Red faction Armageddon ps3 15.99 @ newegg

Not a bad price. If you are a fan of the series, you may enjoy this game - mainly for the weapons. It was tough for me to finish the game because it was way more linear and repetitive compared to Guerrilla. Probably one of my biggest disappointments last year.
I couldnt pull the trigger when this was $9.99 on Best Buy last month, I enjoyed the first game but after seeing the reviews (being confined for most of the game in a cave not having the freedom the first game offered) Not sure something I want to bother with
I bought a copy from GameFly for $7.99. I had never played a Red Faction game before. I enjoyed it for the most part but toward the end I just wanted it to be over so I could trade it in. Completed all the single player trophies.
Kind of tempting, but after loving Guerrilla I absolutely hated the demo for this. Underground is the completely wrong direction for this game. I should probably hold off and get it used for $5 down the line sometime. Sad that this game will be the last Red Faction. Red Faction 1 and 2 were so amazing.
I picked this up from Best Buy with some coupons when it was $10. I have not played any of the others, but the demo for this game made me say, "Yeah, that was fun enough." It was linear and definitely not a game I would ever consider paying $60 for, but was worth waiting for the drop.
I really enjoyed the game. More color than RFG, more destruction, better overall use of geomod. The first thing people don't seem to like is that its no longer an open world game... personally I wasn't disappointed by this because I never found RFG to be the most "open" open world game: most of the explorable world forced you into paths surrounded by un-traversable mountains and outside of searching for ore and trying to find a unique shade of red there wasn't really any point to exploring the world. Armageddon is linear but it packs much more destruction into those levels then RFG did. Slamming an entire building wall into a pack of creatures is a very satisfying feeling that few other action games this year offered.
bread's done