New Redcued Store Availability Guide?

Admiral Ackbar

25 (100%)
Is it just me or did they drastically reduce the number of stores shown that have a game in stock. It used to be a pop-up box that listed ten stores or so. Whichw as very good for me since I have ten stores within a half hour dive. (That's an exaggeration. I really have 8) So am I missing something? That was probaly the only good thing about the ebgames/gamestop website. it would list the games at all locations and how many copies if any.

That would suck if that's gone.
They show the 3 closest stores within a 100 mile radius that has the game in stock now. There's no way to expand it to more stores... you have to change your zip.
Really? And I thought the new website had actually gotten it's act together... Used to be fun searching for random rare stuff in a 200 mile radius and seeing all the zeroes.
I don't like it either... it doesn't matter when you think about it, but it still bothers me. When I was hunting down MegaTen games it would show me a GS in Michigan with a ton of them as 97.9 miles from Cleveland... on a map. You would have had to fly or boat through lake erie to get there in 97.9 miles since it was a 150 mile drive. :D
fixed a feature not broken
I used the old feature all the time
and with gas as much as gold...
silly too, no labor costs for them and now they have reduced the opportunity for additional sales...

and the list one third the GC games they had before
not sure about other platforms...
I was pretty unhappy to see the change, too.

I mean, it works out for me since I only really buy in two zipcodes, both of which contain two and three GS, respectively, so it's easy for me to see if something is close. I admit, however, that I've never gone well out of my way to find something at an out of the way GS, so I realize that it affects me a lot less than others.

I just don't understand why they had a perfectly fine system for locating games and then break it. You can't even see how many copies they have anymore, right? Not that 1-3 and 4+ were much help, but still.
[quote name='007']You can't even see how many copies they have anymore, right? Not that 1-3 and 4+ were much help, but still.[/quote]
Yeah, that too. It wasn't always accurate, but it gave you some assurance that a particular location would have a sealed (not gutted) copy.
Hi All,

Your friendly representative here.

We agree! As I mentioned in a previous thread, we are modifying the new availability feature to add a "more" link when the number of stores in a 25 mile radius is greater than the listed 3. That way, you won't need to enter multiple Zip codes if you have an overabundance of stores in your local area.

The benefits of the new system are that it will only show you stores that actually have the product in stock and the latest Zip code you entered will persist across all product pages without needing to re-enter it on every page. (Currently outweighed by the problem above, but we'll get that corrected as soon as possible)

Thanks for your feedback!

Awesome. Thanks Retro. That really helps for me, since there are at least 2 dozen stores within 10-20 miles of me here in LA, and sometimes the closer location miles-wise is not the more convenient location.
Thanks, Retro. You beat me to it. I was going to mention that you had said the company would look into further modifying the availability search. We appreciate it. It's nice having more options.
I like the old way better b/c as someone mentioned, you can see the quantity listed. I'd rather go to a store which shows 4+ than 1-3, since my chances of getting a copy is better even if the store is farther away.
[quote name='Retroactive']Hi All,

Your friendly representative here.

We agree! As I mentioned in a previous thread, we are modifying the new availability feature to add a "more" link when the number of stores in a 25 mile radius is greater than the listed 3. That way, you won't need to enter multiple Zip codes if you have an overabundance of stores in your local area.

The benefits of the new system are that it will only show you stores that actually have the product in stock and the latest Zip code you entered will persist across all product pages without needing to re-enter it on every page. (Currently outweighed by the problem above, but we'll get that corrected as soon as possible)

Thanks for your feedback!


No, that is NOT the way it was.
We want the choice back of up to 100 miles (5, 10, xxx 100)
We want the qty. back (YES we know to always call and confirm).
We want ALL the titles back in the search for each platform, not one third.
Respectfully, do not treat folks here like we're ignorant.
What you say will be "added" is just a small part of what was available. IT was NOT broken so why fix it and now fix it again?
Amazing that a company as large and driven by sales, would take a "labor free" tool away....
There is absolutely no need to be rude to the guy. Retro has been EXTREMELY helpful to the CAG community, assisting dozens of users with various issues they were having since the updated site was launched. Posts like yours are not the way to show our appreciation.
Hi DrNo,

Thanks for the feedback.

We actually removed the quantity option last year and currently have no plans to reinstate it.

