Finding the Right PC this Month


Alight so I got over $1000 saved up and have been wanting a PC for over a year. Now I know need advice on what to go for. I'm planning on just buying a prebuilt PC. While I do want to play some modern games, What's more important to me is playing emulators(Mainly 6th gen games). I know this HP desktop will be on sale at Bestbuy on Black Friday for $300 off but, I'm not sure if it's the right deal. I'm also open to any suggestions anyone may have. I'm not totally opposed to building one myself but, I prefer to buy a prebuilt that's upgradable. 

I appreciate any help as this will be my first ever PC. 

Shady, I know its not the most stylish of brands but I can honestly recommend the Dell Inspiron 5680 Gaming Desktop: fair pricing for a prebuilt, choices of components and looks really good. You won't be disappointed. Good Luck!​
Areyou upgrading or a complete new system? You might want to put a few more dollars towards but i guess it depends on what you want to do with it.

bread's done