Uncharted 4 Leaked by Best Buy?


All I can say is Best Buy is the only place that had this for preorder. Everywhere I looked up U4, were Uncharted 4 predictions.
Here is the link: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/U4+-+PlayStation+4/8672183.p?id=1218884649577&skuId=8672183&cmp=RMX&ky=28oPyDFv0KHcisHwQcZfO0qg5PUU1VPjs
Let me know what you think. Also, what is Havok: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Havok+-+PlayStation+4/8674084.p?id=1218884649585&skuId=8674084&cmp=RMX&ky=28oPyDFv0KHcisHwQcZfO0qg5PUU1VPjs

All PS4 Games at Best Buy: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Video-Games/PlayStation-4-PS4/pcmcat295700050012.c?id=pcmcat295700050012
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Amazon has the dark sorcerer listed as a game... and david cage even said at the conference that it is only a tech demo and not a game at all..... so.... U4 could just be another mistake by a retailer. who knows.

Or it could be Uncharted 4 !!!!!!!

I vote for speculation at this point... E3, is what? Three days done? If Sony has anything, anything at all, it would have been at their conference.
It seems kinda pre-mature to think something is being made just because BestBuy has it available for pre-order... it could happen, it might not. Gamescom is coming in August. I'm guessing if they do have it in development, they'll show it then.

Up for preorder doesn't mean anything, but I think we can all rest comfortably tknowing hat it will come to the PS4 at some point.

bread's done