What we found was that folks were incorrectly assuming, because we showed 4+ copies in-stock, we had plenty to sell and that at least one of them would include boxes and instructions. Unfortunately, they were making a drive to their local store, only to find that they had sold out since the morning update or that some games were missing boxes and instructions. We posted a warning that you should always call the store to verify availability, price and condition, but many folks still ignored that (as I'm sure many are still ignoring it today). ;)

We also realized it was rather rich information to be sharing with our competitors, especially as they did not share that level of detail on their own store inventory locators. :whistle2:#

So, in some cases, you may need to call an extra store or two to confirm availability, but most of the time a call to the closest in-stock store should do it. In many cases, the store associate will be able to set aside a copy for you until you arrive, so making the call is definitely worth it regardless.

[quote name='donut']No, that is NOT the way it was.
We want the choice back of up to 100 miles (5, 10, xxx 100)
We want the qty. back (YES we know to always call and confirm).
We want ALL the titles back in the search for each platform, not one third.
Respectfully, do not treat folks here like we're ignorant.
What you say will be "added" is just a small part of what was available. IT was NOT broken so why fix it and now fix it again?
Amazing that a company as large and driven by sales, would take a "labor free" tool away....[/quote]

Awww, I can take it. No worries. ;)

Here's how the system will work after we "tweak" the quantity of stores displayed: (My personal apologies on this omission, as it was my own oversight when designing the specifications of this feature.)

You enter your Zip code once and it will be retained for all future product page visits (or until you clear your cookies)

The system will search 100 miles and display the three closest stores with in-stock merchandise. (It will do this for both new and used products, returning up to a total of 6 listings) If there are more than 3 stores in-stock in a 25 mile radius, a "+ more" option will be added below the list, which will allow you to view all in-stock stores within that radius.

Regardless, you should always contact the store to confirm availability, price and condition.

Hope this helps!

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']There is absolutely no need to be rude to the guy. Retro has been EXTREMELY helpful to the CAG community, assisting dozens of users with various issues they were having since the updated site was launched. Posts like yours are not the way to show our appreciation.[/quote]

You've got your style and I, mine.
Fluff begets fluff.
I grew up and worked many years in a successful (non game) retail environment.
If the VP of sales knew these "design" changes might lessen sales or if the VP of marketing knew this change would make precious customers ''unhappy" (and you note I am not alone in this thread).
What do you think the outcome would have been?
Will it be easier to click more stores or was it easier to choose the # of miles and see all stores?
and why please are so many titles now missing?
Competition info? drove some of these changes? Really? what companies are left for you to take away customer availability info?

There are many CAGs that do not appreciate GS/EB. I am not one of them. But the functionality I used to buy many games is now watered down instead of being improved.
For me and my use the site is not improved. Am I alone? It sure doesn't appear so.
[quote name='Retroactive']
We actually removed the quantity option last year and currently have no plans to reinstate it.

What we found was that folks were incorrectly assuming, because we showed 4+ copies in-stock, we had plenty to sell and that at least one of them would include boxes and instructions. Unfortunately, they were making a drive to their local store, only to find that they had sold out since the morning update or that some games were missing boxes and instructions. We posted a warning that you should always call the store to verify availability, price and condition, but many folks still ignored that (as I'm sure many are still ignoring it today). ;)
Well, I wouldn't care about the quantity if all used games were complete and all new games were sealed.

Yeah, I went there.
Hey Donut,

I am sorry to hear you don't like the new store availability feature. The design was definitely a trade-off between providing a short list of the closest stores, on all pages, and the larger comprehensive list. We will continue to work to improve it. No reason not to have the best of both worlds.

This is the first I have heard about missing titles. There is a toggle at the bottom of any successful search result that allows you to view products that may be in-stock in stores, but are not available online. (We're adding this toggle to the bottom of any failed search result soon. Doh!) If there are other titles missing, let me know ASAP, as we have the same catalog of inventory we had before the site relaunch and the exact same search engine functionality.

i liked the old system better as well, it was much easier to find games or items in-stock at all the local GS's... it was also much easier to find items that were not on the website... for example, i could call up a local GS, ask for the SKU number of an "old game", then plug it right into the link:

currently, it seems there is no option to put in the SKU number for the search so the new interface is basically pointless, it's only good in showing you which locations have items currently on the gamestop website...
[quote name='ryanlk']i liked the old system better as well, it was much easier to find games or items in-stock at all the local GS's... it was also much easier to find items that were not on the website... for example, i could call up a local GS, ask for the SKU number of an "old game", then plug it right into the link:

currently, it seems there is no option to put in the SKU number for the search so the new interface is basically pointless, it's only good in showing you which locations have items currently on the gamestop website...[/quote]

Hey Ryan,

Check my post above for instructions on how to search for products available in the store, but not available online. BTW, this isn't a change in site design--the old site had the same navigation and search functionality.

