Boycott Mission Impossible 3

Seriously, let's all let Tom Cruise know how much of a douchebag he is by not going to see his new movie.

I could list the reasons, but I'm pretty sure everyone here already knows what a tool Tom Cruise has become in recent years, primarily since adopting that bitch religion scientology.

So, let's start this here, and spread it everywhere you can, online, at the bar, to your classmates, roommates, family, friends, everyone... don't go see this movie, let Tom Cruise know how much ass he sucks now.

That will be all.
I don't care if he's out of his mind. That doesn't change the fact that he makes a good movie. I'll be seeing MI:III.
As an American, it's impossible for me not to watch retarded garbage. What choice do I have but to go see it? Maybe as a double feature with Benchwarmers?
Its his life and if he wants to support some nutball big bang thing a ma bop then so be it. I'll just pass on Mission Impossible 3 anyways as I didn't care for the first one and didn't bother with the second one.
The last movie I saw in theaters (not counting the dollar theater) was Rent since my fiancee paid, and the last one before that may very well have been Spider-Man 2... so avoiding this in the theater should be pretty easy. I foresee only going to one movie this year, and that would be X3.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Its his life and if he wants to support some nutball big bang thing a ma bop then so be it. I'll just pass on Mission Impossible 3 anyways as I didn't care for the first one and didn't bother with the second one.[/QUOTE]
No, not "so be it." By giving him any money you're supporting a cult that murders its members.

[quote name='botticus']The last movie I saw in theaters (not counting the dollar theater) was Rent since my fiancee paid, and the last one before that may very well have been Spider-Man 2... so avoiding this in the theater should be pretty easy. I foresee only going to one movie this year, and that would be X3.[/QUOTE]
So...she made you see Rent, yet you're still going through with the marriage thing?
Who gives a shit about the actor's life outside of the movie? I'm sorry, but that really is a stupid reason to boycott a movie. I go to see movies to enjoy the movies; not to publicly condone the actor's lifestyle. And I don't think not seeing the movie is much of a way to spread the word of some sort of condemnation of that actor's lifestyle, either.

Charlton Heston is a fucking gun-flailing lunatic, but that isn't going to make me stop liking Planet of the Apes.

I mean, I don't like that a lot of actors and actresses have (admitted) drug habits, but I'm not going to let whether or not they're crackheads be a factor in my decision to go see their movies. I would have seen Apocalypse Now whether Martin Sheen was a raving alcoholic or not; it has nothing to do with the movie itself.

And besides, in this particular case, anyone that was going to see this movie isn't going to change their minds now, so where are you going with this?
I'm not seeing it for Cruise, I'm seeing it for Abrams. Even if I thought Lost was a complete waste of time, and Alias has only gotten worse as it went on...

Ummm... on second thought...
So dont see his movie because of his belief system?

Since it doesnt effect me in any way that is ridiculous. If I didnt see any movie with an actor in it whos life is different then my own then I would never see anything. I wouldnt see any movie with person of ANY religion (they are all jokes). Most of hollywood is gay so theres another reason not to. They are all drug addicts so theres another reason...

Point being, it is stupid to boycott a movie cuz you dont like how an actor is portrayed in the media. If you choose to live your life that way then good luck with that.
[quote name='musha666']So dont see his movie because of his belief system?

Since it doesnt effect me in any way that is ridiculous. If I didnt see any movie with an actor in it whos life is different then my own then I would never see anything. I wouldnt see any movie with person of ANY religion (they are all jokes). Most of hollywood is gay so theres another reason not to. They are all drug addicts so theres another reason...

