CAGcast #533: Nerdy Gang, Nerdy Gang, Nerdy Gang


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
The gang talks clearance pickups, new comic movie trailers, Dr. Disrespect controversy, and the Hype Wagon returns! Stay tuned after the show for the premiere of "Trade Yo' Game"!
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Show Linkage/Notes:
Intro - Mel C - I Turn To You (Louie Devito)
Outro - Big Cheap - Trade Yo Game
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While Spider-Man Homecoming was part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe the Venom movie is not. Sony is still trying to make a bunch of superhero movie with the one license they've got.

There was a funny YouTube video of an interview back when they were doing Spider-Man promotion when the producer of Spider-Man, Amy Pascal, tried saying that Venom would be part of the MCU. Marvel producer Kevin Feige gave a look saying NOPE!
WOMBAT! It's "modicum," not "moniker."

That said, I couldn't be on your side more in wanting to ignore some Youtube idiot, and I have no idea why Cheapy is so invested in any of it.

Free tip to Cheapy - if you're not trying to draw a comparison between two things (like Dr. Disrespect and Bill Maher using the n-word) like you said on the show, probably not a great idea to be the one to make the comparison, then immediately say "I wouldn't say those are two things you would compare".

Playing into the same stereotypes that racist people believe and perpetuate does not make fun of or criticize them; it punches down at stereotyped people. Dr. Disrespect's position on Twitch and his viewership is tacit endorsement of what he says and the "comedy" he puts out.

As far as the praise that he doesn't curse, I'm pretty sure cursing is far more acceptable than perpetuating racist language. There's a reason the three of you are fine saying the f-word and not the n-word on your show.  

Yes, there's a conversation about the nature of saying racist things and being a racist person. We're all quick to defend our heroes when they make a racist comment or joke, but we've also seen a sociopolitical movement empowered by those who do not speak out against racist speech. Frankly, I think it comes from the fact that we're nervous to criticize not just out family and friends, but ourselves. As a teenager in the early 2000's who got most of his ideas on comedy from Comedy Central, I know I've made a fair share of racist jokes and statements in my life. Its one thing to look back on my childhood and scold myself, but another to evaluate my actions as an adult. No person is a saint, and calling out these instances when they happen is not just about ensuring the public understanding that this is not OK but to check ourselves. 

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Thank you Wombat for being the voice of reason.  The best the doc had to say after getting asked about it was something along the lines of "some of my best friends are Asian.  Love them!"  That doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

I'm actually surprised Cheapy is such a big doc apologist.

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I'm not comparing Bill Maher and Doc.  I'm comparing Bill and Guy Beahm.

If you can't separate the character of Dr. Disrespect from the man portraying him, we can't really advance the discussion.

I'm pretty sure the people who are unable to do this are also people who don't actually watch his show.

The character of Dr. Disrespect, in reality, is actually very tame. If you watched his stream and not just clips, you would know this. Since there is very little cursing in general, the "disrespectful" insults he throws out are along the lines of telling people their breath stinks and they couldn't make his high school varsity basketball team.  Yes, there is a lot of yelling and silliness, but it's nowhere along the lines of a cable comedy show like South Park, Eastbound and Down, or 100 others.

Yes, the character of Dr. Disrespect is being disrespectful to the Chinese people he is playing against.  He is being disrespectful to everyone he plays against. 

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Cheapy, your straw man argument sucks. Count me as someone who has watched Doc for an extremely long time. I'm a huge fan. I've probably been subscribed more months than you have. This doesn't mean I can't see that what he said in the clip was racist. As an Asian person, was I offended? No, not really.

If you watch Twitch for any decently long amount of time, you would know that Twitch is incredibly racist. Does it ever offend me? Again, no, not really. Most large streamers have extremely toxic communities that they don't care to moderate because the viewership is generally so large that bothering to filter out the slightly offensive messages being sent would be a waste of time.

Guess what. People on the internet do or say racist things. I've accepted that a long time ago, but I still have the sense to recognize when it happens. 

I think wombat has given into the overly PC nature of society today. I don't see why what you cant joke around or do silly voices without being considered racist. Cheapy is correct everyone just wants to be offended and up in arms about the silliest things. How is this any worse than an episode of South Park
If you can't separate the character of Dr. Disrespect from the man portraying him, we can't really advance the discussion.

