Portal 2 PS3 (Includes PC Version)... who's buying?

Nope. I got the PC version for $40 when I split a 2-pack with a friend so that we can co-op together. I can't imagine playing this with something as awful as the PS3 controller. And for the record, I own a PS3, so I'm not just hating. I really just hate the controller. Much prefer my 360's controller. But this is definitely a mouse and keyboard game.
I have it reserved at Amazon for PS3. Couldn't resist it for what is essentially $35 (especially since I would've bought it at full price, anyway). And the PS3 features put it over the edge for a game that I would typically get for 360.

I'm even upgrading my PC---partially because I need to anyway, and partially because I want to play Portal 2 on it. My plan is to play primarily on PS3, but to use cloud saving to pick it up on my PC when my wife usurps my television. My understanding is that the saves transfer between both PS3 and PC, which is pretty damned cool. I really would love to see this trend continue. Kudos to Valve!
Picking up the PS3 version, even though I fully intend to play solely on PC. Getting the PS3 version for $55 at Amazon would end up being cheaper than picking up just the PC version anywhere else, thanks to the $20 in amazon credit you get.
I'm not buying it on release, but I will eventually.

Right now I'm more interested in the outcome of the ARG. I get the feeling that even for those people actively solving it, there's a growing sense that the result will be disappointing. It's still fun to see where it leads.
[quote name='dothog']I'm not buying it on release, but I will eventually.[/QUOTE]

I know P2 will drop fairly quick, but for the sole purpose of being on the up and up, I'm throwing down the $40 on day one. I know if I don't, it'll get spoiled for me.
Didn't intend to buy Portal 2 at release but the Amazon deal of $55 with a $20 credit and getting the ability to play both on the PS3 and PC for the one price sealed the deal for me. Add in release day delivery and that the developers said that PS3 version will be the best version is icing on the cake.
Preordered the PS3 version from amazon for $55 + $20 credit. I never preorder, but Portal was my favorite game of 2007. I'm going to play on PC, but might as well own it for both.
Wish I could afford this but one of my 2011 resolutions is to not buy any game at full price. It's gonna suck having the story inevitably spoiled for me but I'll do my best to avoid them until I get it hopefully during the big summer sale.
I have it preordered through Amazon as well. It looks like the best deal going right now.

As far as the gameplay with the controller, I played the original game on the 360 as well as the PC, and while I prefer the K&M, I got used to the controller rather quickly and didn't think it was a dealbreaker then.
I'm looking to buy for PC. Trying to find someone to split the cost of a two-pack on Steam since all my other gamer friends did it awhile ago. Any takers?
This is as good a place as any to talk about the ARG that's going on. I mentioned it earlier -- is anyone else following this? It's really getting out of hand, apparently the ARG designers have "corrupted" people (and taken over their Steam accounts) who were some of the more active participants.

Now it's got everyone wondering if the whole damn thing is Valve talking to itself and the indie designers who are taking part with tweets and potato tricks in their games. The Steam forums are full of fake threads, or threads by corrupted users, it's just a friggin mess. There seems to be some legit ARG info rolling in -- tweets and a new youtube vid was just posted -- but the ARG IRC is nuts, the forums are a joke, the ARG wiki has supposedly been taken over by GlaDOS. Phew.

I think it's cool that Valve went to these lengths, but I think the extent of it is making it into a pain in the ass. When info comes this fast and loose, there's no chance for the analysis and games that pull everyone in. Now it's just people sending emails to all the corrupted accounts, youtube accounts, and hoping somebody spills the beans. That's no fun.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Picking up the PS3 version, even though I fully intend to play solely on PC. Getting the PS3 version for $55 at Amazon would end up being cheaper than picking up just the PC version anywhere else, thanks to the $20 in amazon credit you get.[/QUOTE]

Ditto. I did the exact same thing for the exact same reasons. Only going to play on PC but getting PS3 version for essentially $35. :)
More details today on how it'll work. Looks like it's a account link + a redeemable voucher code prob for your steam PC and the account link will act as the authorization so no doubleplaying (which would have been awesome w/ my GF on the ps3 and me on the pc)


"linked players of the PS3 version of Portal 2 can also access and play their copy of Portal 2 on any PC or Mac by redeeming an in-box access code on their computer."
So what happens if you sell your PS3 version after you get your free PC version? Will the person who buys it not be able to play it online or just not link it to a steam account?
It sounds like it's as simple as them including a CD Key with the PS3 version which can be redeemed like any other steam key.