Hope this helps!

[quote name='Retroactive']Hey Ryan,

Check my post above for instructions on how to search for products available in the store, but not available online. BTW, this isn't a change in site design--the old site had the same navigation and search functionality.

Hope this helps!


I think people liked to search for NEW rare games removed from the site a long time ago. The new product availability engine won't allow it.


If I wanted to search for a NEW copy of Monster Kingdom Jewel Summoner for PSP I would just use the SKU# 190405. I know it wasn't always accurate but it did work most of the time.

The link would look sort of like the one below.

Do you think we can at least get that part of the search function back?

I don't like calling the stores for certain games b/c the people working there will want them for themselves. Most people here can confirm what I mean by that.

Ah, got it. Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't aware there was a back-door.

How about we take it a step further and turn those "not for sale" new SKUs on in the searchable catalog? Then, if you hit the toggle, you will be able to perform a direct search. We will need to set an inventory threshold, at which point we'll need to remove them from the catalog, but we'll go as low as possible. (Don't want you to waste time hunting down shopworn, defective or missing merchandise) As always, some SKUs will need to be excluded, including highly allocated items like the Wii.

I'll get you an ETA on this change as soon as possible. Thanks again to all of you that pointed this out!

[quote name='Allnatural']Well, I wouldn't care about the quantity if all used games were complete and all new games were sealed.

Yeah, I went there.[/QUOTE]

... wouldn't that be nice... Ive been disappointed a few times from going into a GS that had the game I wanted and finding a disc only copy... at least I got lucky with my copy of nocturne being complete with soundtrack
I like the new search honestly... because in most cases, I doubt people have a ton of GSes around them. I have 5 near me and I don't see why I'd ever need to know if all 5 GSes near me have a copy of the game (and they rarely do, unless it's common fodder). I rarely want to go that far to get a game anyway so 100 miles seems like plenty. Plus, it's nice not having to put in zip codes manually each time but rather clicking on the link and right away seeing which stores have the game in stock.

I know I sound like a GS rep right now but I think the system is an improvement in most cases.:whistle2:|
CAG is now visited by a representative? 0_0
oh dear, better watch my mouth

The old version was way better, and frankly, the only really useful feature of the site
[quote name='DrNo888']Retro,

I don't like calling the stores for certain games b/c the people working there will want them for themselves. Most people here can confirm what I mean by that.[/quote]

Hey Dr. No,

Wow, I would be very upset if that happened to me!

Thankfully, I've logged a few thousand hours in stores across the county and have yet to see an associate snag something based on a customer inquiry. (Our associates love games, but any snagging usually occurs a few minutes after a game is traded in. After all, working for GameStop does have it's perks. ;) )

The occasional bad egg aside, our store team takes great pride in satisfying your needs. That said, if you happen to get a bad egg, please let the local district manager know and he/she will address the issue appropriately. I can assure you there are tens of thousands of honest, hard-working folks in our stores, who will put your needs first.

[quote name='Retroactive']RSGames,

Ah, got it. Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't aware there was a back-door.

How about we take it a step further and turn those "not for sale" new SKUs on in the searchable catalog? Then, if you hit the toggle, you will be able to perform a direct search. We will need to set an inventory threshold, at which point we'll need to remove them from the catalog, but we'll go as low as possible. (Don't want you to waste time hunting down shopworn, defective or missing merchandise) As always, some SKUs will need to be excluded, including highly allocated items like the Wii.

I'll get you an ETA on this change as soon as possible. Thanks again to all of you that pointed this out!


That sounds great! I'm sure many people will appreciate it. Hopefully you guys can get the New game SKU's from 2005 active again. Thanks.
I was just messing around on the site, and it looks like the GameBoy Color titles were removed from the search function, even with 'show backordered' on.

I usually check daily for RE: Gaiden, MGS, and James Bond... all showed up in a search yesterday, none of them today. They're still on the site, as I just used the link from my history, but no longer show up on search, even with the exact title.

So, I'm not sure if it's ALL GBC titles, but those three randomly disappearing at the same time would seem to indicate it.

Figured I'd toss that out there.
I just want to jump in and say Thanks to retro. He personally contacted me with a problem I was having and took feedback to help resolve it. Don't forget that he is speaking as a representative of his company so try and mind that fact that you feel like you're receiving lip service (whether it is true or not).