I'm pretty sure the people who are unable to do this are also people who don't actually watch his show.
Saying racist things when you're in character doesn't mean they aren't racist or that you're criticizing the people that do meaningfully say them. The ability to claim one is merely portraying a person who says harmful things is the unending excuse provocateurs use, most notably by Alex Jones to try and get custody of his kids which did not work in court. "Playing" a character who uses racist language without any context to note that this is not something the "real person" endorses is an incredibly nuanced and difficult message to express. Sure, this is a thing that can be done, but I don't think a white guy who yells at kids playing videogames is really the comedic genius to balance the line between meaningful criticism and shallow sterotype. You say he's being disrespectful to the Chinese players as he would be to all people he encounters online, but he's using the same historic stereotypes that bigots have been using for centuries. If he started using blackface to taunt African/black players, would that fly with you?

You can claim this is me refusing to advance the discussion, but its by an axiom you set. And for the record, not swearing is a pretty low bar to hold up someone's ethical brand of comedy. Also, his defense of "my friend/wife/etc is of that ethnicity" has been used by bigots since time immemorial, and one's company does not undo the action they take.

It's pretty mind boggling how some people think that creators/writers/actors who create or portray racist characters are racist themselves.
Dr Disrespect may be racist, but that doesn't mean Guy is racist.

And yea, it's foolish of Twitch to ban people over their personal life.
Would they ban a Twitch user who also does perfectly normal streams on Twitch as well as nude live streams on Chaturbate?

Everyone wants to play police officer of internet content, being a racist is not against the law, it just makes you an asshole ( not saying Dr. disrespect is either) Everyone seems to be looking for things to be offended by,if it offends you or you don't like it, then don't watch it. Not everything is for you. There is an audience for everything. 

If you want to compare Alex Jones, a guy not in costume, using his real name, who hosts a conspiracy "news" show to the exact opposite of that, I guess that is something you can do. 

If we label making jokes such as creating a fake language as "racist" what do we call the people who believe their race is superior to others?  There are jokes that make fun of race.  Some of them are funny and some are not.  They are all likely to offend at least someone.

Just because you find this offensive or unfunny does not mean it is advancing an agenda of race superiority.  This is the definition of racism and racist.  When you hang the label of "racist" in these types of situations, you diminish the impact of calling out people who actually think this way.

Nuance is not awarded on the internet which is why people throw around these labels so easily.  The popular YouTuber who originally called out Doc could have tweeted about how he was offended and given him some constructive criticism.  Nope, instead he went immediately to calling him RACIST and implied he was a garbage human being.  Surely insulting a popular figure and labeling them a racist on social media is the best way to get them to change their behavior. 

Meanwhile, I was explaining this whole situation to Mrs. Cheapy and she was wondering why people are using the word "racist" since Chinese is not a race.  As an Asian I think she was more offended that people don't know that Japanese and Chinese aren't races.

Anyway, heres a video from several months ago where doc explains where his fake language comes from. 

Be warned, he's super racist!

Here is the guy who originally called him out and he says he doesnt think Guy is racist.  Honestly, i think this guy just did it for the YouTube views.  If he really wanted Doc to change, he could have done this all in a much better way:

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What is the comedic effect attached to a generic Chinese/Asian accent? Some related examples off the top of my head: using a French accent in association to a lady's man, British accent to sound snobbish, German because it sounds harsh and scary, or some form of rural American accent to sound uneducated. (To be clear, all these can be very offensive too) Without additional context, the default subtext has been for a very long time that Chinese/Asians sound like gibberish or uncivilized. (I am grouping Asians here, because most assholes don't know the differences, and Dr Disrespect lumped them together too in the video Cheapy posted) Perhaps Dr Disrespect's act started from a direct response as he encountered Chinese hackers, but from what I can gather from short snippets (like a viewer writing in asking him to do the accent), sometimes now he is venturing into dangerous territory. Rage against cheaters or asshole Chinese players I can understand, but I can't agree with people coming into his stream and think that fake language or accent is generally acceptable (which in the past few days I see there are a lot who think that way)

I don't see Dr Disrespect as a racist, and think being defensive when first confronted with criticism is human nature, however I am amazed that "what you did might hurt people and play into ingrained stereotypes, so maybe try to avoid that in the future" is a divisive take. I am sure Dr Disrespect is as funny and entertaining without those bits anyways.

