I've got the Heroes of the Storm for you - HotS Thread


7 (100%)
What is Heroes of the Storm? 

-Heroes of the Storm is Blizzard's entrance to the MOBA market.

What is MOBA? 

-MOBA stands for 'Multiplayer Online Battle Arena'.  These types are games are usually online only, pitting two teams against each other.  Heavily team based, these games will test your skills of cooperative skill to another level.  Or just test your patience.  Examples of MOBA type games include 'League of Legends' and 'Defender of the Ancients'.

What is so different about Blizzard's version of MOBA?

-First off, the playable characters are famous(and some not so famous) Heroes & Villains from popular Blizzard franchises.  HotS is also more team focused, which means that the TEAM gains experience instead of each individual player.  There are no items, so the gameplay is a lot more streamlined and much more welcoming to brand new MOBA players.  

Where can I find more information about Heroes of the Storm?

-I'm glad you asked! 


Please note that Heroes of the Storm is currently in Alpha and is only available through invites.  You can sign up for a chance to be invited from the official site linked above.  

I hope they support Linux soon with a native client so that I can try this at my rigs @ home.

Been in it since the initial wave of invites (back in Feb or March or something).  It's okay.  Designed to be more casual and team oriented than DOTA.

I'd like to check it out since I'm super sick of League and all the trolls that play that game, but Blizzard hates me and never invites me to anything. Definitely gonna try it out when it's released to the public though.

New stuff announced at Blizzcon 2014 includes:

New Heroes



-Lost Vikings

Video Link:


Anyone have an extra US beta key? trade?

PS: Sorry didn't know where to post this. This was the only HoTs forum I could find.

Check your battle.net launcher, the install button showed up for me yesterday so I was able to install it and play around a little. Not too interested in it (or the genre) though.
I just started playing this game today and it's actually pretty fun.  It's quite a bit different from the regular MOBAs that you'd find (League/DOTA/Smite), and the matches are a lot shorter.  10-25 minutes per match seems to be average, and everything runs pretty well.  There's 6 different maps available to play on, each one with a different set of objectives that can greatly help you and your team in winning the match. 

Even though it's a MOBA game, there's a few things that make it stand out. 

  • The shorter matches (makes it so that a loss isn't as hard and so that you can fit in a few games when you've got some free time)
  • Your team all levels up at the same time by shared XP
  • NO ITEMS!  There isn't any gold to buy items with in this game, instead it has a set of skills that you can pick upon leveling up (think of Awesomenauts in a way, how you build in that game and have to pick between several different options).  This means that there's no gold and no last hitting
  • These matches depend hugely on teamwork (not so much one player snowballing a team and leading them to victory), because of all the different objectives available.
  • Your three regular abilities are ready at the start, with your ultimate unlocking at level 10 (max level for abilities is 20, but you can level up higher than that).

There's plenty of more things that I've left out, but it's really a fun game.  The only complaints I have with it is that there isn't a regular old gamemode where you can play without one of the map-specific gimicks, and the grind that you have to do to get gold to unlock heroes.  You don't get too much gold aside from the daily quests and certain accomplishments, like reaching a class level/specific hero level, which can get annoying when you're only getting 20-30 gold per match and heroes can cost anywhere from 2k-10k gold.  They just need to boost it up a bit (maybe 30 gold for a loss and 50 per win), which would make the game a bit more enjoyble.

All-in-all, it's a great game to play if you've got the slightest interest in MOBAs, and is even more fun if you can play with friends.  It's a good way to escape the regular MOBAs and have fun.

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It's funny, a few weeks ago I thought I wouldn't like this game. But now I'm hooked and play it every day. Damn you Blizzard!
That's what I thought too! I thought I was done with MOBAs after I got tired of League, but nope! All it took was a few friends to get me to play and then I got hooked!

So the new patch hit today.  I ended up getting Sylvanas and tried her out a bit.  While she's pretty low on HP, she's pretty satisfying to play.  

Also, more to come: 


I'm interested in casually playing with people since I don't have any friends with it and my son wasn't able to get into the beta. My battle.net is synnarc#1676

The game was officially out yesterday. I'm surprised not a lot of people are playing. :)
i played, isn't it still open beta now?

the game feels like a water down version of dota 2 and league of legends.

there was a lot of noobs playing the game, who is playing mobas for the first time.

i had a team full of noobs in a few games, that were getting ganked. i am an average moba player at best. i ended with the best k/d ratio in the game. they were playing it like it was diablo 3 pvp. no communications, and no idea of working as a team.

basically a game for casuals who never played mobas ever before in their life.

blizzard / activision is going to make a killing off this game. it is very accessible to noobs and casuals, who can feel like a pro moba player.

