Just when you think gamefly shipping can not get any slower they bring you this


106 (100%)
Shipping Preferences
We're testing a new feature that allows you to decide whether we ship your next available game, or hold your Q for 3 or 7 days to try and ship your top choice next, if available. Please set your preference below.

  • Ship my next available, released game as soon as it's available. 
    This is our current shipping method. If you leave this default option selected, we'll send you the highest-ranked, released game in your Q that's available to ship. You may get your top released choice if it's available when we attempt to ship your next game.
  • Hold my Q up to 3 days for my highest-ranked, released game. 
    If you choose this option, we'll only attempt to ship the highest-ranked, released game in your Q. If we can't ship your top released choice after 3 days, we'll send the next available, highest-ranked, released game in your Q.
  • Hold my Q up to 7 days for my highest-ranked, released game. 
    If you choose this option, we'll only attempt to ship the highest-ranked, released game in your Q. If we can't ship your top released choice after 7 days, we'll send the next available, highest-ranked, released game in your Q.
more time not to get any games shipped to you   WOOO YEA  SIGN ME UP 
Welp, that pretty much sucks.  I just got done doing a 30-day free trial of Gamefly, to rent Infamous: Second Son for completing my platinum trophy run.  Despite living in western Illinois, and GameFly having a distribution center in Kansas City, Missouri, my primary shipping center was the one in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Makes sense to me.  I returned Infamous after a few days, and got Tomb Raider about a full week later.  Decided to go ahead and return it 5 days before my trial was done, and cancelled my subscription before I was charged for the 2nd month.  It's definitely not on par with Netflix DVD rentals, which I wish would jump into the video game rental service.

Welp, that pretty much sucks. I just got done doing a 30-day free trial of Gamefly, to rent Infamous: Second Son for completing my platinum trophy run. Despite living in western Illinois, and GameFly having a distribution center in Kansas City, Missouri, my primary shipping center was the one in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Makes sense to me. I returned Infamous after a few days, and got Tomb Raider about a full week later. Decided to go ahead and return it 5 days before my trial was done, and cancelled my subscription before I was charged for the 2nd month. It's definitely not on par with Netflix DVD rentals, which I wish would jump into the video game rental service.
what is also stupid is IF YOU GET A FAST SCAN if the game does not get return within 7 days the system reports it as lost.

I had a game get fast scan on say JUNE 1 but never got back to june 10. On june 8 they would report it as lost . this happened twice to me and got a warring if i get one more lost notice the account could be cancelled. Im like thats your own fault you so slow in shipping and returning crap .

I rejoined in May 12

Got boarderlands 2 never showed up to May 23 so they gave me a 5 buck gift card to make up for the long wait. Sent it back and got it fast scan and got MIND ZERO out. I then up my account to 3 at a time on JUNE 7 but nothing shipped out even with 2 slots open. so they refunded me the cash and gave me a free month at the end of my gift cert. I got zelda shipped out june 10 Got it june 13 (3 days) i put it back in the mail saturday no scan on it today. Hopefully something ships tomorrow.

but in a month only got 3 games shipped and 2 of those 3 games i only kept for a day (i kept mind zero for a week)

I say if you got the Best buy 20% off thing Gamefly is a joke. I think you can buy the games brand new day one. Play them beat them and then flip them to Ebay and break about even. I know when 3ds should be able to

3DS game 40 = best buy 32 can easy dump those new games on ebay for 30 to 35 so after fees 27 to 32. so each game you play cost about 5 bucks. About the same it would cost from gamefly

I've never really used GameFly much, but I think they should let you choose how many games off the top of your list you're willing to wait for. Why hold just for your very top game? Why can't you choose to hold for your top 3?

So what's the problem? Just keep it default it'll be the same way.

Its not like they're not sending you new games based on your shipping settings its just up to you if you wish to wait a little bit longer for a newer game if you don't get it on the first run.

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So what's the problem? Just keep it default it'll be the same way.

Its not like they're not sending you new games based on your shipping settings its just up to you if you wish to wait a little bit longer for a newer game if you don't get it on the first run.
point is if you set it that way and had

Tomodachi Life - number 1 in your Q since it came out on JUNE 6 You would still be waiting cause they still never shipped it out to me so half your month would been gone you would paid 8 bucks for nothing
I hate to say it, but I think red box is just better than all that waiting...unless you get a slip of paper with the game name on it.

Side note, I thought people just only ever put 1 game in their Q if they wanted the game badly.

