was just the manager at the time but i went in to pick up my NFS underground 2 and said that i didn't want it because i picked it up somewhere else. they said ok we'll just give you the credit for it so you can just look around and we'll take care of it. So i looked around and went back up with another game and they give me my credit recipt with only 31.79. i say what is this and they said since i used the trade two get a pre order for 30 i only get the 30 bucks credit for it. what a rip. i recommend just picking up the game and taking it back at a later date, don't try to turn them around on pickup.


p.s. - on the recipt she manually took the 20 bucks off because there was no other way to do it, what a bitch.
Boo hoo!

Honestly i wouldn't have been mad but the fact that she just manually took the $20 off sucks.[/quote]

No doubt, you should have picked it up and exchanged it, or returned it with the receipt to where you purchased the first copy...
fyi -- for those with large credits, game rush in so cal finally got in the logitech precision cordless xbox controller
[quote name='minos1067']as far as i understand from a manager at gamerush/blockbuster is that the trade 3 get one for 10 will last till the end of the year.

could this be the last hurrah?

i'll be soo sad :([/quote]
On the barcode at the Gamerush stores I've seen, it says "NOW - 1/10?" on the trade 3, get 1 for $10. So unless they get bombed with crap games (I can't believe someone would ever do that! :wink:), looks like it will last until the 10th of January.
Just saw a commercial on T.V. for GameRush.

It said get $10 off new games (it showed Ace Combat 5) PLUS get a free game rental. Not sure of any restrictions but it's probally any new game $39.99 and up with trade. I'll check it out when I go tomorrow.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='fuzzman24']ok guys one thing not to do at gamerush. really i think it was just the manager at the time but i went in to pick up my NFS underground 2 and said that i didn't want it because i picked it up somewhere else. they said ok we'll just give you the credit for it so you can just look around and we'll take care of it. So i looked around and went back up with another game and they give me my credit recipt with only 31.79. i say what is this and they said since i used the trade two get a pre order for 30 i only get the 30 bucks credit for it. what a rip. i recommend just picking up the game and taking it back at a later date, don't try to turn them around on pickup.


p.s. - on the recipt she manually took the 20 bucks off because there was no other way to do it, what a bitch.[/quote] :-({|=[/quote]

No need to be too snotty, JSweeney. Too be fair, the manager should have refunded the $30 AND returned the 2 games he traded in (as I imagined he used his trade-in credit from those games to pay for the preorder). This may sound silly, lol, but basically he lost 2 games he used to own just cause he a changed his mind. I would agree that that sucks.
Fuzzman, lame how they did it, but that's right. It should have showed in your account histroy(nasty things, they go back a damn long way) the transaction and yeah they only give you the price minus the coupon.
[quote name='Dustin Echoes'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='fuzzman24']ok guys one thing not to do at gamerush. really i think it was just the manager at the time but i went in to pick up my NFS underground 2 and said that i didn't want it because i picked it up somewhere else. they said ok we'll just give you the credit for it so you can just look around and we'll take care of it. So i looked around and went back up with another game and they give me my credit recipt with only 31.79. i say what is this and they said since i used the trade two get a pre order for 30 i only get the 30 bucks credit for it. what a rip. i recommend just picking up the game and taking it back at a later date, don't try to turn them around on pickup.


p.s. - on the recipt she manually took the 20 bucks off because there was no other way to do it, what a bitch.[/quote] :-({|=[/quote]

No need to be too snotty, JSweeney. Too be fair, the manager should have refunded the $30 AND returned the 2 games he traded in (as I imagined he used his trade-in credit from those games to pay for the preorder). This may sound silly, lol, but basically he lost 2 games he used to own just cause he a changed his mind. I would agree that that sucks.[/quote]He got his trade in credit for the games, so he didn't lose them. And they can't give him back his 2 games since they may have already been sold. It's his fault for not deciding what he wanted in the first place. I'm lucky that the guy at GameRush let me switch my Metroid Prime 2 preorder to MechAssault 2 even though they already had the game in. :)
i recently did the deal where i trade in 2 games, and get forza for 30. i just played the oxm demo, and i was very dissapointed witht the game. do you think that they will let me move my preorder onto a different game, or will they not let me since i got the game for 30. anybody know?
They only had the same deal for MechAssault 2, so that could be the only one they would let you change, but you can't lose anything by trying. I tried the demo also, and wasn't overly impressed at first, but the more I tried it the more I like it. I'll be picking Forza up, I'm sure I'll get at laest $30 in credit if I decide not to keep it, so there's nothing to lose.
i have changed pre-orders before without a problem but i have developed a good relationship with the gr employees
[quote name='goku_saiyin_lord']aaahh ive been grounded forever and i don wanna read thru this so.......anyone know the latest gamerush deals?[/quote]