Actual Chinese hackers wouldn't give a damn about these mocking accents. It is however a sour spot for Asian Americans (like Jimmy) or foreigners who are trying to fit in and often feel they are looked down upon for no reason. In the past few years, I have directly observed the following (some of these might be venturing off course of what Dr Disrespect did, but the point being: doing generic/stereotypical fake accents and languages is probably a bad idea, and you never know whose feelings are hurt):

1) Asian Americans born in the USA who hate being asked where they are "originally from", or spoken to in whatever Asian language people guessed instead of English. It makes them feel alien in their own country.

2) a girl admitted to developing a speech impediment because she was so conscious of her accent, and specifically pointing out people will say "oh I love your French/German/Brazilian/etc accent", but never Asian

3) a French postdoc who laughs off coworkers mimicking his accent and English mistakes, but in private tells me "F those guys, I'm already trying my best. Their French would so much worse than my English"

4) multiple Asians respond to the question "where are you from?" with "I guess you can tell I'm not from here by my accent"

5) A Harvard professor mock an employee's accent, in front of 10+ others, and him fighting back tears hours later

Cheapy:  Dr. Disrepect is not a racist!

Wombat:  I'm not saying he is a racist but the accent was insensitive and unnecessary.

Cheapy:  DR. DISRESPECT IS NOT A RACIST! He's a character like professional wrestlers.

Wombat:  They stopped that in wrestling awhile ago because it was insensitive and unnecessary. Also, never said he was a racist.


Shipwreck:  I agree with Wombat...not sure he is a racist but probably should not be doing that.

Cheapy:  NOT A RACIST!

Cheapy: Dr. Disrepect is not a racist!
Wombat: I'm not saying he is a racist but the accent was insensitive and unnecessary.
Cheapy: DR. DISRESPECT IS NOT A RACIST! He's a character like professional wrestlers.
Wombat: They stopped that in wrestling awhile ago because it was insensitive and unnecessary. Also, never said he was a racist.
Shipwreck: I agree with Wombat...not sure he is a racist but probably should not be doing that.
This is the most confusing part for me. I don’t really understand the point Cheapy is trying to argue. Most people are not saying he is racist. They’re just saying that in this day and age that kind of stuff doesn’t fly anymore. What’s the counterpoint? That modern society has become too sensitive and we should go back to how things were in the 80s and 90s? What does this kind of thinking even accomplish? We can’t go back in time. This is the way society is now. Maybe it’ll be different in a decade, but for now this is how people are expected to act.
Come the fuck on,  Cheapy.

What Disrespect did is (barely) one step removed from black face. It was racist, that makes him a racist. Not an irremediably evil person, but a racist asshole nonetheless. Like Paul Logan, like Pewdiepie, like countless others. "Oh but he's nice otherwise, surely he doesn't deserve that awful epithet!" Welcome to the US, where accusations of racism are a graver sin than racism itself.

What I don't understand is, what horse do you have in this race? This is by far the weirdest battle you've ever picked (and the wrongest you've ever been). My favorite argument: this is just a character he's playing. In other words, "It's just a joke!". Google "it's just a joke" and see what comes up. Spoiler alert: it's never just a joke.

Thank you to Wombat and Shipwreck for checking you on this one. You should really reevaluate your stance here. (It's okay. We've ALL done and said stupid and racist things, we recognize it, learn from it and move forward hopefully a better person. It's okay.)

