Wonderful and upstanding speech by Americas Only hopeful, Dr. Ben Carson


45 (100%)
Please take the time to hear this wise and patriotic man, he truly is the only hope for America.

Bare in mind there is opposition from the left who will certainly attempt to bury him, here on CAG and in this nation, Dr. Ben Carson does in fact exceed the requirements to be among the very best POTUS America has ever seen.


Another heartfelt and amazing speech by Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Carson's amazing speech at CPAC 2014


Yet another powerful and beautiful speech by Presidential hopeful Dr Ben Carson!   :wave:

~ Ben Carson's First Iowa Speech


Ben Carson's first interview with Megyn Kelly | 5/6/2015

This first appearance by Dr. Ben Carson explains his life further with deeper details from his very mouth as well as numerous awards presented and held with great esteem! 


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My In-laws actually had the privilege of working and meeting with him, very nice guy and knowledgeable about his profession.  That being said, I doubt he'll make it very far, he has some pretty extreme views.  That is my opinion, of course, and not a fact. :) Also, what makes him patriotic?  Did he serve in the military?  Does he wave around a flag in front of his house?

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Ben Carson will have to make a better ad than this to get MY prayers:


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Another heartfelt and amazing speech by Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Carson's amazing speech at CPAC 2014


Right wingers flipping in rage about calls to remove the Confederate flag from the S. Carolina statehouse.  Quick, show them all your video so they'll know it's REALLY the Democrats who are racist!

Right wingers flipping in rage about calls to remove the Confederate flag from the S. Carolina statehouse. Quick, show them all your video so they'll know it's REALLY the Democrats who are racist!

“Ill intended or not, why would African Americans want to be reminded of a legalized system of involuntary

servitude, dehumanization, rape and mass murder?”

Here is an interesting read that touches on and brings home the above statement.


The controversy over the Confederate flag still rages on. Texas is considering a confederate flag symbol on it license plates as are other southern states. Some may already exists!
There are whites that claim that the rebel flag represents their southern heritage, their legacy of the old south as it used to be.
The Sons of the Confederate Veterans insist that the flag is a symbol of their heritage, of their brave forefathers who fought and died in the Civil War to preserve that southern heritage, the southern way of life and that they have a right to be proud and celebrate it. But just what heritage and way of life are they really celebrating and at whose expense? That would depend on the color of your skin.
From a white perspective, the heritage of the old south represents the glory days of plantations, mint juleps and porcelain ladies in white hoop skirts, fanning away the vapors and the southern heat, with happy ‘darkies’ grinning, dancing and picking cotton, working in the noon day sun, content as they could be, while white men stood at the apex of power and control over everything and everyone they surveyed.
Under that flag, white men were the supreme authority with the power of life or death over all who were not like them. The entire social structure was for and about ‘whites only’. It was a life of absolute power and privilege over the terrorized and brutalized Africans whose forced labor provided the foundation upon which whites would build their wealth, power and privileged way of life.
It should be remembered that those ‘brave confederate forefathers’ who fought in the Civil War did so to maintain the status quo, to maintain the institution of slavery and a life of power and privilege for whites and perpetual enslavement for Africans. Interestingly enough, the Sons of the Confederate Veterans claim they are against racism and abhor the association of the flag with racist groups and causes yet vigorously defend the very symbol of white supremacy and Black oppression that is the confederate flag.
The racist meaning and symbolism of the Confederate flag has not been lost on the Ku Klux Klan, Skinheads, Neo Nazi’s, Militia groups and other white supremacists groups who use it in one form or another (and in conjunction with the Nazi flag of Hitler’s madness) as their symbol of white supremacy, unity and purpose. Some members even have the flag tattooed on their bodies. They understand exactly what that flag symbolizes: a symbol of absolute white power, of racial hatred, violence and oppression and its bloody, shameful history cannot be altered or denied!
For the enslaved Africans and his progeny, the flag was and is a symbol of white supremacy and Black oppression. To the Africans, the flag represented enslavement, oppression, exploitation, segregation, the rape of African women, the near destruction of the African family structure, brutalization both physical and psychological in nature, and utter degradation, humiliation and dehumanization. Under that flag, Africans could be assailed, raped, lynched and murdered, families scattered to the four winds with impunity. The laws were never intended to protect or serve the interests of Africans who had no rights, civil, human or otherwise, that whites had to respect.
For Black people, the flag meant eternal servitude, generation after generation; a predetermined, unalterable destiny of 'legal' subservience, poverty and brutalization of body, mind and spirit. The rebel flag symbolized slavery and slavery is ‘protracted genocide’; a slow, ‘living death’ drawn out over nearly four centuries and countless generations.
Africans were never to be in control of their own destiny, never meant to flourish or thrive as whole and complete human beings. That we have survived this historic atrocity is a testimony to our strength, determination, resilience and our unwavering faith in God, The Creator!
The kidnapping and enslavement of African people was one of the world’s most heinous crimes against humanity! And the Confederate flag symbolizes that crime and the shame of a nation. If we are to heal and move forward as a nation, racist remnants of the past must not be forgotten for those who forget history are doomed to repeat it! “If you don’t know where you come from, you won’t know when somebody’s trying to take you back!” Rev. Joseph Lowery

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I had just seen this, not personally a fan of jon stewart, but he also speaks on the confederate flag @3:55 which I found relevant.