I ended up getting the starter pack today. The funny thing is that it comes with a code for a Ronin Zeratul skin and a Zeratul hero code. If you register the skin code first, you'll get the hero so I'm not sure if this was intended. Kinda funny.
Couldnt get too much into DOTA and I really dont like LoL though I am tempted by this.

I think I might load it up tonight and give it a spin.

Couldnt get too much into DOTA and I really dont like LoL though I am tempted by this.

I think I might load it up tonight and give it a spin.
you will probably enjoy this, or even love it, if you hate / dislike dota and LOL. it basically removes the most noob unfriendly elements from those games out. and make it easy and accessible to any1 who has never play mobas ever before, or don't like the moba typical style, where you grind and farm and get gears. you will feel like you are actually contributing no matter how bad you actually are, because the k/d ratios in hots is very deceiving.

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Played all the tutorials and then a Quick Match last night.


I love all the Blizzard IPs but the game itself still feels super MOBA-y to me and don't feel it stands out enough to make me care about a MOBA. I will give it another go or two though and give it its fair share of time before I totally write it off but first impressions arent all that great.

As a 3D modeler myself I actually found the most enjoyable part being in going through every single character and their outfits and admiring all the work there haha

Played all the tutorials and then a Quick Match last night.


I love all the Blizzard IPs but the game itself still feels super MOBA-y to me and don't feel it stands out enough to make me care about a MOBA. I will give it another go or two though and give it its fair share of time before I totally write it off but first impressions arent all that great.

As a 3D modeler myself I actually found the most enjoyable part being in going through every single character and their outfits and admiring all the work there haha
that is why i mentioned in my comment, it is still a moba, they just simplified it . you level together with your team, instead of each of member on the team being different lvls, and removing farming of gold to get better equip. the whole team is on the same playing field.

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that is why i mentioned in my comment, it is still a moba, they just simplified it . you level together with your team, instead of each of member on the team being different lvls, and removing farming of gold to get better equip. the whole team is on the same playing field.
Yeah but I was hoping it was like fish. Some fish is REALLY fishy tasting and I am not a fan, some however tastes much less like the stereotypical fish while still obviously being actual fish and that I like. I was hoping HotS was my less fishy fish hahah

Yeah but I was hoping it was like fish. Some fish is REALLY fishy tasting and I am not a fan, some however tastes much less like the stereotypical fish while still obviously being actual fish and that I like. I was hoping HotS was my less fishy fish hahah
i think hots is basically blizzard's late attempt into getting into the moba scene, after they saw how successful / profitable moba like LOL can be. because starcrafts esport scene has basically failed, when LOL took over.

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My favorite part of the game is how the characters interact with each other whether they share a universe or not (ex: Illidan the demon hunter from Warcraft taunting Valla the demon hunter from Diablo). Hits on the right amount of nostalgia.

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if any1 of you do play hots semi-regularly add me, i cannot stand playing with randoms in this game, no communication ever. it is like i am playing with bots. no1 is using chat.

my battlenet tag is mewcag#1443

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/\ I've added you I try to play daily I usually get a game in 11p EST or weekend mornings.  Feel free to add me as well Traginis#1577 I'm really enjoying this game, it's easy to pick up on and fun to play.  LOL and Dota 2 were just to much and I hated the last hit part to get xp mainly because I sucked at it. I'm currently getting all the characters I can to lvl 5 then I will really decided which ones I like and buy them. 

As someone who wants to get started on the game, thoughts on the starter pack that retails for $19.99? Good value or can it easily be earned through playtime?

As someone who wants to get started on the game, thoughts on the starter pack that retails for $19.99? Good value or can it easily be earned through playtime?
I think it's worth it. You can't get the mount unless you get the starter pack. Zeratul and Jaina are $9.99 each so that's already 19.98 right there. Oh and if you do get it redeem the Ronin Zeratul skin and you'll get the hero with it. That way you can save the Zeratul hero code for a friend. :)

Monk dropped yesterday, he's going to make for some very interesting combos. I can forsee a lot of bad decisions when he Qs in to heal.

Wow, dead thread. Blizzard announced their Black Friday sale, everything half price. Almost, but nearly everything. In for a lot.
They nearly killed the game already, hopefully Blizzard actually doing a large scale sale is a sign of good things to come.

Sale on for a few more hours. They announced Recruit a Friend today, can earn a SC Vulture mount that I very much want.

New/Under Level 5 get: Log in to Heroes after signing up for Recruit A Friend and you'll receive the resilient Assassin Hero Raynor and a 5-Day Stimpack, which increases your experience and gold earned per match.

Then: Once you reach Level 10 with Recruit A Friend activated, you'll receive the Ranged Specialist Hero Sylvanas and a special in-game portrait created especially for Recruit A Friend participants.

I can see people getting salty if they can't unlock the RAF portrait, as cheesy as that is.

(And you're damn right I'm not mentioning the news and not putting my link  https://battle.net/recruit/VMT8PS8FDV)

bread's done