Warhammer Fantasy and 40K players?


With all the attention that Warhammer Online is getting, I'm starting to feel the itch, and it's not the kind that topical creams will fix. I mean good ole tabletop, "I just spent $300, and I still get stuck with all the painting!" Warhammer and 40K.

Personally, I prefer 40k, but I've been known to take a liking to the fantasy side, but I digress. Share your army ideas, post picks, brag about your full collection of antique Squat (the dreaded Space Dwarves) collection!

Currently, I'm thinking about constructing an new Eldar army, choked full of jetbike and gravtank goodness! :bouncy:
I used to play, but I ran out of time and money. I still have dozens of unfinished figures. I'm hoping to start working on it again once I get out of school, as I'll probably have more time then.
I was about to launch into the game back in 2002 but the Marine Corps got in the way. I used to paint the hell out of those little figures for Dungeons and Dragons. I'd like to get into it but one hobby (teh videogames) is already almost too much.

I used to love flipping through the White Dwarf magazines just to see the painting. The guys they had working on those armies were beyond incredible.
I had a chaos army.. loved rolling for the mutations. Most of them were beneficial. My friends had Empire, Dwarf and Orc armies. Great memories of that game. I loved how you had to eyeball distances with your archers... and if you were even 1/4" short of your max range the entire volley would fail.
daggum, I wish it wasn't such an expensive hobby. I bought entire armies that I never used back in the day (full Tyranid force back when they were almost totally metal).
I'd get into it, but I don't think I could paint without picturing myself as Steve Carrell in the 40 Year Old Virgin talking to his miniatures.
bread's done