Singstar Dance / Queen NewEgg FREE after $9.99 rebate

What the heck, I got the bundle with microphones on clearance at Sears for $5 a couple years ago so I might as well take one of each of these.
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Picked up SingStar Dance, thanks OP.

Be prepared to wait a long time for the rebate... My Mass Effect 3 rebate from the first week of May is still being "processed."

Picked up SingStar Dance, thanks OP.

Be prepared to wait a long time for the rebate... My Mass Effect 3 rebate from the first week of May is still being "processed."
Honestly, never expect any rebates from any company to be fast. The soonest to expect then is 2-3 months. If its sooner then count yourself lucky.
Assuming Queen is game only no mic, where can I get the cheapest PS3 mic?

Assuming Queen is game only no mic, where can I get the cheapest PS3 mic?
They recommend using the official singstar mics (ps2 singstar mics should work, too), but the games should work with other usb mics (I think I've used my Rock Band and/or Karaoke Revolution mics before). I've noticed that the Singstar mics are a bit softer, so there may be slight volume/clipping issues with other mics...but they work well enough. So if you have a mic laying around from another music game, you might want to give it a try before looking for something else.

Btw, another point of note...if you have a PS Eye, you can use that, too...but you probably don't want to. I've noticed with some singing games on the ps3, though, that when I have my PS Eye and usb mics plugged in at the same time, the games, for some reason, seem to pick the PS Eye as the default mic, and I've had to go into the xmb and change the default mic settings after wondering why my mic wasn't working.

Got my 3 rebates, singstar dance, singstar queen, and Kayne and Lynch 2.  When I got Aliens: Colonial Marines, that rebate came in the form of a gift card.  The three games here for 9.99 came today as a check so anyone getting them, make sure you don't toss them out as junk mail.

bread's done