Fear the Walking Dead Season 1 official Talking thread

I watched the first two episodes last night. It's a slow start but that's to be expected since the audience knows way more than the characters. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. But I'm on board to see where this is going. I will continue to watch.

At this point the show just makes me want the main series even more. FearTWD needs a theme song. 

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It sucks that there's aready a break from it episode 3 is in 2 weeks not next week

I enjoyed the first episode, but didn't catch the second just yet. I'll be honest, I actually really liked the first episode a lot, not sure why. Maybe it's because I didn't hate every single character like I usually do with TWD. I'm not too big on TWD in general, just never got into it and the characters, but something felt different with FTWD. 

I think the most interesting thing with respect to the story arc and the even beyond to the WD universe is the theory on what's exactly causing the apocalypse. The keep alluding to this flu that is going around the city but they haven't made any concrete connections. It's just another idea to throw everybody off because the producers have said that they don't plan to ever address the official cause for all of this. Not sure if I remember correctly, but did they mention that other people were getting the same flu in other states in the last episode? Also, I noticed in the last episode that the son, Nick, was looking up in the sky at an airplane. It's probably an easter egg since there is a plan to create a separate side story/episode about a incident on a plane and it most likely relates to the plane that you saw in LA.

I'm sure I'm not the only one to guess this but my one theory for the cause is that the flu is an airborne virus that affects people by causing them to reanimate as the dead but some people are more prone to be symptomatic to it (i.e. physical symptoms of a flu vs. no physical symptoms). Since everybody that dies becomes a walker, it has to be some sort of airborne virus that infects everybody since we never see people die naturally without reanimating.
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I enjoyed the realism of the second episode, specifically with the school scenes. It felt the closest to how I expect the average person would react to the apocalypse.
Drug dealer tries to bite your wife

Next door nieghbor is eating a fucking dog

Old Lady Asian tries to eat both your daughter and her husband

"You know how I feel about guns"

You better get your shit together real quick Travis you level 1 rookie. The Latino barber is going to surpass you as alpha male. Barber's wife and Travis' ex wife are definatly on the dead list.

Glad to see this show is starting to get good.   I really wonder what direction is this show going to head after the first season?  Is it escape from LA? then Season 2, Escape from San Francisco?

Glad to see this show is starting to get good. I really wonder what direction is this show going to head after the first season? Is it escape from LA? then Season 2, Escape from San Francisco?
Then we'd need Snake Pliskin.


Any predictions which family member is going to get axed? My initial guess after the first episode was Nick but I think he's too easy to off so early. He'll probably screw it up for somebody and end up getting them killed. So my money is on sister Alicia or his step brother Chris. Chris' mom seems kind of weak too so I wonder if she'll be expendable at some sooner point. It feels like the "alpha male" is the mom instead of the dad this time around. Dad seems pretty clueless while mom is struggling but seems to be more bigger picture minded. They showed that plane again but swerving this time so that's got to be the other one time special they're teasing.
I really want to see the dad die but I find it very unlikely due to him being the center of the integrated family.
Travis is safe, at least for this season. It's hard to gauge since they've refrained from killing off any main characters thus far. But I will say one of the kids has to die. It needs to happen for the one of the parents to snap and turn ape-shit against the military. My guess, Travis' son, the kid with the camera.

But seriously was last weeks episode the first Walking Dead show without a single zombie?

fucking a... I missed the first airing of the finale and turned on AMC at 10:55 and they fucking spoiled a huge moment at the end of Talking Dead.  Why would they put shit like that at the very end, when they know the encore is coming up in moments and people like me are just switching over?   Ugh.

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I didn't know they had talking dead for this too. It will probably be on yahoo in 10 minutes too. They spoiled a pretty big thing from the original series too.

I think Talking Dead was only for this final episode. 

I thought the last 20 minutes of the show was fascinating. I'll watch a season 2 for sure now.

But still.... I cant unsee this


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wonder if they dont have a confirm date for a  2nd season  They just go its coming  back in 2016

if they have not even got any scripts wrote yet and its planned for 15 i highly doubt we see this  back before  April or may of next year

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I was thinking about this. I know they wouldn't do it b/c of the walking dead, but it would have been cool if they take
the boat to Alcatraz.

bread's done