Girl calls mom while being eaten alive by Bear and her cubs...


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Edit - Photo of victim released by MSN:


A teenager who was eaten alive by a brown bear and her cubs in Russia called her mother and gave a horrific running commentary of the attack

Olga Moskalyova, 19, made three calls to her mother during the attack, which lasted more than an hour and also claimed the life of her stepfather, Igor Tsyganenkov, the Daily Mail reports.

The trained psychologist, who had been camping in a forest in the extreme east of Siberia, phoned for help after she saw the mother bear attack her stepfather, breaking his neck and crushing his skull.

Tatiana Tsyganenkov initially thought her daughter was joking when she screamed: "Mum, the bear is eating me! Mum, it's such agony!"

"Then I heard the real horror and pain in Olga's voice, and the sounds of the bear growling and chewing," Mrs Tsyganenkov said.

As the creature toyed with her, she managed to call Tatiana several times during the prolonged attack. Tatiana rang her husband – not knowing he was already dead – but got no answer.

She alerted the police and relatives in the village of Termalniy, near Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy, in the extreme east of Siberia.

She begged them to rush to the river where the pair had gone to retrieve a fishing rod that Igor had left.

In a second call, a weak Olga gasped: “Mum, the bears are back. She came back and brought her three babies. They’re... eating me”.

Finally, in her last call – almost an hour after the first – Olga sensed she was on the verge of death.

With the bears having apparently left her to die, she said: “Mum, it’s not hurting anymore. I don’t feel the pain. Forgive me for everything, I love you so much.”

Half an hour later, Igor’s brother Andrei arrived with police to find the bear still devouring his body. Badly mauled Olga was also dead.

Six hunters were sent in by the emergency services to kill the bear and her three cubs.

The double killing is the latest in a spate of bear attacks across $Russia, as the hungry animals seek food in areas where people have $encroached and settled on their former habitat.

A weeping Tatiana said that Olga had everything to look forward to.

“My daughter was such fun. She was so cheerful, friendly, and warm,” said Tatiana. “She had graduated from music school, and just days before the bear attack she got her driver's licence.”
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Watching your own flesh be torn from your living body and eaten has got to be one of the worst things to experience. I can barely think about it. Of course, I won't believe this story until multiple sources confirm.
reminds me of that shit with the guy who was a defender of bears or something. they said he and his gf were eaten alive by bears and they had the sounds of it on a videocamera.
[quote name='slickkill77']When I saw the preview for this thread: Girl calls mom while being eaten... this is not what I was expecting.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Frankski']This is a terrible terrible, awful thing for anyone to hear, let alone experience.

On this topic however (and it is an awful topic), there is an actual book called, 'Help A Bear Is Eating Me' about a real jerk who gets eaten by a bear.[/QUOTE]

Here is a cool 1 star review of the book:

1.0 out of 5 stars Bear Eats Too Slowly, August 15, 2011
Stuart Sweet - See all my reviews

Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: HELP! A Bear is Eating Me! (Paperback)
One of the worst things I've read in a really long time. Please save your money. Billed as a tragic comedy, it is more gross than funny and only tragic in that the bear doesn't finish off the protagonist sooner. The author's overuse of upper case type was as irritating as a screaming e-mail. Spend your money on beer and Slim Jims instead.
This shit makes me not want to go near the woods...ever. You don't fuck with bears. You just don't. Easily one of the most deadly hunters on the planet. I'm just hoping this story turns out to be a hoax. Otherwise, I'm never watching the inevitable "based on a true story" movie.
The girl takes off running for 70 yds but is still holding her purse/cellphone/whatever she had it in? O-Kay..........
[quote name='NDarkness']Even though this is deeply saddening, it just seems a little too far-fetched for it to be all true.[/QUOTE]

yeah she should have at least sent a few pic texts to her friends/family for proof lol.
Thats why you always gotta carry your good, trusty 'ol Desert Eagle .50 Cal hand cannon whenever you go into the woods. Nothing scares a bear off like a .50 caliber hunk of lead ripping through their skull at 2800 feet per second...or you could be nice and just take a limb off... ;)

Can anyone say bear jelly? MmmMMMmmm! The bullet would have gone through momma bear and her three cubs. :D when is the book/movie coming out??? You know some fool in hollywood is seeing $$$ for the story to be told right?

The story starts off with the girl's final words to her mom while the bears continue to eat her alive....fades to's 1 week before and the girl and her family are alive and they all talk about going into the woods when the brother warns them not to go because of the bears have been attacking one listens of course and people move on with their lives drinking and partying and so one.........till that one day where it all ends.
Yeah this is one of the sadder things I've read in awhile. Imagine being slowly eaten by a fucking bear, or being the mother completely helpless on the other end of the line. Ugh.

