Any way to check DLC code history?


149 (100%)
I've scoured and scoured and cannot find it anywhere, but is there any way to check the history of codes you've redeemed for Xbox One? 

The reason I need to know is that between two different promos I've received two GTA Shark cards and I know for certain I redeemed one, but when I went to redeem the other one today (before I threw out the receipt), it said it was already used.  I can't remember redeeming it, but that doesn't mean I didn't.

The catch is when I log into my Rockstar Social Club account, the dollar amount only reflects one of those cards, which brings me to another issue.  Do the redeemed shark cards only apply to your GTA online account after loading the game?  I ended up caving and traded my copy of GTA V in to GS this week, so I have no way of loading it to see if the money balance updates to show the second code.

I guess I can go pick up a used copy of GTA if it comes down to it....

Negative.  The only code redemptions shown there are for XBL currency cards.

I went ahead and ran out to pick up a copy of GTA and it looks like I got burned on this code from Gamestop.  Go figure...

Sorry man but there is no possible way! What I began doing is just writing them down on a piece of paper every time I would enter anything from a 2 day trial to a 12 month gold code. So that way if I do find one I think is or isn't redeemed I just check my paper. Hope this helps! Honestly it helps a lot! Also Don't ever get your hopes up with a code from Gamestop. 9 times out of 10 it's used unless the scrath away or pull away thingy that usually comes on a codes is unharmed it's usually been redeemed. Hope this helped.

Thanks for the info.  I ended up contacting Gamestop and they told me to contact Rockstar as it's their problem.  I ended up contacting Microsoft first to have them check when the code was redeemed, so I'd have some evidence that I wasn't the one that redeemed it and what a shock (seriously).  The code was printed on my receipt on 7/30/15,  code was redeemed on 7/3/15(!!!), almost 4 weeks before the code was printed.

Anyways, I've been playing back and forth with Rockstar over this issue the past few days and this is like pulling teeth.  I've provided a scan of the receipt, screenshot of my chat with MS and a screenshot of the error code when redeeming and more, just shy of a urine/blood/semen sample. Up until this morning, it seemed like progress was being made and then the case switched to someone else who obviously didn't even read the trouble ticket log.   :wall:

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