Amazon Advertising Prime Savings on New Games as Current Price?


8 (90%)
Games like FFXV CE for $76.49 and TLG CE for $101.99...  I am guessing that the Prime discount doesn't stack on this...  do you even need Prime to get it for this price?  Really confusing and probably a bit deceptive.

The prime discount is on the listing price, these discounts right now are part of Cyber Monday deals where they are offering 15% off for pre-orders, regardless of prime.

Games like FFXV CE for $76.49 and TLG CE for $101.99... I am guessing that the Prime discount doesn't stack on this... do you even need Prime to get it for this price? Really confusing and probably a bit deceptive.
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If  you contact Amazon Customer Service, they will add that 20% to the listing price. Forget about the "prime savings" that says on the page, because that discount is with the original discount that was for $89.99. If you contact them, they will give you the 20% to the $76.49 of the order

If you contact Amazon Customer Service, they will add that 20% to the listing price. Forget about the "prime savings" that says on the page, because that discount is with the original discount that was for $89.99. If you contact them, they will give you the 20% to the $76.49 of the order
Thank you, I will do that. Think they will honor it if I no longer have Prime but I did when it was preordered?

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