Seems like a Slidecage only problem. Add more games to your list and be happy.
no they changed how they ship.

Years ago you could take all of the games out of your Q and add a new release and it would ship. today if you have less then 10 games that are showing out your Q will freeze up and nothing will ship. I had this happen to me 3 times so far this year. and was told by the higher up

your account froze cause you do NOT HAVE 10 games in your Q. You must keep at least 10 games in your Q or it will screw up our database.

even if you had 100 games in your Q if you said HOLD MY ACCOUNT UNTIL GAME 1 IS NOW. You still would not got nothing shippedo ut this month so adding more means nothing

Shipping for me was also slowed down since the Austin shipping center no longer operates. I was getting ready to cancel by returning my last two games but I forgot to take out two medium wait games from my Q and one of them shipped yesterday. After cancellation any held games have to be returned within 7 days so I would end up running dangerously close or surpass this date.
Shipping for me was also slowed down since the Austin shipping center no longer operates. I was getting ready to cancel by returning my last two games but I forgot to take out two medium wait games from my Q and one of them shipped yesterday. After cancellation any held games have to be returned within 7 days so I would end up running dangerously close or surpass this date.
Yeah I live in San Antonio so losing that austin center fucking sucked. Went from getting games the next day to getting them in three days

Welp, that pretty much sucks. I just got done doing a 30-day free trial of Gamefly, to rent Infamous: Second Son for completing my platinum trophy run. Despite living in western Illinois, and GameFly having a distribution center in Kansas City, Missouri, my primary shipping center was the one in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Makes sense to me. I returned Infamous after a few days, and got Tomb Raider about a full week later. Decided to go ahead and return it 5 days before my trial was done, and cancelled my subscription before I was charged for the 2nd month. It's definitely not on par with Netflix DVD rentals, which I wish would jump into the video game rental service.
This is news to me. I didn't even know therew as a distribution center in Missouri. I might have to consider signing up, but my backlog is holding me back. The question now with all this happening. Is it worth it to sign up now?

This new "system" is totally optional, so I wouldn't be too worried about it. It will only affect you if you tell them to hold your Q. This is generally an option for people who would rather have a chance of getting a game on release day versus having GameFly ship the first available game on their list, which may be older.

If you choose the first option, nothing will change. That's what I did, and my service has remained uninterrupted. :)

This new "system" is totally optional, so I wouldn't be too worried about it. It will only affect you if you tell them to hold your Q. This is generally an option for people who would rather have a chance of getting a game on release day versus having GameFly ship the first available game on their list, which may be older.

If you choose the first option, nothing will change. That's what I did, and my service has remained uninterrupted. :)

had 4 games in my Q for months

BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Xblaze Code: Embryo

Hyperdimension Neptunia PP
Tomodachi Life

and all of them JUMPED TO VERY LOW first day they came out and never tried to ship anything. IM only getting 6+ month old games if anything.


They are now giving EVERYONE THEIR FIRST MONTH FREE So everone is joining just for the free month and then quitting so good luck getting anything

They should of DONE FREE MONTH AFTER BUYING 2 MONTHS or something like that. They would not have the massive problems they do
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another reason why i think this company is scam.

I went into my  Q and looked and seen  3  of the new releases that came out last week go from   COMES OUT  XX  TO VERY LOW The day they came out.    So i go into my account tuesday and see that those 3 games all show  NOW.   So i upgrade to 3 at a time to get at least  2 of them shipped.  As soon  as i upgrade  all 3 games jump to  VERY LOW.  I go into chat and they go  it must been a bug in the system. Sorry we dont issue  refunds. So im stuck at 3 at a time with nothing to ship out 

Yeah the shipping and availability issues are why I stopped using them ages ago. A shame as it was convenient and the price wasn't bad, just the service could have used improvement and looks like they haven't gotten better.

Sounds odd, but just grab another game from your list. I only used Gamefly once in the past and it was nice. I too used the 30 day free trial, but I ended it after my first game since I felt it was pretty much pointless to do. 

Man, I was hoping the MO center would speed up shipping to Chicago and it seems like it hasn't. ><
Yeah, I live in western Illinois, right next to the Mississippi by Iowa, and even though I'm ~300 miles from the Kansas City distribution center, my primary shipping center is still at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania (more than 600 miles away). So in addition to having to wait 2-3 days from GameFly to decide it's time to ship out a game after receiving the last one, there's a 5-6 day shipping wait as well. At least in my situation, it hasn't paid much trying out GF.

bread's done