Wall Street - Too Big to Jail

Here's a quote from an earlier Q&A with the author of the Frontline piece.

FRONTLINE: Marty - some viewers have wondered whether or how the Justice Department or other government agencies have responded to the film. Any word?

Martin Smith: Frontline - Well, the justice department called and said they thought it was a hit piece, that i came with an agenda and that they will never co-operate with us in the future.

Also, Lanny Breuer is resigning.

[quote name='ID2006']Keep up the good work, Obama.



This is precisely the type of thing I would point to when conservatives are screaming and crying about Obama being too liberal for America. If he had been serious about keeping Wall Street accountable be would have appointed someone like Ralph Nader who has actually made his career out of consumer advocacy and downright sticking it to big business.

Look at him completely shying away from nominating Elizabeth Warren to the CFPB, an agency she was integral in creating. Then he went ahead and did the recess appointment of Richard Cordray circumventing the very opposition which he felt Warren wouldn't be able to overcome. I will relent that by very use of the recess appointment it showed a little bit of gumption but still he could clearly be doing better.
I am really surprised that a lot of people didn't try to take there own justice against these people. It probably did happen but kept really quiet, I really hope some of these people serve some sort of jail time but this country has a different clock work now.
bread's done