How do you keep dust out of your collection?


23 (100%)
I wasn't very sure where to put this so I hope this is as good a spot as any. I was doing some cleaning around the house today and have a lot of wood so we use the pledge with orange glo to wipe and dust the surfaces of cabinets and the like.

However, when I came to my game shelves and media center I was a bit worried because I thought maybe the oil from the pledge would damage the games on my shelves and potentially leave smudging on my systems. The systems I'm not too worried about, it's the games that is scary. So I just grabbed a dry dish rag and pulled all of the games off and gave it a good wipe down but it didn't get rid of the dust and now it's kind of bugging me. lol

TL;DR: How does CAG take care of their video game collection? Or any collection for that matter. Do you dust around it or spray around with compressed air? Do you take everything down and give it all a good cleaning? Do you use any household cleaners at all? I'm interested in tips if you veteran collectors have any. 


I just use a regular dampen cloth to clean everything, but I clean my collection every week or so as dust builds up fairly fast, so that may make it much easier to make sure it doesn't build up into a dusty monster that is hard to clean.  The longer you let the dust build up, the harder it will get to clean them off, so it's a good idea to just dust them regularly.

The only downside is that it takes me a long ass time to clean my collection because of its size, so I spend about an hour to an hour and a half every time I clean my collection.

It's a sacrifice, but a necessary one for the sake of cleanliness. :3

Also, the Shopping Discussion thread is a good place for a thread like this next time as these topics tend to pop up there pretty often, and get a pretty decent amount of responses as a decent amount of people follow that section.  Not that this one isn't good, but more options to post your these kinds of thread topics next time.  The collections thread in that section would have been a good place to post this as well.

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