Nicole Maines, Transgender Student, Goes To Maine High Court

I get to wake up and get blasted by this story each morning and have been for the past year.

Simple solution is that the boy/girl can use a gender neutral bathroom/locker room... actually that was the schools initial solution but apparently that isn't good enough.

Slippery slope to allow a young boy or girl use the opposite gender bathroom / changing facility just because they identify better (internally/chemically/emotionally) with the opposite sex.

oh yea and he is going to go through all that trouble just to use the girlie room and maybe hope to take a peek across... really?

Are you for real.... is this something that needs to be talked about...?

The gov't already has the right to listen and look/touch at your privates when you board a plane, and spy on you...  And you are werid out by some kid who changed gender..

I've been using public bathrooms with other males for 30 years, in those 30 years there hasn't been one instance where I've known with certainty that everyone in the restroom had the same anatomic genitalia as myself.  If a woman who identifies as a man was sitting in a stall next to me I never would have been the wiser, nor would I have cared.

^ but which one of her "rights" Is being infringed upon by "segregating" her into her own personal bathroom / changing space? Is it hurting her educational opportunity?

Typical that you would think those against it are so based on some religious P.O.V. or because they think it has to do with perversion. I just don't think she has the right to use a female bathroom or locker room when she isn't a legal female. It's pretty simple.

Amazing all the effort we'll put into trying to make one person feel better... but what if two people (girls) in her gym class felt uncomfortable? Are the trannys rights (it's actually just feelings in this scenario) still more important?

The tranny's right..... seriously? can you be more vile and disgusting in how you refer to people..

Look this is bullshit in the whole scope of things...  If he/she needed to go to all that trouble just to grab some small peek at the opposite sex , she/he will be in for a rude surprise..

What about my rights not be be sexually assualted or having my privates in full view for some jackass TSA gov't employee when I board a plane...

So tranny isn't an appropriate shortening of transgender? 

How should I label her whom by the way isn't a her except in her mind? Unless you can think your chromosomes into changing.

Oh and by the way Robert Kosilek thanks you for your support!

1000's of middle school boys are about to be transgendered after gym class if it means they get into the girl's locker room. I remember my horny-ass 13 year old self. Without the Internet back then, the great effort I would apply to see some boobies was nothing short of incredible.

All it's going to take is one boy to say his rights were infringed upon because he couldn't go in the girl's bathroom/locker room. As the father of a girl, I would not be comfortable knowing that in one of the few places on school campus with little to no supervision, boys and girls were sharing partially clothed moments.

To me, this is a case of going too far with respect to political correctness. Let them be adults before they are assigned to the anatomically incorrect bathroom.

The ideal solution is to create individual "stalls" within one, much larger, locker room, where the kids can shower, change, etc.  This will address *any* issues of someone trying to take a peek, either transgender, homosexual, heterosexual, adult, etc.

Same with restrooms - small enough for one person, with just a toilet and a sink.

Obviously, going forward, I eventually suspect we'll start seeing school designs like this - but for existing schools...

So tranny isn't an appropriate shortening of transgender?
"Tranny" generally considered a derogatory term.

1000's of middle school boys are about to be transgendered after gym class if it means they get into the girl's locker room. I remember my horny-ass 13 year old self. Without the Internet back then, the great effort I would apply to see some boobies was nothing short of incredible.

All it's going to take is one boy to say his rights were infringed upon because he couldn't go in the girl's bathroom/locker room. As the father of a girl, I would not be comfortable knowing that in one of the few places on school campus with little to no supervision, boys and girls were sharing partially clothed moments.

To me, this is a case of going too far with respect to political correctness. Let them be adults before they are assigned to the anatomically incorrect bathroom.
It's not as simple as just saying one day that you're a girl and want to go in the girl's locker room. This story goes into more detail. According to it, Nicole has been identifying as a girl from a young age and sees a specialist. It implies that this includes hormone therapies that "block the development of secondary sexual characteristics."

1000's of middle school boys are about to be transgendered after gym class if it means they get into the girl's locker room. I remember my horny-ass 13 year old self. Without the Internet back then, the great effort I would apply to see some boobies was nothing short of incredible.

All it's going to take is one boy to say his rights were infringed upon because he couldn't go in the girl's bathroom/locker room. As the father of a girl, I would not be comfortable knowing that in one of the few places on school campus with little to no supervision, boys and girls were sharing partially clothed moments.

