Completely Burned Out......

Righteous Nixon

I just can't deal with politics anymore. Its all become so corrupt, crooked, and dirty that I literally just cant stomach any of it anymore. I literally stopped watching evening news as there is always something about politics on there and even the sight of a politician on TV makes me feel sick. Political campaigns are the worst. TV spots have become nothing more than public attacks on the other candidates. Your lucky if you see one legitimate add, which discusses where the candidate stands on certain issues, out of every 20 that get shown. Its just become so negative and dirty. I just won't have any part of it. I keep the remote by me at all times and I immediately change the channel if anything regarding politics rears its head. In fact, I actually subscribed to both Netflix and Hulu, at the beginning of the last presidential campaign, for the sole purpose of not having to deal with all of the political BS. 

One of the things that bothers me the most is they all sound the same, every last one of them. God, what I would give for a politician that just talked to us like a normal person. Forget the pre-written speeches that all sound like they were written by the same guy. Just go the podium and talk to us like a human being, not a politician. God would that be a breath of fresh air. Again, I just cant deal with any of it anymore. I actually had a local politician come to my door awhile back and I was completely honest with him. I told him that I hate politicians and that I had no interest in anything he could say to me. He actually thanked me for being honest and went on about his business. 

Maybe if I thought that real change was possible, I might be more willing to deal with all of it and remain politically active, but I honestly believe that the US government is so far gone now and has become so corrupt, that it will take nothing short of a revolution to actually get us back to a government that is by the people for the people. Right now, its by the corrupt for the corrupt and until we get to the point where the average citizen is ready to take the the streets, nothing anyone does is going to make any difference. Either way, I reached my breaking point a long time ago so from here on out, I am leading a politics free life. I expect I will lead a longer happier life because of it. 

Yes, I know. I'm a cynic when it comes to politics but ultimately it was politics that made me that way. 

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I think all right minded people can't help but alternate between being in some state of hopefulness for the future and being in some state of despair. 

but I honestly believe that the US government is so far gone now and has become so corrupt, that it will take nothing short of a revolution to actually get us back to a government that is by the people for the people.
Hope you like being on a watch list.
Hope you like being on a watch list.
In all honesty, I don't mind at all. As corrupt as this government is, I will never live in fear of it. They can put me on whatever list they deem appropriate. I am a law abiding citizen who shoots pictures for a living and I pay my taxes on time every year. Hell, its been 10+ years since I even had a speeding ticket. So let them categorize me on lists all day long. I am ignoring everything and anything to do with politics and the government from here on out. That list they add me too...well, that will ultimately be just one more thing for me to ignore.

Have you been harassed for taking photographs? A good site for that sort of thing is Photography is Not A Crime.
Have you been harassed for taking photographs? A good site for that sort of thing is Photography is Not A Crime.
Far too many times, especially in New York and its getting worse and worse everywhere you go, especially for people like me that shoot large format (4x5) as I have to carry a lot of equipment and it takes time setting up each shot. I cant just shoot some pictures really fast and disappear like people with normal camera's can. Shooting 4x5, you have to set up the tripod, attach the camera to the tripod, select a lens and attach it to the camera, attach the shutter release cable to the lens, go under the dark cloth and compose the picture, level out the camera with bubble levels, meter the scene with a light meter, set the f/stop and shutter speed on the lens to the proper exposure, put the film holders in the back of the camera, remove the dark slide, expose the picture, replace the dark slide, and finally remove the film holder and tape it shut. I use the zone system so I also have to label the holder in regards to any adjustments needed for development time. I have a system where I put tape on the holder in different locations, depending on the adjustment needed. For example if its +1 development, I will put tape in the top left corner. If its -1 development, I will put a tab of tape in the bottom left corner. Anyways, as you can imagine, its not for people that want to shoot lots of pictures fast. In an entire day of shooting, I will get maybe 20-30 pictures.

If required, I can shoot pretty quick these days (roughly 60 seconds depending on how difficult the shot is to frame). It was actually my trips to Rome that made me learn how to shoot commando style (my nickname for shooting fast). In Rome, you actually have to have permits to shoot with a tripod and those permits are ridiculously expensive and very difficult to get. And the cops take it VERY seriously. Its not something the are willing to look the other way for. If they see you shooting with a tripod, they will immediately come over and shut you down. So it was either learn how to shoot really fast or pack up my bags and go home, as the whole reason I was even there was to shoot pictures.

The first time I went to Rome was for my senior thesis for college. My thesis was on architectural photography and was basically a juxtaposition on really old architecture and really new architecture. So Rome, and Florence, were extremely important to my thesis. So I basically got a system down where I was able to shoot really fast. I had to buy some gear, including a smaller carbon fiber Gitzo tripod, a hunting vest and this photography belt system by Lightware that has a whole line of special attachments (pouches and cases) for holding various equipment. I wore the hunting vest beneath a light jacket and purchased attachments for the belt that allowed me to have my light meter and film holders right on hand. Between the vest and the belt, I was able to carry all of the gear I needed to shoot fast right on me. I use a Toyo 45AII field camera when I am out in the field, which is significantly smaller than most studio 4x5's. This allowed me to keep the camera attached to the tripod at all times. When I was finished shooting, I just collapsed the camera and the legs of the tripod, slung it over my shoulder and was on my way. It only took about 15 seconds to open the tripod legs back up and get the camera ready to shoot again. I still got caught from time to time but all in all, it worked out pretty well. Even if they did see me, by the time they came over and shut me down, I already had the shot in the bag.

