My review site (criticism welcome)

That is definitely the plan! Do you have any suggestions for things that I should do better in my writing or the layout or anything else? I really appreciate that you took the time to look!
[quote name='panzerfaust']Nice, hope you keep it active. My wordpress looks just as humble, but eh, I don't want to put too much time into it until I have more material.

I've followed you, Up Magic is me.[/QUOTE]

That is definitely the plan! Do you have any suggestions for my writing or layout or anything else? I really appreciate you taking the time to look! Also I just followed back.
Need to add some Pictures/trailer, just pure text is not nice to look at and maby do a darker theme.. its to bright for me to read all the text.
I like the games you've reviewed so far; definitely share a liking for similar types of games, so I bookmarked your site. I would like to see a little more details in the reviews. I'd imagine your trying to be brief and not delve to far into anything, but I think the reviews would benefit by having some extra detail.

Great start though. I'll be checking in from now on!
I'd say add pictures, and capitalize 3DS on the side bar (just looks nicer). It's a nice design, I'd love if you'd give me some thoughts on mine A Guide To A Boring World I chose blogger instead of wordpress though:( so I'm somewhat limited as to what I can do with formating
bread's done