Why do people hate the scalpers?


Why do so many CAGs have a problem with people who bought the consoles to sell on eBay? I know a few people said it's because they're taking away from people who wanted to buy them to play, but wtf?

I think we should be blaming the idiots who are willing to pay $3,000 for a PS3, not the people who sell it to them.
It's the scalpers that drive up the prices and make up fake hype so they can get ridiculous prices out of desperate people. If they would just leave them in stores, people who wanted the console for a gift or to play wouldn't have to pay more than MSRP.
[quote name='mrchainsaw']It's the scalpers that drive up the prices and make up fake hype so they can get ridiculous prices out of desperate people. If they would just leave them in stores, people who wanted the console for a gift or to play wouldn't have to pay more than MSRP.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mrchainsaw']It's the scalpers that drive up the prices and make up fake hype so they can get ridiculous prices out of desperate people. If they would just leave them in stores, people who wanted the console for a gift or to play wouldn't have to pay more than MSRP.[/QUOTE]
But as I said, the blame for this should go to the idiots who are willing to overpay. If no one was stupid enough to pay $3,000 for a PS3, there wouldn't be any scalping going on.

The scalpers are basically just filling a need. There are people who want to pay a high premium to get a new console without standing in line early themselves, so we have scalpers.
Because most people here want the consoles to own and play not to resell. Every scalper keeps us from getting a console. Plus were not going to pay more then MSRP for a console.

Not at this site but, other people might hate scalpers due to jealousy. They're making big buck of something so simple.

[quote name='rickonker']But as I said, the blame for this should go to the idiots who are willing to overpay. If no one was stupid enough to pay $3,000 for a PS3, there wouldn't be any scalping going on.
The scalpers are basically just filling a need. There are people who want to pay a high premium to get a new console without standing in line early themselves, so we have scalpers.[/QUOTE]

Its not really that people want to pay a high price. But its the new console thats sold out in stores. Their kids are asking for it. They've wanted it for a long time etc. Then it comes down to basic economics. 40,000 PS3's on ebay and a million people want them. Thats going to drive up the price. Its the people who can't wait, and the parents trying to fulfill xmas list. I think the later shouldn't get dicked trying to buy a console.

But thats the way it is.
Even though I've never scalped a game or system I blame the people who pay the insane amounts rather than the actual scalpers. With that being said you don't come to a site named "Cheap Ass Gamer" and try to scalp.
At this point, I don't think there are too many CAGs that even want a PS3. There are probably more 'scalpers' than there are PS3 owners.
I have nothing against someone who buys a PS3 to sell on eBay to some idiot for three times the price. It is the people who buy like 10 of them to do that. But then again if they are truly that desperate for the money then let them do it.

And yea the real blame should be put on the retard parents who NEEDS to buy it for their 7 year old kid so he can be popular in school.
[quote name='rabbitt']At this point, I don't think there are too many CAGs that even want a PS3. There are probably more 'scalpers' than there are PS3 owners.[/QUOTE]
True, it makes sense that most CAGs would consider the PS3 to be a ripoff.
I really could care less because I have no intentions of even paying the current MSRP for the PS3. I agree that the people that are willing to pay more than that are the ones to blame. I don't care how badly my child wanted a PS3 I wouldn't pay thousands of dollars for one. The little bastard better be able to wait and play what's out now. I mean if your kid really wants a new console, just buy them a 360 or Wii (if you can find one) now and then buy them a PS3 later when they become available, and you are still saving over buying off of ebay.
Scalpers drive up prices not just for current console launches, but for future ones as well. I seriously doubt Sony or Microsoft release $400-$600 systems if $300 PS2s weren't going for triple that amount at launch on E-Bay.
[quote name='furyk']Scalpers drive up prices not just for current console launches, but for future ones as well. I seriously doubt Sony or Microsoft release $400-$600 systems if $300 PS2s weren't going for triple that amount at launch on E-Bay.[/QUOTE]
That's an interesting view, I'm not so sure there's a link between scalping at launch and high console MSRPs.
The reason is that people at CAG is cheap and some of us hear was not wiling enough to buy a Wii or PS3. In other words we are jealous the fact some porn kings is making money selling PS3's by the ton while we are eating Ramen out of a cup.

