Stream media from OS X using MediaTomb

I found once you upgraded to the latest Twonkyvision, it works great... It finally recognizes a "PS3" instead of a 360, and the movie formats work (finally) and music streams quite nicely.

It's even able to handle my 360's duties too... But I am eager to know how this one works... I'm at home in terminal... so this might be just great for me. :) heh.
Finished setting this up last night but only got to try it out just now because my music took forever to import. (I let it run while I was out.) And it works great! The only problem I've noticed so far (besides the import speed) is that it doesn't recognize things like accents and foreign characters. Does the latest Twonkyvision have better support in that area? I might end up checking it out.
bread's done