Point being, it is stupid to boycott a movie cuz you dont like how an actor is portrayed in the media. If you choose to live your life that way then good luck with that.[/QUOTE]Yeah! Shove it, Lisa McPherson!
Ive already decided that i really want to see this. While yes i do think Tom Cruise is a total crazy pants i do really enjoy most of his movies. I just do.
I will be seeing this but not in the theater (because I don't go to the movies for lots of reasons). I couldn't give a shit what Tom Cruise does in his personal life (although it is kind of facinating) - I just like to enjoy the movies separate from the people in it although I do admit that if Mission Impossible III starred Osama Bin Laden I probably wouldn't see it so I'm probably a hypocrite...
A man jumps up on a couch and says he is in love and the world decides he's a nut bag... o yeah he has a strong belief in scientology. Didn't jesus have some strange belief 2000 years ago?
You sorry bitches get a life.
The Man is happy with his life. why are you being a hater?
Regardless of Cruise's antics I'll be seeing this since I'm a fan of J.J. Abrams. I was locked when he was announced as director. It's too bad Scarrlett Johannson didn't make it through all the cast changes though.
[quote name='DJ K8E']I'm not seeing it for Cruise, I'm seeing it for Abrams. Even if I thought Lost was a complete waste of time, and Alias has only gotten worse as it went on...

Ummm... on second thought...[/QUOTE]

Same here. But if Lost and Alias don't do it for you, what's left to be a fan of? Felicity?
[quote name='DJ K8E']I'm not seeing it for Cruise, I'm seeing it for Abrams. Even if I thought Lost was a complete waste of time, and Alias has only gotten worse as it went on...

Ummm... on second thought...[/quote]

abrams hasn't worked on lost or alias this year...i am not sure, but I don't think he worked on alias last year either, as he was busy with lost.
[quote name='jetblac']A man jumps up on a couch and says he is in love and the world decides he's a nut bag... o yeah he has a strong belief in scientology. Didn't jesus have some strange belief 2000 years ago?
You sorry bitches get a life.
The Man is happy with his life. why are you being a hater?[/quote]
Wow, did you just compare Tom Cruise to Jesus?

[quote name='jetblac']A man jumps up on a couch and says he is in love and the world decides he's a nut bag... o yeah he has a strong belief in scientology. Didn't jesus have some strange belief 2000 years ago?
You sorry bitches get a life.
The Man is happy with his life. why are you being a hater?[/QUOTE]

I knew T.C. trolled these boards, GET OUT OF THE CLOSET TOM!
[quote name='jetblac']A man jumps up on a couch and says he is in love and the world decides he's a nut bag... o yeah he has a strong belief in scientology. Didn't jesus have some strange belief 2000 years ago?
You sorry bitches get a life.
The Man is happy with his life. why are you being a hater?[/QUOTE]

Now let's see here....

75 million years ago, there was an alien galactic ruler named Xenu who was in charge of 76 planets in our part of the galaxy, including our own planet Earth, whose name at that time was Teegeeack.

All of the planets Xenu controlled were over-populated by, on average, 178 billion people. Social problems dictated that Xenu rid his sector of the galaxy of this overpopulation problem, so he developed a plan.

Xenu sent out Tax Audit demands to all these billions of people. As each one entered the audit centers for the income tax inspections, the people were seized, held down and injected with a mixture of alcohol and glycol, and frozen. Then, all 1.4 trillion of these frozen people were put into spaceships that looked exactly like DC8 airplanes, except that the spaceships had rocket engines instead of propellers.

Xenu's entire fleet of DC8-like spaceships then flew to planet Earth, where the frozen people were dumped in and around volcanoes in the Canary Islands and the Hawaiian Islands. When Xenu's Air Force had finished dumping the bodies into the volcanoes, hydrogen bombs were dropped into the volcanoes and the frozen space aliens were destroyed.

However, Xenu's plan involved setting up electronic traps in Teegeack's atmosphere which were designed to trap the souls or spirits of the dead space aliens. When the 1.4 trillion spirits were being blown around on the nuclear winds, the electronic traps worked like a charm and captured all the souls in the electronic, sticky fly-paper like traps.

The spirits of the aliens were then taken to huge multi-plex cinemas that Xenu had previously instructed his forces to build on Teegeack. In these movie theatres the spirits had to spend many days watching special 3D movies, the purpose of which was twofold: 1) to implant into these spirits a false reality, i.e. the reality that WOGS know on Earth today; and, 2) to control these spirits for all eternity so that they could never cause trouble for Xenu in this sector of the Galaxy. During these films, many false pictures were implanted into these spirits, which resulted in the spirits believing in all the things that control mankind on Earth today, including religion. The concept of religion, including God, Christ, Mohammed, Moses etc., were all an implanted false reality that to this very minute is used to control WOGS on earth.

