Star Trek Bridge Crew PS4, $19.99 / $15.99 (GCU) at Best Buy

Fun game, but as mentioned above, you will need to do everything; the AI shipmates are dumber than rocks.

Also, at least for me, the PSVR tracking made my in-game character even more palsied than most games. Hands and viewpoint were jittery as hell.
Ubisoft finally dropped the requirement for VR on their StarTrek Bridge Crew now anyone with a PC or a simple PS4 can play it without that bulky piece of plastic on your head.

This makes one more VR game breaking free from failed tech.
Okay...I need a good reason to post the gif.
Um....Oh! It's the best Star Trek game since Elite Force II (aside from Star Trek Online). Sooooooooooo...
Was holding out because of the VR requirement but now that might change.

Ubisoft finally dropped the requirement for VR on their StarTrek Bridge Crew now anyone with a PC or a simple PS4 can play it without that bulky piece of plastic on your head.
This makes one more VR game breaking free from failed tech.
Failed tech? Really? Is VR perfect? No but it is an amazing and unique experience which is tons of fun. VR is continually expanding and evolving and getting better and more popular every day. PSVR, Rift, and Vive are the first ever VR headsets made...ofc it's not going to be perfect but it is far far away from "failed tech."
Failed tech? Really? Is VR perfect? No but it is an amazing and unique experience which is tons of fun. VR is continually expanding and evolving and getting better and more popular every day. PSVR, Rift, and Vive are the first ever VR headsets made...ofc it's not going to be perfect but it is far far away from "failed tech."
Totally agree. I got mine (PSVR) on the super cheap recently and there are some amazing moments I have already experienced. Combine that with PS plus giving away free VR games as of late, and this has been the best time to jump in and give it a shot. There are far worst ways to spend your money, and it can be a real showstopper when people are visiting.

Price is updated when added to the cart

Even though Best Buy's website image of the box art states VR is required, there is an update to allow the game to be played without VR
oh BB... I bought it for 23.99 on BF. So fired up the chat to get the $8 correction. (GCU difference)

The guy gives me the $4.24 adjustment.. I explain that I have GCU, and it was used on the initial $29.99 price on BF, game is currently $15.99 with my GCU discount.

gives me a $10.6 refund...

Actually surprised he didn't give me $14 refund lol.

Tempted to get this, but a lot of my backlog is PSVR stuff right now and I can probably wait and get this for even cheaper. Looks like a good time with a full crew though, which doesn't seem easy to do. 

I was going to get this until I saw the shipping charge and no in-store pickup. I’ve heard good things about this game (in VR)
bread's done