I think it's great that he is taking feedback from us and directing it to the system people. I think with ANY change people are going to have reservations about whether it is good or bad, but I will repeat what I said earlier; there is no difference in how it works on a practical level. The one question I have, is it possible to make the map that pops up after you click on a store location have zoom functionality? I'm guessing they just have saved pictures for each location and it's only one step further to enter a zip code to get the driving direction path, but it's helpful to see the nearest highway and it doesn't always show up on the picture. (Don't worry, I realize that this is being VERY nitpicky)

Thanks for all of your help you've given us lately on the CAG forums. I'm also in the (seeming) majority that preferred the older system. It's cool that it will now actually show items that are actually in stock (too many times before it would give false positives) but I'm not at all liking the three store thing. It'll be great if we can see all the stores as you say may happen though, so I'll be looking forward to that :)

Also, I agree that there really is virtually no competition now for used games, so I'm not sure why there'd be a problem with showing inventory. Even if the competition did know what you guys had, there's little chance they'd beat your prices or even better, they may actually buy the games from you directly. In any case, I'll look forward to the changes as I haven't had the best experience with the Gamestop website in the past.

One more question: If I get a game from and it comes in absolutely awful condition, can I bring it to the nearest Gamestop store to exchange it if they have it in stock? I always wondered that. Thanks!

Hi All,

Good news.

The ability to search for "Not for Sale" new products that are unavailable online, but may be available in store, will be enabled by April 18. We will also enable the used product categories that were inadvertently disabled when the new site launched (GBC, PS1).

Exceptions: If we have less than 200 units of a given product in our U.S. stores, this feature will be disabled. (Below that, products are much more likely to be defective or missing) Highly allocated products, like the Nintendo Wii will also not be available.

To display these products use the "toggle" button found on the bottom of any successful search result. We also plan to add this navigation to the failed search result page, but I am uncertain if this will be available by the 18th.

When this feature is enabled, it should be a major improvement over the old method, which required you to find and type a SKU into the URL. Thanks again for your feedback--we would not have caught this without you.


p.s. No ETA on the Zip code expansion option yet, but I'll let you know as soon as possible.
WOO HOO! It's a start Retro :) That's good to know about older games (like GBC) as I'm a big-time fan of the older games. I wonder if that will go for Playstation 1 (PSX) games as well. Here's to hoping :)

Thanks for all of the updates man! We really do appreciate it :) Just remember...the people that trash talk Gamestop only do so because they used to shop there (or still do and don't admit it) and just want it to return to its former glory. Step by step it's getting there =) about changing trade values from EB's value to what they should be? If I take the shrinkwrap off of a sealed game, it shouldn't drop the value by almost $40, espescially when they're going to sell it for $5 less than brand new.
[quote name='goomba478']

One more question: If I get a game from and it comes in absolutely awful condition, can I bring it to the nearest Gamestop store to exchange it if they have it in stock? I always wondered that. Thanks!


Hey Goomba,

Thanks for the feedback, you guys/gals have made me feel very welcome!

Actually answered your same return question on another thread:

"My interpretation would be, yes. The return policy for opened used games in stores is 7 days, so as long as you return the product within 7 days of the online packing list date you should be fine. The online stock originally came from the stores, so they shouldn't complain, especially as it gives them an opportunity to sell you more cool stuff you might not have otherwise purchased. ;)

That said, I recommend you contact your local store manager as all returns are ultimately at the manager's discretion. i.e. If you bring in 10 copies of the same game without original packaging or instructions they will likely refuse the transaction. One or two every now and then shouldn't be a problem -- just realize that they may not always have a replacement with box and instructions.

If you run into any problems, let me know, I would be glad to champion the cause."

Hope this helps!

Retro, how accurate at the store locator's? Sometimes there are games in stock at a store and they don't show up on the locater and vice-versa, even when it's in the system.
Rozz, I know exactly what you're talking about with the new system. I have to say it's about 80%+ accurate lately. I went to 5 Gamestops this week and made out my "To Buy" list before leaving the house using the website. I was able to find about 120/24 games I wanted, and that's not bad at all! Some of the games that I wanted they did have, and they didn't show on the site, but for the most part it was very accurate. Of course some were disc only (which I didn't buy), but I realize they can't account for all of that yet since the system doesn't specify.

On the positive note, I did score an Eye of Judgment for PS3 complete with the camera, stand, cards, all mint and I got it for only $20.66 after tax and that 25% off Coupon stacked with an Edge Card. Talk about a deal ^_^

PS: Can the OP fix the thread's name. The fact that "reduced" is spelled Redcued just bugs me on an OCD level :) Not that it's a big deal. For searching sake though it may be useful to fix in the future ^_^ Sorry to sound like a prick, I'm not meaning to.
bread's done