Please Welcome Elliot George, AKA Wombat Jr., to the World


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
[IMG-R=5838]22892[/IMG-R]Congratulations to Wombat and family, whose latest addition, Elliot George (6lbs, 10oz - 19"), arrived early this morning. Mother (father) and baby are doing just fine. Feel free to offer your congratulations to papa Wombat here on CAG and give him a follow/shout out on Twitter too.
Congrats Wombat, welcome back to the sleepness nights that comes with the first 6 months of a new baby. He's super cute and glad to hear your wife is doing great. Hope this doesn't mean you won't be on the next cagcast!
[quote name='Javery']Nice work dude. I also have the older daughter/younger son combo. Never a dull moment.[/QUOTE]

Me too. And even though you know what is about to happen this time, doesn't make it any easier.

Congrats though.
Congrats. I have a new baby as well so I know how you feel right now. Also, please provide a review of Elliot. :)

Outstanding | Very Good | Fair | Poor | Awful
Nah, he gave a 3 hour speech on why the industry is gonna switch to a subscription format for all online games based on current market standings and npds.

Congratulations Wombat!
bread's done