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Guys to the Dr. Disrespect thing. It is a bit, just a bit. Yeah it is racist, and that's the bit... Of the people laughing at that joke, I don't think any of them are laughing at the fact that he's speaking some fancy Chinese. No, they're laughing at a white guy playing video games spouting non-sense. Not everything needs to be taken seriously. The dude is wearing a fake wig, and has a switchblade comb for his mustache. There is no difference between this and something like South Park's City Wok, Family Guy jokes, or when Louis CK explained the n-word to Patrice O'Neal. It's funny or it's not, context matters. No one is trying to oppress anyone. Racism isn't just words, it's a combination of using those words with context. The gaming industry, much like other entertainment industries are so wrapped up in what is considered right, but never keep those views clear on what is wrong and what isn't. Should South Park apologize after every episode? Should Family Guy? Or should we just realize it was a joke and move on. According to this controversy, no one should get away with it right?

I understand Cheapy's frustration, which is reacting without context doesn't help anything, but rather causes controversy for the sake of it. What he is saying is not out of some racist agenda to oppress Asian people. No, rather it's to exclaim that context matters! I don't even understand why people are getting outraged, because you know next week no one will give a shit. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe Cheapy has an agenda. I'm not him, but listening to him and the Doc for a while tells me both of them probably don't.

Yes, Wombat, Shipwreck, and to the others who found this appalling: it was racist. That was the joke. You didn't find it funny? It doesn't matter, they are just words. Let's just move on, because honestly how does this controversy do anything other than divide those who found it funny to those who didn't? No one is gonna rewrite what they find funny after one of these controversies. He's the 1993-1994 Blockbuster World Champion with a 37 inch vertical leap, I think we can let it slide just this once for the two-time.
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Come the fuck on, Cheapy.

What Disrespect did is (barely) one step removed from black face. It was racist, that makes him a racist. Not an irremediably evil person, but a racist asshole nonetheless. Like Paul Logan, like Pewdiepie, like countless others. "Oh but he's nice otherwise, surely he doesn't deserve that awful epithet!" Welcome to the US, where accusations of racism are a graver sin than racism itself.

What I don't understand is, what horse do you have in this race? This is by far the weirdest battle you've ever picked (and the wrongest you've ever been). My favorite argument: this is just a character he's playing. In other words, "It's just a joke!". Google "it's just a joke" and see what comes up. Spoiler alert: it's never just a joke.

Thank you to Wombat and Shipwreck for checking you on this one. You should really reevaluate your stance here. (It's okay. We've ALL done and said stupid and racist things, we recognize it, learn from it and move forward hopefully a better person. It's okay.)
Dude come on... Black face? Just because the joke was racist, doesn't mean it makes him a racist. Life isn't black and white. Shit, I said black, my bad I forgot I was racist. What I meant to say was the world doesn't fit between good and bad. There is also context! It was a joke, are 100% of comedians huge racists? If so, I'd say we have a huge problem in that their entire wealth stems from people paying to see them say racism. I don't know what you're trying to prove, by twisting Cheapy's words or insinuating that Guy Beahm basically committing blackface.

Can someone please explain to me why it matters if what someone on the internet says is racist or not? I just don't understand it, what's the endgame here? What if it is racist, should they not be allowed to say it, or think it or express it anywhere ever? What if this guy just came forward and said "yeah, maybe it is kind of racist, so what?" Then what would you want to happen? Bring him to internet jail? Ban him from the internet? Lets say if YouTube wanted to ban him that's perfectly understandable, it's their service, they should be able to control what content goes on it. I just don't get why everything is such a race debate now.
Can someone please explain to me why it matters if what someone on the internet says is racist or not? I just don't understand it, what's the endgame here? What if it is racist, should they not be allowed to say it, or think it or express it anywhere ever? What if this guy just came forward and said "yeah, maybe it is kind of racist, so what?" Then what would you want to happen? Bring him to internet jail? Ban him from the internet? Lets say if YouTube wanted to ban him that's perfectly understandable, it's their service, they should be able to control what content goes on it. I just don't get why everything is such a race debate now.
Idk why the "counter argument" to confronting racist/bigoted language is straw-manning the idea of an Internet Racist Jail. In pretty much any circumstance, I want and expect content creators to talk to their fans about why they should not have acted as they did and explain why it is wrong to their audience. How many times have we seen the song and dance of a Youtuber/Streamer doing something bad, getting penalized in some way, and then claiming to their fans that they are the victim and entrenching their fans (increasingly children) that doing this stuff is fine.

