CAGcast #738: Black Elves and White Controllers


Head Cheap Ass
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14 (100%)
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I got to say, I was very shocked with how much confidence Shipwreck had to beat Serena Williams in basketball.

I expected Cheapy to be confident because he is always practicing and has played in tournaments. Ping Pong also seems like a much harder "pick up and play" type of game because of the finesse needed to keep balls in bounds. Serenas strength could even be a handicap without proper practice to control where she's hitting the ball.

Did I miss something, does Shipwreck still play tons of basketball? If not, I think it'd be much harder to beat her than Cheapy with Ping Pong. Also have to consider she's an athlete in peak condition. Does Shipwreck have the stamina to run around the court as much as she could?

Love the show guys, keep up the great work.
Wombat is correct about the Elite 2 controller pricing. It's been on sale all over the place for $139. I know because I bought one at that price. It was new and not a refurb.

I think I’ve seen mostly the same shoes and movies as you, Cheapy, although I haven’t seen the new Game of Thrones series yet. But I did think of a scene from a modern movie that was so disturbing that I had to cover my eyes, and it wasn’t even a R rated movie. The fingernail removal scene in The Gray Man.

Sorry my user name is still a struggle. I’m hoping it gets said at some point on the Rings of Power.
I would normally agree about Shipwreck's over confidence (especially for an older guy) but Serena herself said “I mean, so bad, it’s comical … I’m really good at playing defense and running. Not great at dribbling, I’m probably the world’s worst shooter. I don’t know anyone that’s worse than me at basketball. It actually looks like a parody when I play like I’m joking and I’m not really serious, and yeah, I pretty much suck at it.”

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Glad I got to listen to the episode before Wednesday, because oh boy that Serena discussion was something.

I definitely think Ship has a way better chance at beating Serena in basketball than Cheapy has at ping pong. Even if she is a world class athlete, the mechanics of basketball are far too different from tennis for her to beat a decent amateur, especially with no practice. Not the same sports, but the obvious example is Michael Jordan trying to play baseball and being terrible at it. Just because you are one of the best in your sport and have amazing conditioning doesn't mean you have the skills to automatically excel in another.

On the other hand, I think there are enough similarities between tennis and ping pong (or table tennis, as it's known to some) where she might be able to take Cheapy. Different sport, but I think she'd be able to figure some of it out on the fly. 

Like... I'm a decent amateur baseball player. I feel like I would have a good chance against most athletes from different sports in a baseball competition. But if you paired me up again a top tier cricket player? Not as confident there.

Glad I got to listen to the episode before Wednesday, because oh boy that Serena discussion was something.

I definitely think Ship has a way better chance at beating Serena in basketball than Cheapy has at ping pong. Even if she is a world class athlete, the mechanics of basketball are far too different from tennis for her to beat a decent amateur, especially with no practice. Not the same sports, but the obvious example is Michael Jordan trying to play baseball and being terrible at it. Just because you are one of the best in your sport and have amazing conditioning doesn't mean you have the skills to automatically excel in another.

On the other hand, I think there are enough similarities between tennis and ping pong (or table tennis, as it's known to some) where she might be able to take Cheapy. Different sport, but I think she'd be able to figure some of it out on the fly. 

Like... I'm a decent amateur baseball player. I feel like I would have a good chance against most athletes from different sports in a baseball competition. But if you paired me up again a top tier cricket player? Not as confident there.

Wombat is correct about the Elite 2 controller pricing. It's been on sale all over the place for $139. I know because I bought one at that price. It was new and not a refurb.
Wombat definitely did not mention $139 was the price he paid. He said under $100.

Glad I got to listen to the episode before Wednesday, because oh boy that Serena discussion was something.

I definitely think Ship has a way better chance at beating Serena in basketball than Cheapy has at ping pong. Even if she is a world class athlete, the mechanics of basketball are far too different from tennis for her to beat a decent amateur, especially with no practice. Not the same sports, but the obvious example is Michael Jordan trying to play baseball and being terrible at it. Just because you are one of the best in your sport and have amazing conditioning doesn't mean you have the skills to automatically excel in another.

On the other hand, I think there are enough similarities between tennis and ping pong (or table tennis, as it's known to some) where she might be able to take Cheapy. Different sport, but I think she'd be able to figure some of it out on the fly.

Like... I'm a decent amateur baseball player. I feel like I would have a good chance against most athletes from different sports in a baseball competition. But if you paired me up again a top tier cricket player? Not as confident there.
Its OK if you don't know anything about table tennis. You can just say that or not post anything!

You thinking there are enough similarities between the two does not make it accurate!

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