CAGcast #366: Smart Shoes


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
The guys talk Super Time Force, Kinect-less Xbox One, April NPDs and much more!

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Intro:  Come On To Me, Major Lazer -  Outro: He-Man Commerical
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I guess you can listen to Wombat's other podcast, Uninformed Opinions.

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Pinball talk!  Very cool!

If you guys (Shipwreck?) come to Battle Creek, MI in early November, you can go to John Dayhuff's yearly pinball party.  60+ machines!

Here's a vid:

Yes, they have Funhouse!

Cheapy, the Jilian Michaels Yoga is free too(at least for a limited time). They have been consistently adding more workouts which is great - the Mossa ones being my favorite.

Here's my thoughts on keeping Kinect and dropping the price to $400. Phil Spencer takes over, goes to Nadella and says "We need price parity with Sony. We need to be $400". Problem is from most accounts, the Xbox One is making a profit on every unit sold. Maybe Phil suggested taking a loss and the execs asked him to show why the should keep Kinect. Sales for Kinect Sports are abysmal, Fantasia is a niche product, and any other projects Phil could've showed must not have been very promising, thus not worth taking a loss.

Also, FRU is an indie game using the Kinect on Xbox One and looks great:

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trip1eX, on 26 Sept 2013 - 12:53 PM, said:

,,,,,, I'd be surprised if it doesn't come out of the nextbox by next xmas.  ......

in this very comment section of  the CAGCAST #338.

Thank you.  Thank you.

Anyway, to me, it was obvious the fun of Kinect was the initial wow of the tech.  It wasn't good enough to build a platform on top of.  It isn't responsive and reliable enough. So it was doomed from the start.  KInect was more Guitar Hero and Dancemat and 3d than platform.  The $100 higher pricepoint that it required in order to be part of X1 sealed its fate.
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I had a free ticket for Robocop for buying the original Robocop Blu-ray and was pleasantly surprised by it. It's a good movie with a few silly decisions (such as the visor comment "totally stoned"). Would you like to elaborate on some specific things you didn't like about it other than "it's not as over-the-top violent like the original"?

*light spoilers follow*

I quite liked how they changed Murphy's progression. In the original he began as a cold machine and slowly gained back his humanity over the course of the film. In the remake the corporation attempted to make Murphy as human as possible, but when that became inconvenient and was deemed "inefficient," they slowly and purposefully eroded his humanity until the point where Murphy was "human" in name only and completely unrecognizable by his loved ones. It is also interesting that the movie has no true, big-bad villain, just various people doing not so great things to protect their own interests.


With Almost Human it also didn't help matters that they aired the season completely out of order (yes Fox is still doing that) so the central relationship between the two partners appeared slightly bi-polar and any of the slightest bits of serialized touches would be nonsensical due to improper order.

Bad opinions solidify quickly, they didn't have months to come up with a plan to change the Xbox Ones DRM, they needed to stop bleeding immediately while more casual gamers were still paying attention.

What's really weird about Mario Kart 8 is the Wii U is in trouble and more than ever the game really needs to succeed to sell consoles so why would they go out of their way to annoy a subset of those who play the game by gimping battle mode? The new kart game doesn't have any of the traditional arenas, the only maps you can play on are the normal race tracks with teams driving in opposite directions.

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What's really weird about Mario Kart 8 is the Wii U is in trouble and more than ever the game really needs to succeed to sell consoles so why would they go out of their way to annoy a subset of those who play the game by gimping battle mode? The new kart game doesn't have any of the traditional arenas, the only maps you can play on are the normal race tracks with teams driving in opposite directions.
Multiple choice. Select the answer or answers that apply.

1) DLC

2) Survey says no one plays this mode

3) GAme budget was used up making the upside down race tracks.

4) Try something new.

5) Budget was lower because Wii U sales are horrible.

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It takes time to get good at Hearthstone.  Time to play, time to get cards, time to read guides, and time to watch videos/streams.  Copying a deck gives a very basic idea of how to play, but there's still a lot left to learn.  I find it funny that Cheapy keeps insisting that you don't need to do this or that to have fun or be good in the game-- but, you kinda do, especially since it is a competitive multiplayer game.  

It's definitely refreshing to hear Cheapy putting in the time to get good at a game.  Normally, you guys (Cheapy, Ship, Wombat) have a "I suck and I don't want to put in the time" mentality when it comes to competitive games.  I think it's cause Hearthstone doesn't require any hand-eye coordination or dexterity, haha.