I don't give a fuck about Dr. Disrespect or whatever his real name is. I don't think he's some irredeemable vile human being. I'm not going to watch his stream. All of the probably 8 minutes of content I've seen from him, beyond clips about this specific controversy, aren't funny nor entertaining. He's some dude on the internet who fell ass backwards into the career of screaming at people in video games to make money, which is a pretty sweet gig all things considered. I wish he would take all of the five minutes it takes to reflect on this and say "hey, I pissed off a lot of people making a dumb joke", apologize for it, and spend his time doing what he does 90% of the time on his streams and making jokes that manage to not piss people off.

If you want to compare Alex Jones, a guy not in costume, using his real name, who hosts a conspiracy "news" show to the exact opposite of that, I guess that is something you can do.

If we label making jokes such as creating a fake language as "racist" what do we call the people who believe their race is superior to others? There are jokes that make fun of race. Some of them are funny and some are not. They are all likely to offend at least someone.

Just because you find this offensive or unfunny does not mean it is advancing an agenda of race superiority. This is the definition of racism and racist. When you hang the label of "racist" in these types of situations, you diminish the impact of calling out people who actually think this way.

Nuance is not awarded on the internet which is why people throw around these labels so easily. The popular YouTuber who originally called out Doc could have tweeted about how he was offended and given him some constructive criticism. Nope, instead he went immediately to calling him RACIST and implied he was a garbage human being. Surely insulting a popular figure and labeling them a racist on social media is the best way to get them to change their behavior.

Meanwhile, I was explaining this whole situation to Mrs. Cheapy and she was wondering why people are using the word "racist" since Chinese is not a race. As an Asian I think she was more offended that people don't know that Japanese and Chinese aren't races.

Anyway, heres a video from several months ago where doc explains where his fake language comes from.

Be warned, he's super racist!

Here is the guy who originally called him out and he says he doesnt think Guy is racist. Honestly, i think this guy just did it for the YouTube views. If he really wanted Doc to change, he could have done this all in a much better way:
Yes I want to compare them.

Racism is more nuanced that a person saying "hey other race is inferior to me" directly, see the rise of any race-oppressive regime throughout the 20th century for ways that seemingly docile but racist tinged rhetoric was used to advance them.

I have no idea who that Jimmy guy his but are you gonna write off all criticism of Dr. Disrespect as people trying to seek attention? Because if that's the case we really can't advance the discussion. I'm pretty sure people who do this are also the people who watch one criticism video made by a creator with tons of content and judge solely on tha- wait a minute...

Cheapy, I think you're off base on Dr Disrespect.  Why defend his crap?  Wombat, thanks for stepping in.  It doesn't matter if he's doing a "character", he's mocking the way someone speaks to insult them.  That shit hurts.  And it gives his young viewers an excuse to do it in face to face situations.  Good show guys.

Wow, I'm really pleasantly surprised by how many people aren't putting up with the "guys it's not a racist joke if your character is supposed to be racist" excuse. Props to Wombat and Shipwreck for their levelheaded responses. Yes, it's a joke, and sure, maybe the real streamer is a totally nice guy who doesn't condone this stuff. But anyone who's paying attention to the internet and the world the last couple of years should understand by now that the line between people who are totally good dudes who are just joking and people who are supporting some awful stuff is a lot thinner than you might think. Read that Daily Stormer style guide that got leaked out recently--the literal Nazis talk about how effective it is to always couch your racism in an ironic joking way so that people give you the benefit of the doubt. No one needs to send any streamers to jail, but this guy needs to realize the people who are attracted to his jokes might not be laughing at them for the reasons he intends. We don't need to litigate whether he is a racist to say it's not cool and he should probably stop doing that.

Also, I'm glad someone already pointed out that Wombat erroneously thinks "moniker" means "modicum." Drove me crazy!
The fine folks over at Waypoint talk about the whole disrespect/logan/etc mess in their latest podcast.
This is a great discussion if you want to hear everyone agree with each other.

Here’s what I posted over on jimmy’s open letter video to a fictional character:

I'm sorry Jimmy but I feel that if you were more interested in Doc changing and less interested in YT views you wouldn't have called him out as a racist immediately and instead explained how you were offended in less inflammatory manner. Your method immediately put him on the defensive and of course he won't engage you in conversation since your first action was to "RACIST" him. In this video you say he's probably a "good guy" but it's too late for that.