[quote name='RegalSin2020']The reason is that people at CAG is cheap and some of us hear was not wiling enough to buy a Wii or PS3. In other words we are jealous the fact some porn kings is making money selling PS3's by the ton while we are eating Ramen out of a cup.


That and we buy games to play them.
because they intentionally buy up all of the stock on the shelves to rape you out of your hard earned money.
People hate scalpers because they are bitter that they didn't get one and have to pay more for it. People hate scalpers because they didn't get one to sell too. People hate scalpers because they didn't think of it first.

People also hate scalpers because it sucks that they do it. Artificially increasing demand sucks.

People hate scalpers cause they don't get a system, and they have no patience, so they cry and whine that they don't have one, and again are so impatient, that they spend 5x the price to get something that would be available in about a month or whatever. Noones forcing the people on ebay to buy them, you guys should blame the spoiled kids or the careless money spenders on ebay instead. Without them, there would be no scalpers. I'm willing to bet that if any one of you here got your hands on a ps3 and saw them going for 20,000$ on ebay you'd all sell haha, everyone has a price. For some, making 2000 dollars is the same as making 20,000 dollars for some of those that kept the system.
[quote name='TheBlueWizard']Artificially increasing demand sucks.[/quote]

This is the one part of your post I would have to disagree with. I don't think scalpers are artificially increasing demand. The demand is already there, or nobody would scalp.
[quote name='rickonker']This is the one part of your post I would have to disagree with. I don't think scalpers are artificially increasing demand. The demand is already there, or nobody would scalp.[/QUOTE]How is it not increasing demand? People wanting to buy the console to scalp + people wanting to buy the console to play > people wanting to buy the console to play.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']How is it not increasing demand? People wanting to buy the console to scalp + people wanting to buy the console to play > people wanting to buy the console to play.[/QUOTE]
The people wanting to buy the console to scalp sell it to people who want to play. In other words, the demand already exists. The scalpers are not the ones increasing demand.
Because if you're excited enough about a new console* to freeze your ass off for a night while waiting for it, you'd rather do it with people who understand.

* As distinguished from being excited enough about making a profit.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']The reason is that people at CAG is cheap and some of us hear was not wiling enough to buy a Wii or PS3. In other words we are jealous the fact some porn kings is making money selling PS3's by the ton while we are eating Ramen out of a cup.


Or dog food.
[quote name='rickonker']The people wanting to buy the console to scalp sell it to people who want to play. In other words, the demand already exists. The scalpers are not the ones increasing demand.[/QUOTE]They're increasing the total people buying the console. That's not increasing demand? I would think that if nobody bought the console to scalp, the average price per console sold anywhere would be smaller.
If demand were not already high...[quote name='judyjudyjudy']...nobody bought the console to scalp, the average price per console sold anywhere would be smaller.[/QUOTE]

Demand is not measured by how many people buy something, but by how many people want to buy something.
[quote name='rickonker']If demand were not already high...

Demand is not measured by how many people buy something, but by how many people want to buy something.[/QUOTE]Don't scalpers want to buy PS3s? Even if our definitions of demand are different, do you think scalpers do not increase the average price of things? That's my main problem with hording/scalping/whatever... and it just seems like an asinine thing to do.
Original post
"I think we should be blaming the idiots who are willing to pay $3,000 for a PS3, not the people who sell it to them."

Exactly. Why wouldn't people do this for free money if someone is willing to buy it at that price?
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Don't scalpers want to buy PS3s? Even if our definitions of demand are different, do you think scalpers do not increase the average price of things? That's my main problem with hording/scalping/whatever... and it just seems like an asinine thing to do.[/QUOTE]

I should have phrased that better. The key here is cause and effect. The scalpers only want to buy PS3s to sell them immediately to people who actually want to keep a PS3. The cause of the increase in average price is not the scalpers, but the limited supply when compared to demand for a PS3. If supply equaled demand for the PS3, scalping would not be profitable, so there wouldn't be any scalpers (except for a few people who would fail to make a huge profit).

