Best Buy - "10 days, 10 games, $10"


Title says it all, really: Best Buy is running a promotion where for the next ten days they are selling a different game each day for $10.

Today's game is Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, a title we all know and love as a perpetual sale title typically priced at $15 on Black Friday or $20 during sales the rest of the year.

Edit: Also be aware that GameStop is price matching this sale online.

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They sold Gears 5 for $5 before so I expect it to be one of those $10 games this week.
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Clearly a scheme to have people buy up all their inventory to flood GameStop with pre-owned copies during their +$5 trade-in bonus week. :bouncy:
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I'll bite on Cyberpunk for that much to sit on until it's patched more. MK maaaaaybe, vanilla isn't as enticing considering all the DLC.

Overcooked! All You Can Eat PS5/Xbox Series X $10. May spring from that PS5 copy though I would likely rather play it on Switch.

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Wow the ps5 version is already sold out.
I wonder if these daily sales are going to be a game of staying up at 2am to buy them. Would best buy have the gal to run a sale where it’s the item is essentially sold out the entire time, or do they release stock in batches?

Keep in mind that the Series X and PS5 discs will NOT work on Xbox One and PS4 whereas buying it digitally includes both versions.
I assume this is the reason why they're dumping these discs. Maybe a reprint that'll include both is coming.
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Overcooked PS5 was already sold out when I woke up this morning around 7:30 EST.  Have these things been going live at midnight?  I might have to actually pay attention for the next few days.

Damn Overcooked would’ve been great, sold out tho. I hope Amazon matches
Overcooked PS5 was already sold out when I woke up this morning around 7:30 EST. Have these things been going live at midnight? I might have to actually pay attention for the next few days.
It was never actually available today. I was up in the early hours, eastern time.
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NEVERMIND- Just saw the above comment.

Does anybody know when these deals go live? I’m currently working night shift and if they hit at midnight I can snag one.

I missed Overcooked because I waited until 10am 🤦🏽‍♂️
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They limited it to 1 per customer after yesterday's deal allowed you to buy 3. Wonder if that has something to do with the delay.
It will likely depend on what the game is. Most stores had no more than 2 of each version of Overcooked but were flooded with Mario Rabbids to support the frequent $15 deals.

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NEVERMIND- Just saw the above comment.

Does anybody know when these deals go live? I’m currently working night shift and if they hit at midnight I can snag one.

I missed Overcooked because I waited until 10am 🤦🏽‍♂️
Midnight central is typically when the new deals go live for best buy.
Watched Overcooked! sale go live. I placed an order at 1:10am EST for one of each copy, but during checkout the website switched availability from "pickup today" to "available for pickup August 20th" at every store.

I read that the game was trading in at Gamestop for $19.20 on PS5 with PUR Pro and the $5 bonus, which is most likely why.

Missed out on Overcooked. Oh well. Frankly, better off getting PS4 version instead since I'm putting off getting a PS5 for a while now.

PS4 version also has free upgrade to PS5, too.
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Definitely passing, I would be surprised if any version sells out today. $10 is where this game belongs and it’s still too expensive
bread's done