I understand that Asians could be offended by doc's self-titled fake "hybrid Asian language" but do you really think Doc's actions portray anything to do with race superiority on any level whatsoever? When you label stuff like this racist you lessen the impact of the word on those who actually believe their race is superior to others.

Offensive, questionably funny, insensitive, DISRESPECTFUL? Sure. Racist? No.
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I am so naive. I thought most of the show feedback would be about Cheap’ys rap. In any event I’d like to say I was very impressed by how you managed to stay on beat for so long before completely losing any modicum of rhythm but then to soldier on and somehow still make it work. Slow clap...
Now we've gone from "this guy sure isn't a racist" to "the real problem here is that other guy who made a video about it". Wow.

Did you even watch Jimmy's video? Contrary to what you wrote, he goes out of his way to not call D a racist, and explains at length why the accent bit is so problematic. Level headed and compassionate the whole way through, that's what you call "inflammatory"? Wow. (Also please drop this idea that it falls onto the persecuted group to do all the leg work to educate and "change" the offenders. Without ruffling too many feathers, please! That's an old trope, and you've fallen for it hook line and sinker.)

This is a great discussion if you want to hear everyone agree with each other.
What... what does that even mean? They all agree with each other BECAUSE IT'S SO BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS. But hey go ahead and explain to Austin Walker what is and isn't racism, and how he should feel about it. You already did it to Jimmy so why not.

Damn, Cheapy.

I am so naive. I thought most of the show feedback would be about Cheap’ys rap. In any event I’d like to say I was very impressed by how you managed to stay on beat for so long before completely losing any modicum of rhythm but then to soldier on and somehow still make it work. Slow clap...
I think you meant "moniker" of rhythm. YW.

Offensive, questionably funny, insensitive, DISRESPECTFUL? Sure. Racist? No.
Wait. This guy's name is Dr. Disrespectful and people are offended by him being disrespectful? :p

If this streamer isn't for you, then don't watch him or follow him. If he's not worth your time, then don't make him your time. Not sure what else can be said :)

It's probably better to watch this Solo trailer instead of the official one

Idk why the "counter argument" to confronting racist/bigoted language is straw-manning the idea of an Internet Racist Jail. In pretty much any circumstance, I want and expect content creators to talk to their fans about why they should not have acted as they did and explain why it is wrong to their audience. How many times have we seen the song and dance of a Youtuber/Streamer doing something bad, getting penalized in some way, and then claiming to their fans that they are the victim and entrenching their fans (increasingly children) that doing this stuff is fine.

I don't give a fuck about Dr. Disrespect or whatever his real name is. I don't think he's some irredeemable vile human being. I'm not going to watch his stream. All of the probably 8 minutes of content I've seen from him, beyond clips about this specific controversy, aren't funny nor entertaining. He's some dude on the internet who fell ass backwards into the career of screaming at people in video games to make money, which is a pretty sweet gig all things considered. I wish he would take all of the five minutes it takes to reflect on this and say "hey, I pissed off a lot of people making a dumb joke", apologize for it, and spend his time doing what he does 90% of the time on his streams and making jokes that manage to not piss people off.
Why is it in anyway the streamers job to educate or preach to their audience on what you perceive as appropriate behavior? They put out content, if people like it they watch, if they don't like it they don't watch. That's it, they are not teachers or educators nor should they be. Parents need to take responsibility for what their kids watch if they are that concerned about it.

I think most people would just like some human decency and maybe have less shittiness in the world. But maybe that’s just me.
A lot of talking and not a while lot of listening happening in here but i will just say i'm also disappointed in cheapy and want to point out wombats point again of someone playing a character and having a persona and I can't agree with cheapy that Dr. Disrespect is just playing a character, his character being he is intense and wears sunglasses? I believe thats just him turned up to 11. He is preforming, but not as a character, but with a persona. Though I don't think any of this matters, the dude still did something racist and brushed off apologizing. People can keep circle jerking if he is a racist or not as if that matters, perpetuating racist stereotypes still sucks.
The worst thing though is how closed minded cheapy is sounding and killing counter arguments cause the other person is not a fan of Dr. Disrespect. Hope you listen more cheapy and try not defending that jerk bag as hard.