CAG #366

3:45 Cheapy visits a pinball arcade
6:30 Show Feedback cancelled due to inclement weather
8:30 Don't Watch This: Robocop 2013
12:30 - Arrow
15:15 - Almost Human, R.I.P.
17:00 NPD software
24:00 NPD Hardware, Microsoft woes, Kinect
37:30 Games w/ Gold coming to XB1
38:30 New Releases:
38:30 - Super Time Force
41:00 - Nutjitsu
42:00 - Borderlands 2 (vita)
42:45 - Mario Kart 8
46:30 Sport Friends
49:00 Stick it to the Man (to be continued next week)
49:15 Bioshock Infinite DLC
51:00 Harmonix Kickstarter failing
55:00 Diablo III for consoles
55:30 Wikipedia's Watch Dogs editions chart
1:03:00 Cagbag
1:03:00 - E3 Wombat feed
1:03:45 - Xb1
1:04:00 - NHL 15
1:05:00 Know your E3 exhibitors
1:10:15 Hearthstone
Ironic that the best Lego game is only found on the Wii U given all the good sales of Lego games.

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Nintendo's new ad slogan:

"The Wii U! Bringing you the same games you can play on your 3DS for cheaper!!!! Now featuring Mario Kart 8, or Mario Kart 7 for $29.99 on the 3DS!"

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I think the word you were looking for about MS' handing of Xbox One is "distressing", Cheapy. It's not sad, but it is very distressing, this could have been done a lot better.

Also, a show that isn't serialized (i.e. each episode can be understood without watching previous episodes) is called episodic. And that used to be the norm in prime time for decades before "Lost" came around.

I went to the show notes for last episode and read through the comments to see what all the controversy was about. I thought it was a pretty good read. 

Irony that Wombat learned how Nintendo feels for unintended offending people.
I wasn't offended by what Wombat said last week and most weren't saying that he was being offensive because it hurt their feelings. As has happened before he missed the point, its that HE complains about being offended by little things said by others all the time towards the P.C. protected group of the day (changes depending on what the liberal media states) and then does the exact same thing and sees nothing bad about it. It was about the hypocrisy and double standards that we were pointing out, just pointing out what the guy's missed and not trying to start a tangent like last week's thread.

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Also, a show that isn't serialized (i.e. each episode can be understood without watching previous episodes) is called episodic. And that used to be the norm in prime time for decades before "Lost" came around.
That's like saying the Matrix invented wire fu movies, there were serialized shows on for decades before Lost.

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I went through that last cagcast forum after this podcast. Quite surprised at everyone's reaction. Must say I didn't agree with everything mentioned on that episode but my first thought wasn't to type out all my political/moral views on the internet. Still entertaining to read. Not Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly funny.

On to games. So, we know collectors editions are getting rather ridiculous I.e. Watchdogs 19 different versions, Titanfall's statue, Dead Island's zombie bust, the collectors edition that didn't include the game. Do you guys think they are exploiting the hardcore crowd with these overpriced collectors editions? Have you ever sprung for a collectors edition only to regret it later?

I jumped on the lotr fellowship collectors DVD that came with the statue bookends. Those things looked cool, but were cheap plastic pieces of shit. I would rather they take that production money and put it towards making what is in the game better. I think most of the hardcore crowd would care more about having a great game rather than having dog tags with their cod.

Love the show. Keep up the good work guys. Less political talk and more life and game chatter please.
Nintendo's new ad slogan:

"The Wii U! Bringing you the same games you can play on your 3DS for cheaper!!!! Now featuring Mario Kart 8, or Mario Kart 7 for $29.99 on the 3DS!"
No Mario Kart game has ever been the same.
The GBA, DS and 3DS versons are all very different from the GC, Wii and Wii U versions.

don't know if you guys already knew but failed to mention, but Xbox live Games with Gold will now be just like the free games on PS+

In other words.. you can only play them as long as you are a gold member. you will lose them if your xbox live subscription runs out.

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For me, games were never the big hook for Kinect.  The future of Kinect has always  been apps.  If Microsoft continues to come out with apps I do not care as much about games. I think Cortana needs to get the Xbox One as quickly as it is ready.    I do want more voice controls like what Mass Effect 3 did.  I do want a Halo Wars sequel with Kinect controls as an option. 

I am still not sure getting rid of Kinect is a smart idea.  They needed to get to $400, and Microsoft does not want to lose money with the Xbox One so they made this decision.   

I had the chance to see Robocop last week and the movie was fine but nothing mind-blowing. Especially the ending was quite the disappointment. To sum it up it's definitely a movie I would watch on Netflix just for the cgi or so but I won't buy it on Blu-Ray. 