They make it sound as if you have to link with your PSN account to prove that you have the PS3 copy first though, and that you can't use the same steam account to play the game on both PS3 and PC.

Seems to me that if you sell the game after that, you'll still have the copy saved on your PC version and the person who buys it after you simply won't be able to get a PC copy (cause they won't have another one-use code). They should, however, be able to make a steam account and link it to their PSN, then be able to play the game (just not on PC).

If this was not the case, then other people even on your PS3 machine would be unable to play Portal 2. I don't think Sony would let it be designed like that. It would be the ultimate online pass cockblock basically.
I just canceled my order from amazon. I loved the first portal, but I have plenty of games to play already. That plus school and the nice weather will likely limit my gaming time, so I think I'll wait until the summer. Even then though, I doubt I'll find it for $35. Oh well!
Got my PS3 version ordered on Amazon. I will play it on PC but figured "why not get a "free" copy of Portal 2 for PS3 as well?

Can anyone explain this?! I know you can trick people by renaming a non-steam game, but that's the real deal with the icon and everything.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']Gonna guess early PS3 copy linked to Steam account since that's supposedly going to show up on your Steam info as well.[/QUOTE]

Nope, that shows up as "Portal 2 on PS3" or PSN (Not sure).

I doubt they were actually playing P2 though, I think you can mess with some ini or something to change which launches as what.
looks good so far for the linking.

Glad you can actually use this to play co-op across ps3 and pc.
my girlfriend can use a separate PS3 account to play my ps3 disc and I can use the PC. She just can't play portal on my psn account. Win win if you ask me.

Hope it's enjoyable, I thought portal 1 was pretty decent. I don't get why people get such a nerd hard on by the humor in 1, it wasn't anything spectacular. The promo videos in portal 2 are much more humorous so I'm hoping it'll keep up that tone.
I was wondering whether it was worth buying the ps3 version. I have a computer that I built in 2004, which runs portal decently okay. It's amd 3500+, 2 gb of ram, nvidia 6800 card. I'm trying to save myself the extra money since its 60 on console and 50 on pc. Do you think it will run okay on my system or is better to just get the ps3 version? Thanks for any help!
[quote name='orbit18']I was wondering whether it was worth buying the ps3 version. I have a computer that I built in 2004, which runs portal decently okay. It's amd 3500+, 2 gb of ram, nvidia 6800 card. I'm trying to save myself the extra money since its 60 on console and 50 on pc. Do you think it will run okay on my system or is better to just get the ps3 version? Thanks for any help![/QUOTE]

The PS3 version comes with the PC version for free. So it's $60 for the PS3 version AND the PC version!

On another note, I am in love with this game. It's amazing.
Just wanna make sure I'm understanding all of this correctly:

I bought Portal 2 on PS3 today, I plan on splitting it with a friend (I'm going to keep the Steam copy, and he will get the PS3 disc).

1. Use my PSN account on HIS PS3 to link Portal 2 to MY Steam account.
2. He has to be logged into MY PSN account on HIS PS3, to play Portal 2 coop with me through Steam?

Wouldn't this technically be two accounts using Steam at the same time, I thought this wasn't possible? Just making sure before I do anything.
Going to have to see if I can play with another PSN account on my PS3 and my Steam account on a PC. My girlfriend really wants to play co-op and well I don't mind giving her my steam info. I am up to chapter 4 in singleplayer and well I think it's a good game. It feels a little more scripted than portal 1 but the writing in this game is fantastic.
Has anyone sold their PS3 copy? I just sold mine on eBay last night. I beat the single player Portal 2 on my PC last night. My friend is really paranoid about flipping a PS3 copy, I don't think there's much to worry about. I guess if I have any problems in a few days I'll know.
Beat the single player this morning, ending was okay. I'm currently half way through the multiplayer. Overall the game has been a blast.
bread's done