Happy Birthday Cheapy!


3 (100%)
I'll put this here since it was mentioned on the CAgcast...

I just hit the 34th plateau myself on Aug. 14th! Old men with no hair FTW!

Thank you for all your work on CAG, the 'cast, and the KFC Legal Crusade!


oops, one candle short...
Happy B-day CheapyD and DesertEagle just keep on rocking this place. Cheapy that 360 box looked almost as big as you.
Happy Bday Cheapy. :D

Since its 16+ hours or so ahead in Japan I believe, I can only assume that Cheapy already began the celebrations with a slice of Dominos Japan, then a nice ass wash while configuring his Eternal Sonata alarm clock.
[quote name='Gameboy415']お誕生日おめでとう! :d[/quote]


Also, happy birthday cheapy.
Happy Birthday Cheapy. I would've gotten you birthday present but you already have the love and adoration of a room full of women from the 1950s, so what more could you ask for.

[quote name='Richlough']Happy Birthday Cheapy ... and Dreamcast[USA] .[/QUOTE]
Forgot about that. 9/9/09 the DC is 8 years old now. Happy B-day Dreamcast!. . . and Cheapy!
bread's done