In all honesty, this topic is one of the first signs that there was something very wrong occurring in this country, basically a systemic attack on many of our rights and personal freedom's. Its pretty scary how successful they have been and its not just the fact that they are trying to stop you from shooting pictures but also the way they treat you. I have had instances where I was literally treated like a criminal, simply for shooting pictures in public. Again, New York is he worst but I have had issues in many other cities across the US in recent years. Its pretty unbelievable when you stop and think about it.

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Your government thanks you. The only thing they like more than "yes-men" are the ones who just aren't paying attention. At least "yes-men" occasionally question stuff.
And they are very very welcome!!! If I could send them a your welcome card, I would. Modern politics is a poison, one that I am completely getting out of my system. And questioning stuff is pointless if your not actually willing to take action. The US public has become so apathetic that it almost requires an entirely new word to describe it.

Far too many times, especially in New York and its getting worse and worse everywhere you go
Absolutely. I've been harassed in the middle of the suburbs for taking pictures of trains with a crappy point and shoot camera. Both by private security and cops. It's getting ridiculous. The general public supports this because they have no idea how laws governing photography actually work. In other words, there are very little restrictions on photography in this country, but people sometimes get as freaked out in front of a stranger's camera as they do a weapon.
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If part of your ID Nixon is in reference to a dead president by that name, I question your stance ..... or your true motives.
Because I have a particular user name, you question my stance or my true motives?

First off, I honestly don't care what you question. What you do or don't believe has absolutely ZERO impact on my beliefs, or what I post for that matter. 2nd there is actually a story behind my user name, a rather amusing story that ultimately led me to start using that user name. Its not something I am going to bother explaining to someone over the internet, but suffice to say, it is absolutely in reference to the dead US president. That being said, if you cant see the irony in my user name, especially after reading my initial post...well, I guess it just flies right over the heads of some people. Not much one can do about such things. In all honesty, there are few things as annoying as people on the internet who judge people based on user names. Its ignorance at a level that is rare even by todays standards.

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Absolutely. I've been harassed in the middle of the suburbs for taking pictures of trains with a crappy point and shoot camera. Both by private security and cops. It's getting ridiculous. The general public supports this because they have no idea how laws governing photography actually work. In other words, there are very little restrictions on photography in this country, but people sometimes get as freaked out in front of a stranger's camera as they do a weapon.
I actually purchased a small handi-cam from Sony, for the sole purpose of being able to film such situations. I shoot on my own on occasion but a lot of times I actually have an assistant with me, or I am with some of my other photographer freinds. A lot of us have very similar interests subject matter wise so we shoot together quite often. Whenever we get approached by police, or it looks like were going to be approached, I will get it out and start filming. I have a Gorillapod, those small funky tripods that can attach to pretty much anything. I attach the Gorillapod to my lens case and point the camera in the proper direction. Most of the time, they don't even notice it. Ultimately I think its smart, in case something goes down, as I have had cops get extremely angry and I don't trust cops and farther than I can throw them. If anything happens, like damage to my equipment or physical abuse, I will have a video record of it.

Last year, after having the worst season yet in regards to police interference, I purchased the Legal Handbook for Photographers. I read it cover to cover, multiple times, so I was familiar with all of the laws and I now carry it with me on every shoot. I made space for it in my camera case. Ultimately, the handy-cam and the book are just 2 more weapons in my fight against police oppression, which seems to be getting worse every year. IN the coming years, I fully expect that there will be attempts to introduce new laws, one that will ultimately make it harder and harder to take pictures in public. Again this topic is really a perfect example of the fact that there is something very wrong with not only this government and police, but also the country as a whole.

Security guards and private security are the absolute WORST as not only do they not understand the law, I find that they have inferiority issues since they are technically not police and typically viewed as people that couldn't make it into the police force so they tend to overcompensate by pretending to be hard a*ses.

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Agreed, I dont pay for TV so I dont usually see whats going on in the world unless I look at a news website or reddit. It all turns political. One vs the other like we are betting on whose winning the Super Bowl. Im not sure if its just always been like that, or if I just have become more aware in my age.

I think its sad we have a bunch of old politicians up there flapping there jowels because most of them just like to hear themselves talk and feel that power come out of their mouth.They start pointing fingers at each other saying "They did it!" and its just a constant loop. All I know is we need a change to out government. Get the old out. These people are beyond their time and feel like they have no clue about current generations. The previous 2 generations have gone through such an incredible change socially that the older generations are still clinging to stereotypes and misconceptions.

For example, marjiuana. Its gaining traction for legality recently but I think it has been way overdue. How alcohol and cigarettes stayed legal over marijuana for so long still baffles me. I dont even care to compare the finances or that weed would be a modern cash crop. Any sound minded person who looks at the affects of alcohol and cigs, has to be able to look at weed and see it is the lesser evil of the 3. Its this disconnect at the top of Congress/govt that I think cause us to be stuck in the past, and doing the same dumb thing

bread's done