To me, this is a case of going too far with respect to political correctness. Let them be adults before they are assigned to the anatomically incorrect bathroom.
So I guess its ok when your a boy and other parents' girls are prime targets...

Are you protecting girls from boys like yourself.... I wonder how you would raise a boy then....

1000's of middle school boys are about to be transgendered after gym class if it means they get into the girl's locker room. I remember my horny-ass 13 year old self. Without the Internet back then, the great effort I would apply to see some boobies was nothing short of incredible.

All it's going to take is one boy to say his rights were infringed upon because he couldn't go in the girl's bathroom/locker room. As the father of a girl, I would not be comfortable knowing that in one of the few places on school campus with little to no supervision, boys and girls were sharing partially clothed moments.

To me, this is a case of going too far with respect to political correctness. Let them be adults before they are assigned to the anatomically incorrect bathroom.
So I guess its ok when your a boy and other parents' girls are prime targets...

Are you protecting girls from boys like yourself.... I wonder how you would raise a boy then....
What? I don't mean that like, how dare you, I literally mean what in the hell are you trying to say? I don't think I understand your point. I'm a big fan of kids using the potty with other kids who have the same genitalia. When they get to be adults and are in the mall, college, wherever, they should use the bathroom that makes them happy.

If you're asking will I do all I can to teach my daughter to understand the one track mind of teenage boys, then the answer is yes. Just as I expect my sons to have respect for themselves and for their female classmates. They're humans with racing hormones, but I will hope to have taught them the right and wrong way to handle them. I have expectations for my kids that probably differ from the average American household due to my culture. I'm currently raising two sons and one daughter.
Who the hell cares if she uses the girls bathroom? Why aren't all bathrooms gender neutral? We don't need urinals and stalls have locks.

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I prefer and enjoy the privacy of stalls, myself. At home, I even sit when I go #1 because I like to sit on my throne!

And yes, I'm serious.
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Just give trannies their own bathrooms and get over it.  They can do their thing and I don't have to worry about anything weird happening with my daughter when she comes of age.  Thank God for private schools.

Also I feel you on that dohdough.  Sometimes it is just nice to sit and rewind.  I'll piss in a stall everytime if its open.  I won't sit in a public restroom, but will definitely use the stall.

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I prefer and enjoy the privacy of stalls, myself. At home, I even sit when I go #1 because I like to sit on my throne!

And yes, I'm serious.

Also I feel you on that dohdough. Sometimes it is just nice to sit and rewind. I'll piss in a stall everytime if its open. I won't sit in a public restroom, but will definitely use the stall.
I too piss sitting down at home, and at public won't go unless a stall is open. Besides the relaxing nature of it, I like to have some TP to clean up any pee that the shake didn't get rid of. Again a cultural/cleanliness thing for me and my household...regardless of how infrequent my 6yr old son abides by it.

One thing to note, not all schools have stall DOORS, yes, I'm serious, doors, let alone doors that lock.


Just give trannies their own bathrooms and get over it. They can do their thing and I don't have to worry about anything weird happening with my daughter when she comes of age. Thank God for private schools.

There's just...I don't even know. So much wrong using so few words.

Didn't really expect to see transphobia on CAG of all places.

Let's get a few things straight.

1.Transgenderism is a very very tough thing for someone to live with? Its expensive and emotionally and physically taxing, the murder/suicide rate of transgender youth is through the roof simply because enough people aren't educated on the topic.

There is no sexual or skeevy reasons for trans people to be in their gender appropriate bathrooms (meaning transwomen use the womens restroom etc.) its a comfort thing.

2.Tranny is an awful term, as is "trap" cut that out.

3.Gender and sex are separate, if a person identifies strongly as male or female that is their gender.

^ Explain to me how it is offensive to ask a "I'm confused about my gender" person to use a gender neutral bathroom...

I don't care if it makes them feel better to use the bathroom of the gender that they WANT to identify with. If even one girl feels uncomfortable that a boy-girl with a penis is using the girls locker room then I am okay with making the boy-girl use the separate bathroom or changing facilities.

Unless they are being asked to change in a janitor's closest then I see it as a non problem. 

Didn't really expect to see transphobia on CAG of all places.

Let's get a few things straight.

