Wolfenstein 2 on PSN Store

Crustaceous Cheapskate

23 (100%)
Note: It's looking like a may be a free trial for a few days.





Tick tock tick tock...

EDIT: It's the English version that is free right now. Not the censored German one in case anyone is wondering.

EDIT 2: Address formats for making the account.



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Open in new private/incognito window or sign out of your account on the store before opening.

Will need account in either of those countries.

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thanks for the heads up but honestly its all in a foreign language im not even able to understand where to sign in with a newly created psn account lol thanks tho


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Is there a precedent for how this has worked out in the past in regards to being banned and whatnot?  Seems sketchy as hell lol

EDIT: Nevermind. Definitely not worth it for a trial.

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Got it...Hope there's some in-game English support though. :p

That being said, I'll likely still buy the game to show my support.  Just nice to have a secondary account with the title though.

EDIT: Nevermind...Looks like it was just a trial afterall.  Still, now I have a Swiss account for...Some reason.  :D

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Whenever I try to add it to cart I keep getting blocked. Is it the same for everyone else? Even if it is just a trial, I wanted to be sure.

ALSO: When I add the demo the code on the side says CUSA07379 while OP's link says CUSA07377. Is there any significance in that?

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bread's done