CAGcast #464: Road Trip Kombat


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
The gang talks road trips, mail slots, Impossible Burger and impossible burritos, Battlefield 1, DriveClub VR, and so much more!

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Intro -   Fox Stevenson - Sweets (Soda Pop) [Original Mix]

Outro -   The Evil Horde Slime Pit Commercial 1988
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I guess you can listen to Wombat's other podcast, Uninformed Opinions.

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Wow, regarding the Impossible Foods discussion I am totally on Cheapy's side. Wombat won't acknowledge the economics of scale that would come with a mass role out of the product. Shipwreck doesn't seem to be aware of the sustainability of factory farming and a growing population. I hope the Impossible burger comes to Houston so I can try it.
Dude, I call shenanigans.  The Impossible Burger sounds less like it's solving the ozone problem than replacing it with the problem of potentially dropping twenty-four bucks to reach fullness via burgers.

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Dude, I call shenanigans. The Impossible Burger sounds less like it's solving the ozone problem than replacing it with the problem of potentially dropping twenty-four bucks to reach fullness via burgers.
It's NYC. I defy you to find a burger anywhere that isn't fast food for less than $10.
shipwreck sounded like your typical dopey mid-westerner in this episode.  "I aint gonna like no plant hammerger!"  Disappointing, I thought he was an engineer or something. 

There are so many good reasons to eat less or no red meat. From health, to sustainability, to economics..

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I couldn't tell if Wombat and Shipwreck were serious or being "silly" as Cheapy said about meat being more resource intensive and worse for the planet. Here's a simple video about it.
I normally think of shipwreck as being the one who brings logic and reason to the show, so I was really taken back by his complete ignorance on the subject of animal agriculture and the impact on the earth which livestock breeding has. Livestock are one of the leading, if not the leading, causes of greenhouse gas emissions. It is also incredibly resource intensive. To produce just a single pound of beef requires a significant amount of food, water, and land. I highly recommend the documentary Cowspiracy, which covers the subject in great detail.

Question for the next CAGCast - It has been 8 years since CAG broke the news of the XBOX Pure.  How has this changed your lives?  Are you still close with Crecente?

It's good to hear that wombat had a good time in Maine. I live in Maine so I've been to most of the places that he mentioned. I have done the hard trail on blue hill, it's not as bad as wombat was describing. There is a couple steep spots but it's mostly fine.

Also Ironically, I don't enjoy lobster.

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"My mom was concerned that I'd have to walk to get the mail."  

"Are you sure the mail man will bring the package to the door if the mailbox is at the end of the driveway?"  

I don't know how Shipwreck was able to sit through that.   

Regarding the cow controversy. AAAHH  please Shipwreck crack open a book. Watch a documentary. ANYTHING! Advice: Stop being a stereotypical yokel and don't talk if Cheapy and Womat are discussing anything other than video games. 

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As far as CheapyD's Kubo theater experience goes, maybe he should be proactive and just have the phone either in one of the cup holders or on his lap. I used to have the problem where my phone fell off as well but now I just do what I wrote earlier and I have had zero problems since. But I do agree that they need to have those recliners cleaned out thoroughly. 

I got Overwatch on launch day and played quite alot when it was new but I've really fallen off in the last few months. Expect for a few games to check out Lucio Ball.

I am still only level 27 with 19 hours played. But I want to start it up again. The thing with Battlefield and Overwatch is that you really need to play properly on Overwatch where-as you can goof around and play more casual on Battlefield if you want.

What do you think of the new map Cheapy?

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I'm kinda surprised NY doesn't have mailboxes that walk from the driveway to the door and bring the mail in on their own.   Also, a $12 burger at a restaurant is totally gonna stop the process of hundreds of pounds of meat that are already at every butcher/grocery store. 

I think you guys lost all your cow listeners this week.

I thought cheapy was going to say his mom didn't want him to get hurt having to walk to the end of his drive way.
Don't worry about packages if you have a mailbox, Cheapy. He'll just chuck 'em at your door. :)
Shipwreck is already saving the ozone.  Taco Bell hasn't served real meat in a decade.  Cheeto Burrito saving the world since 2016.  

I'm with Ship though.  You gotta roll your eyes when a burger promises to save the world.  It's marketing.  

If anyone wants to truly save the ozone then here's the best way - Don't have kids.  

I'm kind of surprised that Cheapy has never dipped his toe into the world of sim racing including $500+ wheels, playseats, and detailed PC-based sims with online racing.  I've rigged up a pretty decent setup here (one that can be stored away when not in use, these things take up a lot of space) but even without the addition of VR, it only takes a few laps on a well set-up system to see the difference one of these rigs can make.  Plus, unlike almost every other type of videogame out there, the skills you gain can actually translate to real world driving skill improvement.

If anything will get me to drop the money for VR, it will be to add it to my driving sim setup.

Love the Battlefield 1 beta. 

It really does convey that rickety WW1 feel with things like bullets that drop off rapidly and planes that feel like paper and have their flight characteristics altered when they take damage.  They did a great job.

I'm with the majority here, and disappointed in Shipwreck as a fellow midwesterner. Cattle farming is absolutely terrible for the environment, and exists primarily due to staunch American demand for cheap food. Don't get me wrong, I love me a delicious hamburger as much as any carnivore, but I too would at least give something like this new burger a try if it means generating interest in alternatives (marketing conspiracies aside).

Also big lulz to this mailbox debacle. Who's ever heard of a mailman dropping packages at the curb?! xD It has to either be received or left near a door out of the elements (i.e. not able to be pelted by rain or snow, for obvious reasons). And fear of danger for having to walk to the mailbox....just..what???

Sounds like you've done your research, put the box on the house if it's not allowed by the road and be done with it =P

I'm also surprised we're calling recliners 'dangerous' like it's the new mom phobia for their children's safety. The phenomenon of the "phone abyss" is nowhere near new for anyone that's ridden/driven in the front two seats of a car; it's unavoidable by current design. Get bigger pockets or a smaller phone instead of asking someone else to reinvent the wheel due to personal inconvenience.

Also more video game talk, we're way off on tangents here spanning multiple shows xD

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