I'm too lazy to tell you.

BTW. English is my forth language and it's not perfect, but this ^^makes me sad.
[quote name='goku_saiyin_lord']then go cry me a river cuz IM too lazy to use proper english

anyways is that all you have to say cuz it would be better if you said nothing[/quote]
You can't use it, because you don't know it. You are too lazy to learn it. ](*,)
[quote name='masha'][quote name='goku_saiyin_lord']aaahh ive been grounded forever and i don wanna read thru this so.......anyone know the latest gamerush deals?[/quote]

I'm too lazy to tell you.

BTW. English is my forth language and it's not perfect, but this ^^makes me sad.
[quote name='goku_saiyin_lord']then go cry me a river cuz IM too lazy to use proper english

anyways is that all you have to say cuz it would be better if you said nothing[/quote]
You can't use it, because you don't know it. You are too lazy to learn it. ](*,)[/quote]

you have nothin else to do do u.....please.....get a life. most americans dont even use their brain so yes i do know proper english but, let me restate, im too f*ckin lazy's the deal on the $10 off Ace Combat 5:

Each week there is going to be a "Featured game" and anytime during that week if you pick up the FG then you'll get $10 off that title and a free game rental.

Prince of Persia will be Dec. 7 - Dec. 12th...that's the one that i'm holding out for :D
[quote name='scuba']anyone else get a coupon in the mail?10 bucks off new game 40 or more?[/quote]Yep. It's the holiday gift guide.

goku_saiyin_lord, stop being a fuckass and look at the second post on the first page. It lists everything GameRush has going on right now.

And what the fuck does being grounded have to do with anything? I'm grounded right now too but I'm not complaining. :roll:

I'm going to GameRush tonight to get Star Wars BattleFront and maybe a couple other games. :D
[quote name='MegoW64']'s the deal on the $10 off Ace Combat 5:

Each week there is going to be a "Featured game" and anytime during that week if you pick up the FG then you'll get $10 off that title and a free game rental.

Prince of Persia will be Dec. 7 - Dec. 12th...that's the one that i'm holding out for :D[/quote]

Yep, Prince of Persia is the one I'm waiting for also... I might pick up the first one too... I haven't played any of this series before, but all the reviews have looked good.
[quote name='sj41'][quote name='scuba']anyone else get a coupon in the mail?10 bucks off new game 40 or more?[/quote]Yep. It's the holiday gift guide.

goku_saiyin_lord, stop being a fuckass and look at the second post on the first page. It lists everything GameRush has going on right now.

And what the shaq-fu does being grounded have to do with anything? I'm grounded right now too but I'm not complaining. :roll:

I'm going to GameRush tonight to get Star Wars BattleFront and maybe a couple other games. :D[/quote]

i was grounded from the comp so wasnt up to date on the threads

do you have to be a member to get these coupons i hear about?
I have a question, today I did the trade 3 get 1 for $10 deal and got MK:Deception. I played it and I don't like it much so I want to just go back and trade it in to try for something else. My question is will they look up that I just got the game yesterday for 10 dollars and give me shit about trading it back in, or will it be no problem?
[quote name='xzafixz']I have a question, today I did the trade 3 get 1 for $10 deal and got MK:Deception. I played it and I don't like it much so I want to just go back and trade it in to try for something else. My question is will they look up that I just got the game yesterday for 10 dollars and give me shit about trading it back in, or will it be no problem?[/quote]
I want that game soo much! what system is it for? would you trade it to me :)

all they had at mine was ninja gaiden and 30 copies of madden 2005

also I see you live in Detroit what gamerush did you go to?
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