1.Transgenderism is a very very tough thing for someone to live with? Its expensive and emotionally and physically taxing, the murder/suicide rate of transgender youth is through the roof simply because enough people aren't educated on the topic.

There is no sexual or skeevy reasons for trans people to be in their gender appropriate bathrooms (meaning transwomen use the womens restroom etc.) its a comfort thing.

2.Tranny is an awful term, as is "trap" cut that out.

3.Gender and sex are separate, if a person identifies strongly as male or female that is their gender.
I was talking about this with a good friend of mine, and something that was a minor epiphany for me, was that in the Philippines (I used to go there for work quite a bit) there are A LOT of cross dressers, transgender, homosexual, you name it. Odd for such a strongly Catholic country, but hey, whatever. Over there, both the sexual minorities and the majorities, use the term "bakla" to describe them. Bakla basically translates to gay. So a dude dressed as a girl...bakla. Girl dressed as a dude...bakla. A person who has had gender re-assignment surgery...bakla.

They are highly accepted, face little discrimination, and it's not a big deal. They don't insist on 11,000 different descriptions of their sexuality. If they aren't heterosexual, they're bakla. It's simple, it removes assigning so much of ones' worth to their sexuality, and it seems to work out better for everyone.

I think one of our problems is that Americans are so hung up on finding specific descriptions for people, that anytime we feel like the description doesn't align with us, we get offended, or find ways to feel oppressed.

If we're going to get hung up on using dozens of various descriptors for various degrees of sexual unique-ness, then let's do away with the ridiculous terms like homophobia, transphobia, and the like. I'm sure there are people who would be called those terms who are generally fearful of homosexuals, but it's far from a phobia for most. Feeling like a lifestyle isn't for you, doesn't mean you're fearful of it. It means it's not your cup of tea. If a person hates blacks and has the power to negatively impact them, they're a racist. Not negrophobic.

I think one of our problems is that Americans are so hung up on finding specific descriptions for people, that anytime we feel like the description doesn't align with us, we get offended, or find ways to feel oppressed.
It sort of seems like the various sexual identity minorities have attempted to do this by creating the umbrella acronym "LGBT." There has also been an attempt by some to reclaim the term "queer" for just this purpose as well.

If we're going to get hung up on using dozens of various descriptors for various degrees of sexual unique-ness, then let's do away with the ridiculous terms like homophobia, transphobia, and the like. I'm sure there are people who would be called those terms who are generally fearful of homosexuals, but it's far from a phobia for most. Feeling like a lifestyle isn't for you, doesn't mean you're fearful of it. It means it's not your cup of tea. If a person hates blacks and has the power to negatively impact them, they're a racist. Not negrophobic.
The term was more applicable when it first came about, particularly during the AIDS scare of the 80s. However, I feel like if someone believes legalizing gay marriage will bring about the downfall of this country or that having a gay scout leader will put your child at risk of molestation or that your gay child needs "conversion therapy," then the term isn't completely inaccurate. Perhaps it would be better to label it as some form of intolerance, but I tend to believe, in many cases, there is a certain element of fear that creates the intolerance.

Ultimately, however, it's just semantics. People get too hung up on the suffix of a word that has evolved. People know what is being talked about when the word is used.

This is ridiculous. Got junk=mens room. No junk=Ladies room. We've progressed so far that we are creating generations that have to invent drama. How the hell would these over sensitive people have survived in pioneer days? We are waaaaayyyy too comfortable if this is the type of crap that we have to argue over now.

The fact that this is going to a high court just so she/he can take a piss is a joke within itself..

Didn't really expect to see transphobia on CAG of all places.

Let's get a few things straight.

1.Transgenderism is a very very tough thing for someone to live with? Its expensive and emotionally and physically taxing, the murder/suicide rate of transgender youth is through the roof simply because enough people aren't educated on the topic.

There is no sexual or skeevy reasons for trans people to be in their gender appropriate bathrooms (meaning transwomen use the womens restroom etc.) its a comfort thing.

2.Tranny is an awful term, as is "trap" cut that out.

3.Gender and sex are separate, if a person identifies strongly as male or female that is their gender.
And having somebody with a dick sharing a girls locker room can be tough for some of them girls.... You cant bend over backwards for certain people and end up messing with other people in the process.

transphobia? really lol. I don't care what their reasons are for wanting to use that particular bathroom or locker room it's not productive to make tons of people feel possibly uncomfortable for one persons comfort.

bread's done