Alien: Isolation, Halloween Game?

Richard Kain

The title is nearing release. (next Tuesday) The early reviews are out. And one point of consensus is that Alien: Isolation is survival-horror as hell. It's looking more and more likely that this game will be my go-to Halloween game for the month of October.

I've always enjoyed indulging in a little taste of frightening media during the month of October. Perhaps its a natural progression from some of the monster-movie marathons that were regularly aired on TV during my youth. But when October rolls around, I start reaching for the scary stuff.

Sadly, most of the upper-tier horror films have already been crossed off my list. This year I'm turning to some of the scary games in my backlog to fill the void. I'll be revisiting Zombie-U, and giving Outlast a try. And if the reviews stay as positive as they have been, I'll be picking up Alien on Tuesday. (or possibly just ordering it off of Steam)

What games would the rest of you recommend for a little Halloween-themed gaming? What are your usually go-to games when you want the hair on the back of your neck to stand up?

Not a fan of the horror genre for games buuuuuut from what I have seen Five Nights and Freddy's seems to be a nice spooky game. 

Eternal Darkness is probably my favorite go to horror game.
I love that it goes out of it's way to make the player feel like they're going crazy along with their character rather than rely on jump scares and horrifying creatures only.

I'm curious about this new Alien game too, it does look pretty good. I won't be picking it up anytime soon, but I'll be looking out for a good deal.
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I hope its an actual horror that actually scares the sh*t out of you; I actually like watching people play those, because I'm too scared to play them on my own =P

I picked up Alien: Isolation when it went on sale on Steam on Monday. I only got to play an hour or so on Monday, and another hour yesterday. The tone and graphics are spot-on. I didn't start getting to any really tense moments until last night. In one sequence the music in the game was used to excellent effect to ratchet the tension up.

So far I think Alien: Isolation is going to be a winner in the scary-game category. This game is being legitimately frightening.

Well The Evil Within is out, so that could be a good one to go with. Also you could get into some Silent Hill 2 or Silent Hill 3. I want to play Alien: Isolation, looks pretty scary. 

And yeah, Halloween sort of has become a time to play horror games. Horror movies are one thing, but I think gaming adds to the day even more. 

I did a quick play of Daylight and that game seems to be pretty spooky, especially the lag it causes.

bread's done