When the films ended and the souls left the cinema, they started to stick together in clusters of a few thousand and remained that way until mankind began to inhabit the earth. Today on earth all the spirits of these aliens have attached themselves to our bodies and are the root cause of the false reality that all but Scientology's OT 8's on earth experience. It is the job of all Scientologists to remove this false reality from the world by auditing each and every space alien spirit and human on earth to CLEAR not only this planet but the universe. For those who oppose Scientology and stand in their way like the LMT and all Scientology critics, Scientology promises to do away with them "quitely and without sorrow".

I have calculated that on average, each person on planet earth has 2,314 of these Body Thetans (BT's for short), Hubbard's term for the alien spirits, causing you and all mankind to be constrained by Xenu's false reality. The average cost for Scientology to OT 8 is a mere USD 360,000, meaning that each BT only costs USD 155.57 to clear. Now that is a bargain if there ever was one.

Hubbard never said the overall cost to the planet would be cheap, but let's examine it. The planetary cost equation is as follows: 1.4 trillion spirits times USD 155.57 equals a mere USD 2,104,550,960,000. Just think about it -- USD 2.2 quadrillion -- shit, that's enough to keep Rear Admiral Miscavige and Marty in casino chips for a long time.

As for Xenu, the Loyal Officers of the Marcab Confederation finally discovered how evil he was and overthrew him. He is now locked away in a mountain on one of the planets and kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery. Several of Xenu's relatives can often be found on ARS.

In fact I know people who have sat in a room at the Sancastle building in Clearwater, Florida for 5-7 hours per day, holding two asparagus cans together, attached to a lie detector, talking all day to these dead space aliens. And guess what? You'll never ever finish talking to dead space aliens until you leave Scientology.


Hmmm, strange?


Downright insanity.
I am repeating this story to you as a warning. If you become involved with Scientology then I want you to do so with your eyes open and fully aware of the sort of material it contains.

That's the last line of PAD's article.

Most religions are strange and may even appear completely absurd to outsiders. And, like any religion, there are those who believe every single thing their religion states down to the smallest detail, and those who take a less literal view of their faith. And a biased observer can take that absurdity and increase it greatly.

Religions purpose is to provide comfort, purpose and answers to believers. Whatever form that takes isn't something I care about. If the followers are happy then that's all that counts. I'm in no position to claim superiority of certain religions over others.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Seriously, let's all let Tom Cruise know how much of a douchebag he is by not going to see his new movie.

I could list the reasons, but I'm pretty sure everyone here already knows what a tool Tom Cruise has become in recent years, primarily since adopting that bitch religion scientology.

So, let's start this here, and spread it everywhere you can, online, at the bar, to your classmates, roommates, family, friends, everyone... don't go see this movie, let Tom Cruise know how much ass he sucks now.

That will be all.[/QUOTE]
I'm with you. Tom Cruise fell faster and harder than any celebrity that I can think of. He has become the biggest douche of our time and I can't believe Kaatie Holmes got knocked up by him, I hope she cries herself to sleep at night. fuck Tom Cruise, fuck Mission impossible(All of them) and I would still fuck Katie Holmes. Commence Boycott!
Let's see here, we've found no evidence of multi-plexes in archeological digs, no evidence that this planet had massive hydrogen bomb explosions, 76 planets in our region of the galaxy with a trillion life forms and we can't find one of them and last but not least the DC-8 held 259 passengers which, when transporting 1.4 trillion frozen passengers would require the following.

5,405,405,405 spaceships making a single flight.

2,702,702,702 spaceships making two flights.

1,351,351,351 spaceships making three flights.

675,675,675 spaceships making 4 flights.

Now, stop me when we get to a number that starts to make sense here.

1,000,000 spaceships would need to make 14,000 flights to transport those frozen aliens.

Now tell me, where do the numbers add up?

