[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']You can't completely eliminate a technical problem. These are consumer-grade electronics we are talking about. They aren't invincible. Even the most reliable hardware still has some kind of failure rate. So, yeah, your slim PS2 had DRE issues, but the widespread DRE issues were handled, unlike the RRoD, which is still too high. If anyone would to claim otherwise, please show me the evidence that DREs were a widespread issue beyond the earliest generations of PS2 consoles. I can certainly show you plenty of proof that the RRoD rate is probably still around, at least, 10% with the Falcon chipset..[/quote]
Hey your previous post you said that the ps2 fixed there issue. I am 100% in agreement that the rrod is a

ing shitting situation and the fact they put the console out like that is disgusting. But I am also sick of people bitching about it, and pretending like the dre on the ps2 didn't happen and that the rrod is the worst thing ever in gaming. I had more ps2 break on me then my 360's. I play in a smoke free enviorment with a fan that blows on the systems. In my experiance the ps2 was a shittier console. The majority of my friends that had a ps2 and a 360 have had either a worse time with the ps2 or even. So it isn't something I am pulling out of my ass, or I got very unlucky. I looked a couple months ago, and I am fairly sure there were issues with the slim, just look online there are message boards solely about the horrible slim's and trying to get a class action suite on it.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
That's nice that it works online. How about when the internet goes out? This does happen. Again, consumer-grade stuff. It doesn't always work. Also, what happens when someone else wants to use the content on a different GT? They can't anymore, because of MS' draconian DRM. Yes, again, they fixed it, but to say it wasn't a big issue, that's complete nonsense. If I buy content for my family to use, they should be able to use it however they want. They shouldn't have to sign onto my GT to do it, just because MS' defective product broke, and they sent me someone else's defective product.[/quote]
as I said in my previous post which you cut short. Yes some people will be affected by it. Yes it sucks but I don't think it affects that many people. I have heard of a few sob stories from a variety of podcasts/ message boards I go to, but considering how big the sites are it has been minimal. It isn't a big issue if it doesn't bother the majority of owners.
And how

ing often does ones internet go out. I have lived in a somewhat boonies area and I live by in a surban now, and in my 9 or so years of broadband internet I have never had an outage.
Yes it was backward ass that the drm didn't transfer, yes they were sloppy with it (most humans do as little as possible is it really a shock to you), yes it should have been done quicker. But it was fixed and you really don't have much to bitch about on that subject anymore, unless your console after transfering all drm to it dies in the next year.:lol::lol

only 1 transfer per year)

bravo msft