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Lol, I am still confused about how what he did was racist. How is doing a Chinese accent racist?

wow cagcast so racist now, cheapy is new michael richards

will prolly yell racial epithets at listeners soon.

Outro song is soooo racist too omg

cheapy i need apology next episode or im out sry bro

It seems Cheapy is simply arguing that by definition, racism involves race superiority, and he's saying that there is none. That is obviously arguable.

I'm surprised by all the listeners who can't believe or are disappointed in Cheapy, though. I ask "Are you really fucking surprised!?!" Cheapy's similarly impersonated accents on the CAGcast over the years. And not in character! But... he had no real backlash, if any, from the listeners nor any intervening from Wombat or Ship. So maybe he hasn't learned...? Or maybe he's always believed that while possibly offensive, it's not necessarily racist...? Also, here's a person who you do support, so why do you continue to listen? Do you accept/forgive and move along? Or is it ok for Cheapy, because his listener demographic likely isn't very impressionable?

But can we get at the real matter at hand? That one third the way into "Trade Yo' Game" and before even starting the first verse, Big Cheap is already offbeat and continues to be for the remainder of the track? While Cheapy isn't putting much time into the technical issues of CAG, it also shows that Big Cheap didn't put a whole lot of time into that silly shit either. I'm deeply offended.

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It seems Cheapy is simply arguing that by definition, racism involves race superiority, and he's saying that there is none. That is obviously arguable.

I'm surprised by all the listeners who can't believe or are disappointed in Cheapy, though. I ask "Are you really fucking surprised!?!" Cheapy's similarly impersonated accents on the CAGcast over the years. And not in character! But... he had no real backlash, if any, from the listeners nor any intervening from Wombat or Ship. So maybe he hasn't learned...? Or maybe he's always believed that while possibly offensive, it's not necessarily racist...? Also, here's a person who you do support, so why do you continue to listen? Do you accept/forgive and move along? Or is it ok for Cheapy, because his listener demographic likely isn't very impressionable?
I figured there was something like that going on, because Cheapy's investment rings way too personal.

I've been listening to cagcast for a looong time, not since #1 but before Shipwreck was even a semi-regular on the show, and I'm embarrassed to say I don't recall those moments. All three of the hosts make me cringe once in a while, because bad joke or bad take or general awkwardness or whatever, but nothing that made me look back twice, until this. I'm becoming less tolerant of BS I guess. And these days, if "stereotyping an entire culture for a laugh is not racist" is not premium, 100% pure BS then I don't know what is.

Am I going to stop listening? No. Do I feel like my emotional investment in the show has been chipped at? Yes.

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I don't get why there is this echo chamber lynch mob going around continually trying to achieve some sorta gotcha moment with people who they know don't deserve to be vilified like they are a KKK leader or something. This is a lateral step from the insane "zero tolerance" methodology that has run amok in schools across the U.S. 


It's OK to like Dr. Disrespect.

It's also OK to admit that he occasionally does / says / behaves slightly racist.

It's still OK to like Dr. Disrespect, even if he does the occasionally racist thing.

It's even OK to laugh at those things.

The problem comes in being overly apologetic, and somehow excuse or remove the reality of his behavior. Be careful with the "what-about-ism". It looks like the situation here is that you like Dr. Disrespect enough to defend him past where it's owed. I think Wombat and Shipwreck held their ground well, and are correct. This is oddly similar to political discourse in the country right now, where people who care deeply about a subject or person defend it at all costs, leaving logic at the door. You're allowed to be critical of things you enjoy or care about, and you're still allowed to enjoy them if they do questionable things.

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And these days, if "stereotyping an entire culture for a laugh is not racist" is not premium, 100% pure BS then I don't know what is.

I don't get why there is this echo chamber lynch mob going around continually trying to achieve some sorta gotcha moment with people who they know don't deserve to be vilified like they are a KKK leader or something.
Most people are just saying "maybe stop doing a thing that is offensive", not calling for Dr Disrespect to be suspended or anything similar.

bread's done