Regarding the Kinect.. I think at least in Europe it's to little too late. Here in Switzerland the xbox one hasn't officially been put on sale yet (available via grey imports for about 650$ with the Kinect). Without the Kinect there is no incentive at all for developers to build  a game with the Kinect in mind when there is no audience. I think it shares the same fat as the PS4 - camera, a neat accessory but nothing more. I only use the PS4 camera for twitch-streaming and the Kinect will probably just end up as a neat microphone vor Skype. Can anybody think of any other applications besides video/audio-chat? Maybe the voice control stuff? Does anybody really care about that?

LOL Shipwreck, whats up with your connection??

I love it when you guys get all apologetic to your listeners haha. Smoke one like Cheapy and just let it go. 

On a side note: you guys need to hire some like minded interns to write some game reviews. I remember like a year ago Cheapy said a new review would be posted and we wouldn't have to see Deadpool anymore haha.

You guys are hitting the right cord with MS. They got too greedy this Gen in my opinion. I feel like both consoles were developed pre 2010. The lifespan of the previous gen was so long Sony and MS know people are going to buy a new console because they are outdated. Unfortunately, those of us with gaming PC's are not that impressed. Every previous gen of console was a leap ahead of the previous. The hardware inside ran like a gaming PC. They always pushed ahead of my current PC at the time. Now, I feel my 2.5 year old PC could run circles around these consoles. Also the "wow factor" was always high. This gen feels more like "meh." Sony finally caught up with MS and MS took a step back which puts Sony ahead. WTF? 

Good show guys. 

Some great points about kinect.  I never saw it as being a gaming device (though my daughter is looking forward to fantasia) but as a way for MS integrate all their multimedia ambitions with a new an initiative way to move through & interact with content.  But a non-kinect SKU will help them pick up sales in north america and be of enormous benefit in the remaining launch countries.  I still love my kinect though.  I hope more companies use & improve on MS's vision.. including MS as well, in this generation and the next.

As always, fantastic show.  Thank you for another episode.  It's not the same without wombat, but with two kids of my own I can understand and sympathize.  Hope to hear him for the whole run next week.

don't know if you guys already knew but failed to mention, but Xbox live Games with Gold will now be just like the free games on PS+

In other words.. you can only play them as long as you are a gold member. you will lose them if your xbox live subscription runs out.
Only on the Xbox One.

On the 360 you still get to keep your games. They clearly don't have the technical ability to restrict game access on the old console.

Shipwreck's Watch Dogs versions tweet seriously rippled all over the place. I saw multiple news stories, the Idle Thumbs podcast had a very lengthy and funny discussion (first topic on the show last week). The Player One Podcast also briefly talked about. It was pretty much everywhere I was looking/listening. Good work, Ship! 

Seeing Cheapy play the Bioshock Inifnite DLC on Steam and seeing him earning achievements in my feed reminded me I had started Ep1 but hadn't finished it yet, so I went and played it myself. Finished that and now playing Ep2, which is better, but makes me wish its stealth mechanics were present in all of the Bioshock games. I played all 3 Bioshock games in this past year, and throughout all of them I had been wishing I could properly stealth in certain situations.

Didn't know Shipwreck was the "source" of the Watch_Dogs chart info spreading. I saw his tweet, but I didn't know that was what started it.

The Stealth/crossbow stuff in Episode 2 seemed directly lifted from Dishonored, so I guess the Bioshock designers had to play that game first.

CAGcast: now with 66% less Wombat.

Can't say I'm complaining.
I really don't understand the thought process some people have. If you don't like Wombat, why even listen to the podcast? Why comment in the podcast thread? Do you also go to concerts so you can tell the bands that you don't like them?

I really, really don't get it.

It's entertaining listening to Cheapy and Shipwreck give the Amplitude Kickstarter no chance to succeed.
I don't really have much interest in Amplitude, or any Kickstarter for that matter, but I think listening to their predictions on almost anything is hilarious, especially with Shipwreck. Keep in mind he is the same guy that predicted the WiiU would sell like hotcakes and would be THE gift this past holiday season.

Whatever happened to the analyst prediction segment? Did they drop it because the predictions were so horribly wrong, espceially those from Shipwreck?

Also, please tell me those "Shipwreck is always right" comments they make constantly is sarcasm?

Keep in mind he is the same guy that predicted the WiiU would sell like hotcakes and would be THE gift this past holiday season.
I don't remember saying that. I may have said it in 2012, but I don't know why I would have said it for 2013.

I'm happy for Harmonix that they are going to meet their goal. It didn't look likely last week to anyone.
bread's done