Dylan Roof was inspired by the Council of Conservative Citizens, a right wing hate group that has been visited and pandered to by Trent Lott, Mike Huckabee, Bob Barr, Ann Coulter and Haley Barbour.

This is why the Confederate flag isn't going away in S. Carolina. Too many white racist votes to be lost by taking a principled stance.
I won't disagree there are nutjob agenda's in this world, though this is certainly not and does not speak for the agenda of conservative Christians, or conservatives in general. Dr. Ben Carson obviously is in no way part of this nonsense. (For the record)

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Let's see if Carson has the principles to take a strong stance here. So far, his reaction has been pretty milquetoast.

Although, I guess that alienating the racists in the CoCC is less an issue for Carson than it is for most of the GOP people who pander to them for votes.

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I won't disagree there are nutjob agenda's in this world, though this is certainly not and does not speak for the agenda of conservative Christians, or conservatives in general. Dr. Ben Carson obviously is in no way part of this nonsense. (For the record)
I believe that it does represent them.
CARSON: Our military needs to know that they’re not gonna be prosecuted when they come back, because somebody has, said “You did something that was politically incorrect.” There is no such thing as a politically correct war. We need to grow up, we need to mature. If you’re gonna have rules for war, you should just have a rule that says no war. Other than that, we have to win. Our life depends on it.
Because we don't expect any opposing force to treat our captured troops with any sense of decency, as we do with theirs.

“[A lot] of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question.”
All ex-cons are gay.

“You know Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is in a way, it is slavery in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government, and it was never about health care. It was about control.”
“Because 9/11 is an isolated incident. Things that are isolated issues as opposed to things that fundamentally change the United Sates of America and shift power from the people to the government. That is a huge shift. You have to take a long-term look at something that fundamentally changes the power structure of America.”
Yeah, because "walk it off, grandma" is always the best option.

“There comes a time when people with values simply have to stand up. Think about Nazi Germany. Most of those people did not believe in what Hitler was doing. But did they speak up? Did they stand up for what they believe in? They did not, and you saw what happened
Romney lost because Democrats are Nazis that don't bother to exterminate an entire race.

Rise above it Ben Carson, we know you can do it.

I believe that it does represent them.
Turns out that the head of the Council of Conservative Citizens has donated tens of thousands of dollars to GOP candidates. He certainly must think that they represent them and support his agenda. You don't donate tens of thousands of dollars because you're ambivalent or think one is just the best of two crap options. I'm surprised no one's told him about how racist the Democrats are so he could donate his money to them instead.

Would you feel better knowing that you were just "an" anti-Christ?  At least "the" anti-Christ has some panache.

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Ben Carson's first interview with Megyn Kelly | 5/6/2015

This first appearance by Dr. Ben Carson explains his life further with deeper details from his very mouth as well as numerous awards presented and held with great esteem! 


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iwb doesnt believe Jews, Buddhists or any non believers have worthwhile opinions. Please stick around to watch him ignore it or change the subject.

iwb doesnt believe Jews, Buddhists or any non believers have worthwhile opinions. Please stick around to watch him ignore it or change the subject.
Opinions are opinions, why do I care about yours or anyone's opinion? Am I to have great self worth and seek respect from like minded people/opinions -- or -- feel terrible from those who mock or disagree?

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I do need to wake early, so I'll have to counter the next asinine post directed at myself later. 

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Hello people.  I didn't watch all of the videos - just about 4 minutes into the first one but I am intrigued and will watch them later.  It's getting late.  However I would like to know his stance on the widening economic inequality gap.  I would also like to know if there are any social justice (the fair and equal distribution of common resources) issues he's willing to tackle and if so what are they?

Opinions are opinions, why do I care about yours or anyone's opinion? Am I to have great self worth and seek respect from like minded people/opinions -- or -- feel terrible from those who mock or disagree?
Buddhists, Jews and non-believers mock and disagree your beliefs?

Buddhists, Jews and non-believers mock and disagree your beliefs?
What kind of a question . . . where exactly are you heading with this? If you are speaking about my comment regarding 'opinions'.. the statement is in regards to all people. - you blatantly assume I discriminate. Those were /your/ words -- not my own.

""iwb doesnt believe Jews, Buddhists or any non believers have worthwhile opinions. Please stick around to watch him ignore it or change the subject.""

I won't disagree there are nutjob agenda's in this world, though this is certainly not and does not speak for the agenda of conservative Christians, or conservatives in general. Dr. Ben Carson obviously is in no way part of this nonsense. (For the record)
you : " I believe that it does represent them. "

....Care to explain?

( I'll see your response in the morning ..maybe I misunderstood what you stated? )

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I won't disagree there are nutjob agenda's in this world, though this is certainly not and does not speak for the agenda of conservative Christians, or conservatives in general. Dr. Ben Carson obviously is in no way part of this nonsense. (For the record)
you : " I believe that it does represent them. "

....Care to explain?

Did I misunderstand what you stated?

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You are much smarter than iwb.
Gee wiz, I hope I don't lose sleep tonight because of your thoughts about me :cry:


Also -

I won't disagree there are nutjob agenda's in this world, though this is certainly not and does not speak for the agenda of conservative Christians, or conservatives in general. Dr. Ben Carson obviously is in no way part of this nonsense. (For the record)

you : " I believe that it does represent them. "

....Care to explain?

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bread's done