Forget the writers "TEH BIAZED!1!1!!! OMG OMG" do the math.
I never saw Missions 1 & 2. I just have no interest in that movie franchise. Tom Cruise is not factored in my decision making although I admit I dislike him.
And we found no evidence of eden, no evidence of solomons temple, tons of evidence that the earth is billions of years old, that humans weren't the first here etc.

And there are religions, such as that of the Dogon people in Africa, who believe the world was created out of a giant egg and a placenta.

If we only take religions that stand up scientifically then all but a few would have to be discarded. Out of the major religions I can think of only sikhism and (possibly) buddhism that lack such glaring scientific problems. Religion is an issue of faith and happiness. If you could prove them true scientifically then the faith aspect wouldn't be needed.

Though there have been multiple impacts on earth which were equivalent to thousands of hiroshima bombs.

Though some scientists think there may be some (albeit very primitive) life forms even in our galaxy, yet we can't even check that out. For example, in places such as Titan or even underground on Mars. Even then you wouldn't asnwer the question of whether life did exist, as places, such as mars, are believed to have once had the capability of supporting life.

There's no way for us to check whether there is or is not life in other galaxies unless we were able to pick up some form of communication.
Remains of Solomon's temple is still in existence in Jerusalem. It's the temple mount, home of the first two Jewish temples. Eden was destroyed in Noah's flood.

For someone that loves to think they're super objective you're being awfully dense.

So not one of those millions of spaceships crashed? Not one of them can be found? What about the power generators that would be needed to encase the planet in an electronic shield? Which planet is Xenu encased in?

Scientology says there were 76 known habited planets millions of years ago. Their claim, not mine. So why can't they identify one of them? Just one is all I ask. If their entire religion stemmed from alien overpopulation why can't they name or produce evidence of existence of one planet?

They know the evil emperor, they know his evil tax audit scheme, they know that the spaceships looked like DC-8's (Now just how can this be when no one's seen them??? HMMMM, could it be that DC-8's were the latest and greatest mode of transportation when L Ron Hubbard came up with this "religion"? NOOOOOOO that wouldn't make sense.) they know there were 76 planets.

Now putting the math aside of transporting 1.4 trillion frozen bodies how can you know what a spaceship looks like but not the name of one planet in that empire, where it was located, who inhabited it and how to contact them?

Can you say....... suckers?

I knew you could.
I think most religions are stupid and thats why I dont practice any but I'm still probably gonna see this movie. I could care less what he does off camera. Also, I've studied various religions in my world religions class and christianity was worse than scientology imo But anyone can believe whatever BS they hear from the media
bah, who cares what people believe in...Cruise does his job well...and that is too make movies...sometimes he seems over the top but Cruise is still one of the most powerful celebrities out there

btw everybody should ban the simpsons since Nancy Cartwright is a scientologist....
I like my method towards movies, and "celebreties"

The actors exist in the movies, I watch their films to entertain me. I don't pay a damn bit of attention to just about any actors in their off-camera real lives.

Through this, I still like Tom Cruise just the same as I did when I was kid, bosed solely on his characters and acting ability. His personal life? Who gives a sh*t, seriously. Unless of course we're talking about someone who reads those scandal rags on the checkout line.

My method works pretty good, for me at least. Also make it a point to program out that godforsaken "E!" network from every TV I use. ;)
I'll be seeing this for free as my friend works for the local company that holds the press screenings. This thursday is Sentinel at the Scottsdale Fashion Square at 7 then Silent Hill at Arizona Mills at 9:30
I might see it eventually but it's been funny when some people act like him being a scientologist makes him a bad actor. I don't care what he believes in and I like a lot of his movies.
I wasen't planning on seeing it anyway. I don't even know what the last movie I saw was.. its been that long.
Of course Ill go see this movie, MI:1 was like my favorite movie when I was a kid. MI:2 sucked, so Im hoping 3 is way better!
We get free tickets for 2 and free popcorn if a customer calls and said we did a good job at work(Time Warner) you should call and say I did a good job BasketCase1080 :) then I could see the movie for free!
bread's done