Your Gateway to Free Prizes (Received $4000+ in Prizes w/ Proof)

More proof added, some more tonight or tomorrow night, and I got my PSP Crystal Clear Case in the mail, thanks Prize Rebel.
Signed up via your Paid2Seek link as IronKnight. Tried to sign up on Cashel, but can't since I'm out of the US until mid December.
I'm already signed up there bro =/


I got Little Big Planet in the mail yesterday

Today's my birthday too by the way

I'll get proof up of all the latest prizes I've gotten ASAP!!!


Bad news, I was copying files over and lost my proof files, so uhmm you can still take my word for it :D Or I'll post the order thing from Prize Rebel??
Proof for Call of Duty World at War and Need for Speed Undercover (PS3) coming Saturday :D
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Just ordered a PS3 Chat Pad of off Prize Rebel, 5 day shipping, and two days to process and PR should order it tomorrow.
bread's done