So since the increase of the average price is due to demand exceeding supply (not scalpers), we can blame either the people who want PS3s even at a high price or Sony for limited supply.

IMO Sony can make and sell however many PS3s it wants, and the people willing to pay extra are dumber and more directly affect the average consumer, so I would lay most of the blame on them.
rick...the demand was already high, I agree with you that the demand being so high was the reason scalpers showed up, but they're saying that having scalpers INCREASES demand, and it does INCREASE it. Sure it was already high, but scalping made it even higher since fewer people got one, therefore more people still want one. Common sense...anyway I don't care, if I would have got my hands on one and been able to triple my money, I would have.
Anytime someone gets between us and our "Fun", we get bitchy.

Some things in life shouldn't have to be work, buying something thats Fun should be one of those things.

Funny....if you scalp a PS3 its a nusiance...if you scalp a concert ticket or if you scalp, say, gasoline..by price fixing....its a crime.

Its all an economy of scale.........its xmas, we have enough pressure, having to work hard to get something like a PS3 or tickle me elmo is a pain enough without having to battle the people with nothing better to do all day than hang around walmarts or targets who corner the market.

The key is to put away the hate, and just wait....eventually supply fills the gap.
CAG in general are hypocrites.

Buying 5 of one item on clearance to sell on Ebay = BAD

Buying 5 of one item to sell on CAG = GOOD

Even though in both cases, you're taking away items that could go to other LOCAL CAG's.

When scalping benefits CAG's they love it, when it dosen't they hate it. Simple as that. At the next clearance, if I went and bought the hottest game everyone wanted and cleaned out all my local stores to sell on CAG, I'd be a hero. Nobody cares about the other local CAG's who now can't get in on a deal. However, if I sold all the games on Ebay this site is the first one to claim "OMG YOU TOOK THE GAMES FROM CAG's!!!"
Its more about profit than anything else....if you bought games to trade or sell to cost to other CAGS, you're just being cool. IF you bought to make a profit from Cags or Non-Cags...you're just an opportunist dickweed, particularly if your post is like "I BOUGHT THE LAST 12 COPIES OF THIS SUPER CHEAP AND HARD TO FIND GAME, WILL TRADE FOR A FERARRI OR YOUR SISTERS CHERRY" etc...
[quote name='Roufuss']CAG in general are hypocrites.

Buying 5 of one item on clearance to sell on Ebay = BAD

Buying 5 of one item to sell on CAG = GOOD

Even though in both cases, you're taking away items that could go to other LOCAL CAG's.

When scalping benefits CAG's they love it, when it dosen't they hate it. Simple as that. At the next clearance, if I went and bought the hottest game everyone wanted and cleaned out all my local stores to sell on CAG, I'd be a hero. Nobody cares about the other local CAG's who now can't get in on a deal. However, if I sold all the games on Ebay this site is the first one to claim "OMG YOU TOOK THE GAMES FROM CAG's!!!"[/quote]
You missed the part where you leave copies behind for the local CAG's. ;)
Scalpers cause a few problems.

1. They artificially drive up demand for consoles. Look at how many Wii's and PS3's aren't hitting reserve on Ebay.

2. Game developers bank on the fact they will sell a crapload of games at a systems launch. Most scalpers only buy the system. Once a person pays 3 times what the system is worth, no games get sold. Developers get no money, games could get cancelled or just plain suck because they ran out of money for a deadline.

3. Why do gamers hate scalpers, because we are CHEAP ASS GAMERS............. We like sub par pricing on consoles, not the idiots willing to pay 3 times the price driving up what we have to pay.
As I left a movie theater late one night my family was brutally murdered by scalpers. Since that day I have vowed to take my revenge, using my unbridled hate to fuel a flame of unbridled anger to unbridledly hate and be angry at them. I assume everyone else feels exactly the same way.
bread's done