I don't blame the bears though. I understand having to kill them I suppose but I don't agree with it. Can't they relocate them or something?
[quote name='RedRingOfDeath']Thats why you always gotta carry your good, trusty 'ol Desert Eagle .50 Cal hand cannon whenever you go into the woods. Nothing scares a bear off like a .50 caliber hunk of lead ripping through their skull at 2800 feet per second...or you could be nice and just take a limb off... ;)

Can anyone say bear jelly? MmmMMMmmm! The bullet would have gone through momma bear and her three cubs. :D[/QUOTE]

That's what I think every time I see a headline, "Two retards killed by grizzly attack in Yellowstone back country"... or however they read. You don't go into bear country, much less grizzly or polar bear country, without heavy firepower. Even before it was legal to carry a loaded firearm, who was going to know unless you discharged it. And if you discharged it into a charging mama grizzly (not Sarah Palin, mind you) would you, in hindsight rather be facing possible jail time or eaten?


[quote name='ShockandAww']Yeah this is one of the sadder things I've read in awhile. Imagine being slowly eaten by a fucking bear, or being the mother completely helpless on the other end of the line. Ugh.

I don't blame the bears though. I understand having to kill them I suppose but I don't agree with it. Can't they relocate them or something?[/QUOTE]

It's not a matter of where the bear lives. Once they show they have grown so accustomed to humans that they not only are willing to kill humans but are apparently no longer afraid of them, they are a danger and must be destroyed. This is why you don't feed the bears!
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[quote name='n8rockerasu']This shit makes me not want to go near the woods...ever. You don't fuck with bears. You just don't. Easily one of the most deadly hunters on the planet. I'm just hoping this story turns out to be a hoax. Otherwise, I'm never watching the inevitable "based on a true story" movie.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry. You're safe. There are no bears in Tennessee.
[quote name='MorPhiend']That's what I think every time I see a headline, "Two retards killed by grizzly attack in Yellowstone back country"... or however they read. You don't go into bear country, much less grizzly or polar bear country, without heavy firepower. Even before it was legal to carry a loaded firearm, who was going to know unless you discharged it. And if you discharged it into a charging mama grizzly (not Sarah Palin, mind you) would you, in hindsight rather be facing possible jail time or eaten?


It's not a matter of where the bear lives. Once they show they have grown so accustomed to humans that they not only are willing to kill humans but are apparently no longer afraid of them, they are a danger and must be destroyed. This is why you don't feed the bears![/QUOTE]

It's always a shame that they have to kill an animal because of humans. Whatever the reason for the bears attacking those people it never would have happened if humans did not go into their natural habitat. I understand that those bears were probably a threat to other people but they never would have been if it wasn't for other people. (I tried rewriting that sentence...)
[quote name='whoknows']I can sometimes beat the bears in I'm pretty sure I could take one IRL.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but you'd better watch the fuck out of the tree guy shows up.

[quote name='pitfallharry219']Don't worry. You're safe. There are no bears in Tennessee.[/QUOTE]

the fuck there arent bears do live in tennessee ive seen them on more than one occasion. on top of that we have cougars and bobcats and wild boars as well. hell they have wolves too saw one once driving around late at night.

its a rare event but i recall a bear actually being found in west knoxville just wandering around.
I felt a little sick reading the story and once I read the posts here, I seriously got disgusted by some of you. I know it's just some story some place far away but chill out. This girl faced one of the worst deaths imaginable and to ridicule her is just not right.
[quote name='lokizz']the fuck there arent bears do live in tennessee ive seen them on more than one occasion. on top of that we have cougars and bobcats and wild boars as well. hell they have wolves too saw one once driving around late at night.

its a rare event but i recall a bear actually being found in west knoxville just wandering around.[/QUOTE]

I guess I should've tagged it [sarcasm][/sarcasm].
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I guess I should've tagged it [sarcasm][/sarcasm].[/QUOTE]

lol no worries man but yeah tennessee has a ton of dangerous shit in it.
[quote name='lokizz']lol no worries man but yeah tennessee has a ton of dangerous shit in it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I've been on vacation in Gatlinburg before and stepped outside the cabin to find myself in a death stare with a bear from 25 feet. Scary shit.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Don't worry. You're safe. There are no bears in Tennessee.[/QUOTE]

lol...what? Are you trying to get me killed? Haha, maybe no bears in Nashville (except at the zoo, of course). But yeah, city life all the way. I'll take gangs and muggers over being fucking eaten alive. I went to college in the mountains of NC and we actually had a bear on our campus one day. That's just not even right. You're supposed to have BEER in college...not BEAR. I don't even want to go camping anymore, lol.
So the entire ordeal took hours and not only did she not lose consciousness from hypovalemic shock, she still had the wherewithal to make phone calls?

I'm gonna go ahead and assume a hoax, mostly because this is just far too horrible a way for anyone to have to die.
[quote name='Ziv']Exactly. If I'm going to the woods, I'm taking my guns with me.[/QUOTE]

I third that nod. Man vs Wild Animal only has one outcome. Going into the wild unarmed is dumb. Any farmer or cowboy will tell you that; or even city folk with half a brain.

Shooting wild animals in self-defense is always justified. Not sure how a 19 yr old is a psychologist though. Guess the Russian education system is radically ahead; except for teaching common sense.

Still...this article smells of complete BS.
bread's done