CAGcast #440: It’s on EA Access, You Fool!


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Cheapy talks his friend out of buying a Wii U, Wombat is compelled to talk about Evolve, Shipwreck can’t talk the Street Fighter guys’ names.

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Show Linkage/Notes:
Intro -  Can't Feel My Face - Martin Garrix Remix

Outro -  GI Joe X-Wing Commercial

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I guess you can listen to Wombat's other podcast, Uninformed Opinions.

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Mizz Bizon


Can't wait to listen, but why is Cheapy so down on the WiiU? I personally love mine. It has some really fun exclusives.
Michonne isn't from Walking Dead The Game season 1 or 2. She's one of the most popular characters from the comic book and TV show, so they made a game for her. The Walking Dead Telltale games take place in the comic book world btw. Since ship is a comic book guy now, you should pick it up. Vol 1. is pretty cheap or the Omnibus of the first 80 issues is like $35ish.

Also, the Walking Dead Michonne contest is over. It was really really successful, and winners were selected.

Lastly, I'd get a six year old a Refurbished 2DS for $60 on the Nintendo store.

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The Fire Emblem situation isn't that difficult to understand.
It's pretty much a Zelda Oracle equivalent with a 3rd game that is download only.

I think these new Fire Emblem games will attract a lot of new players. Not as hard core as the old games and it's only the second game to have the relationship building system.

If I didn't have a 3DS XL I got for cheap from the trading section, I'd buy that refurbished 2DS off Nintendo's eBay store. Wombat, you should probably get one of those because kids can't be trusted with hinges. The 2ds is a pretty comfortable device BTW. At least your son can join your daughter's Kirby Klub?
Which caveman author should I read?
I don't think there are any cavemen on staff at Ubisoft, so I'm pretty sure someone else wrote the story for Farcry Primal.

BUT! There is a whole genre of books called "non fiction!" There are new, exciting things to learn. Maybe Frontline will do an episode on the history of storytelling some day.

Also the Fire Emblem situation is very straightforward, and there are about 800 articles on Kotaku all devoted to the simple concept that "one version of FE is harder than the other, and they both have different stories." That's really about it.

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Can people lay off of shipwreck, different parts of the country and world pronounce things completely different, its not odd to hear more than one pronunciation of something. This doesnt mean you jump right to being rude because you dont "agree" with the way he says something.

Dont worry ship, we still love you
Shipwreck doesn't like learning despite being an engineer, ironic? But we shouldn't pick on Shipwreck too much, like we do with Wombat and his jokes. We should be happy for his different take on things.

Battlefront was my most highly anticipated game of last year, now I wouldn't buy it for £20 with the season pass. The game is just a shell and adding the occasional new map or skin isn't going to make it any better. It's core is just soulless.

Lol @ Cheapy not even acknowledging when Wombat suggested they watch Batman v Superman together. 

I appreciate how brutally honest you are about VR instead of fanboying all over it like the rest of the "gaming media." Like Shipwreck stated, it's a "lifestyle change" and it's going to be a miserable failure. Unless someone wants to dump HALF A BILLION dollars into releasing and marketing a headset like Microsoft did with Kinect, there will be no software for it and it will not sell well. When a VR rig costs more than a console, there's not a market for it except with hardcore gadget freaks and gamers who stay on the cutting edge (buying every console, $2k gaming PC, etc). Maybe in 10 years...

Now, on to something lighter. I actually picked up a "New"3DS (stupid Nintendo and their insane naming schemes) this week for the first time. Never had a lot of interest in the XL, but finally found a deal on the smaller one that I couldn't pass up. I expected the 3D to be pretty gimmicky, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how cool it looks. Combined with the C-stick and the eye tracking to stabilize it (I think those are both "New"3DS features), it makes for a pretty solid little handheld and now that the 1st party library is deep enough and prices have come down a bit ($30 instead of $40 for a lot of the Mario titles), it's a bit easier to stomach for a CheapAssGamer like me. After seeing the 3D, I am glad I never cheaped out and got a 2D.

Can people lay off of shipwreck, different parts of the country and world pronounce things completely different, its not odd to hear more than one pronunciation of something. This doesnt mean you jump right to being rude because you dont "agree" with the way he says something.

Dont worry ship, we still love you
I think that's fair. The problem is that Shipwreck talks down to Wombat when he does the same thing. Additionally, Shipwreck never wants to admit he is wrong. Why would we agree with something he is doing wrong. You're either right or wrong. It's M. Bison not M.Bizon. Then his explanation of M.Tyzon just makes it worse. Lol
So an engineer is impossibly confused by the Fire Emblem Fates set-up?  Why not just say you don't care enough to take 5 seconds to figure it out?

I laughed so hard at the Tyson thing.  Waiting for Shipwreck to come out and say is name isnt Rob-ert its Row-bert

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Unless Wombat was referencing a previous / out-of-date sale I can't find Borderlands on Xbox One for $24 anywhere. If I'm missing it please hook me up with a link!

Unless Wombat was referencing a previous / out-of-date sale I can't find Borderlands on Xbox One for $24 anywhere. If I'm missing it please hook me up with a link!
there is a 2K sale for the Handsome Jack collection. It was there yesterday for 25$
Unless Wombat was referencing a previous / out-of-date sale I can't find Borderlands on Xbox One for $24 anywhere. If I'm missing it please hook me up with a link!
Confirmed. It's there. I bought it. I don't have a link. On the dashboard, in the store, just search for Borderlands. It'll come up. Click on it. The price is there.
So an engineer is impossibly confused by the Fire Emblem Fates set-up? Why not just say you don't care enough to take 5 seconds to figure it out?
I think Shipwreck just doesn't care enough about the game to check it out. It's no biggie. I do get that Fire Emblem may be the best game on the 3DS, and it's hard to imagine that an adult would have a 3DS and not play Fire Emblem. But give Shipwreck some slack here. No one said that he has to play his 3DS.

I do disagree that only previous fans will jump in on the new Fire Emblem. That's like saying that only previous Pokemon players play the new games. For the solid games, each iteration gains new players. It usually the bad version of a game that derails this rise. Call of Duty: Ghosts...

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[SIZE=11pt]Ship and Cheapy were so enthusiastic about VR & Eve: Valkyrie an E3 or two ago, now it’s a total 180 to the point where Wombat equates day-one purchasers to lonely shut-ins who’d be better served by putting a batting helmet on in the dark and having a long cry.  Is it exclusively the price that changed your minds?  What did Ship mean by it being a “lifestyle” change?  It’s just a gaming peripheral, not a mustache.[/SIZE]

I'm not gonna make fun of pronunciation because I know I have my own quirks. I'll just leave this here.
bread's done