Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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If you like rogue arena shooters it's one of the best providing many hours of fun. Lots and lots of unlocks too and the gameplay is challenging. The main thing against it is similar waves on the same difficulty which makes everything other than items/some bosses/elites very predictable. It's still worth it and I believe has a paid expansion coming some time. The mod scene is pretty wild too. Worth the very cheap price.
I have never liked this type of game before, but I really enjoyed Minishoot Adventures and that got me looking into these types of games. It looks good.
I've been replaying The Evil Within and started playing TEW2 for the first time after the tango studios closure and I have to say.. the sequel is kind of disappointing. I do like how it ultimately concludes the series' story but the actual gameplay and semi open world elements are lackluster. Seemed like they threw in open world parts because it was the "modern" thing to do, yet lost all of the fluidity that the first game had as a result. The shooting also felt so.. off compared to the first, and the aiming upgrade is straight up overpowered once you get it, The smoke crossbow bolts are also so overpowered that it's not really worth using any other bolts most of the time. I feel like the only thing it made better were the stealth parts but meh. The first game tried to do something new and different with the constantly shifting atmosphere, which I felt the sequel failed at.

Anyway, while it is sad to hear about the tango closure, I think in the end they were losing one of the most creative and influential people there when Shinji Mikami left so the closure was sort of imminent regardless
I don't like to die, I might refund Brotato. I knew what kind of game it was. I'll try one more run first.

If it's already that hard on level 15 and I didn't unlock any progression to make the next run easier then I don't see how I stand any chance of getting further. But I am easily intimidated in challenging games.
I don't like to die, I might refund Brotato. I knew what kind of game it was. I'll try one more run first.

If it's already that hard on level 15 and I didn't unlock any progression to make the next run easier then I don't see how I stand any chance of getting further. But I am easily intimidated in challenging games.

You do unlock progression though it's not terribly obvious, also you learn better ways to make builds. But honestly if you only did one run and didn't feel any compelling desire to play another one almost immediately it's probably not for you. I will say each character is very different and your builds should lean into the style of the character to be successful so if you do try again be sure to try a different character.

Unrelated edit: Anyone have an opinion on Astria Ascending? The deluxe edition is currently $6 a lot of places and on Humble I get an additional 20% off making it $4.79 which is in impulse buy range. Graphically it's immediately reminding me of Unicorn Overlord so I'm probably getting more tempted than I should be and set up for disappointment. Or if someone has a kinda "meh" recommendation then telling me some other better but similar jRPG that I may already own (or could get around the same price) would probably help me resist.
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You do unlock progression though it's not terribly obvious, also you learn better ways to make builds. But honestly if you only did one run and didn't feel any compelling desire to play another one almost immediately it's probably not for you. I will say each character is very different and your builds should lean into the style of the character to be successful so if you do try again be sure to try a different character.
I'm going to do another run. But I just felt like after I died there was no point in what I just played, it didn't get me any progress. And I know it's that kind of game. But I thought I would like it.

Okay I played ranged this time and had a better time. It was more fun, and I felt more power progression with the run. Last time I used sticks.
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I'm going to do another run. But I just felt like after I died there was no point in what I just played, it didn't get me any progress. And I know it's that kind of game. But I thought I would like it.

Okay I played ranged this time and had a better time. It was more fun, and I felt more power progression with the run. Last time I used sticks.

I understand that feeling and generally feel the same way, but you are getting closer to some unlocks just by playing and killing stuff even when you lose early on. Every achievement unlocks some things that will appear in new runs and are generally more powerful (stuff like kill 300 enemies, gather 300 material, etc). And once you start getting wins at 0 level each of those will unlock both items and additional characters. Once I was sucked in I played it constantly for a few weeks until I had all the achievements. Personally I found the curve of skill/knowledge/unlocks as ideal as almost any game I've ever played.

Oh and make sure you're actually picking up the materials as much as possible during the run, the auto-gather at the end doesn't benefit you as much.
I understand that feeling and generally feel the same way, but you are getting closer to some unlocks just by playing and killing stuff even when you lose early on. Every achievement unlocks some things that will appear in new runs and are generally more powerful (stuff like kill 300 enemies, gather 300 material, etc). And once you start getting wins at 0 level each of those will unlock both items and additional characters. Once I was sucked in I played it constantly for a few weeks until I had all the achievements. Personally I found the curve of skill/knowledge/unlocks as ideal as almost any game I've ever played.

Oh and make sure you're actually picking up the materials as much as possible during the run, the auto-gather at the end doesn't benefit you as much.
Oh, I haven't been worrying about picking them up since it seemed to auto-pickup everything.

I played another run. Even tho it is pretty enjoyable for now, I can just see that without more progression across runs I'm going to get tired of it fast. So I just filed for the refund.
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And I’m still not interested.
I own several of these games when they repackaged them for PS3 and then later PS4. I haven't touched them yet. Now my brain will say to wait and buy them again on Steam as they should run great on the Steam Deck.
Unless Square Enix changes the prices for the steam versions, they'll be expensive as fuck.. and realistically the best we'll see is 60% off on GMG. I don't think anything will ever beat the 60% off sale on epic + 30% off coupon + 10% cashback. But I guess that's also the premium you pay for having them on steam. Also the ports aren't perfect, without the refined mod they're kinda buggy.. especially the second game IIRC. Even with the refined mod, KH2 is known to have issues. I'm not expecting SE to fix them for the steam version. At best we'll get cloud support which the epic version doesn't have
Square-Enix finally did it. Kingdom Hearts is finally coming to Steam next month:

All this tells me is they've had these ready to go for years and the only motivation was money. fuck what fans want, wasn't until they were hurting they finally did something. What a sad state and I don't even care about KH.
All this tells me is they've had these ready to go for years and the only motivation was money. fuck what fans want, wasn't until they were hurting they finally did something. What a sad state and I don't even care about KH.
Was probably due to a 3 year exclusive contract with epic which just recently ended. Melody of Memory still isn't coming to steam though for some reason
Steam/Valve being valued at $16 billion seems at the same time both too high and too low. I find a MS purchase of Steam very unlikely at this point but as I recall it was pretty widely known there were some discussions 10-12 or so years ago and even some talk that Gaben would take over at MS. A part of me kinda wishes it had happened but we'll never know. I always wanted Valve to spin Steam off as its own company because I've always felt like Valve as a developer of games is hampered by the need to support Steam and that Steam as a platform always suffered because of Valve's development culture.
Friendly reminder: These are people whom thought PAST phone game profits (King. whatever the fuck that is.) are worth about roughly ~43% of $70bil.

That's the type of company that we're dealing with here.
Yeah that offer isn't it. Valve dominates like 90% of the PC gaming market. The remaining % goes to Ubi/EA. Not even worth mentioning Epic/GOG, their numbers are a joke. Other than that, people play games on game pass.. but that's a subscription based service, people aren't actually buying games on it. Valves success will only go up at this point, I can't see them taking that offer unless Gaben wants to retire or something.

I'd rather see Valve try to buy out Discord. I feel like if Valve owned it we could have proper discord integration for text/voice chat.. and no one uses steam VC anyway. but I doubt that will happen since MS had the chance to buy them out a few years ago and that failed.
People complained about Steam ages ago as intrusive DRM. Now we're just used to it as PC gamers although I do enjoy my DRM free games mainly for my visual novels. Yeah that offer is not good enough for sure, and I'm sure Valve, who are not really game developers anymore, are probably not wanting to get rid of their PC game monopoly.
In the beginning of Steam though, it was just basically DRM; there was very little value to Steam back then. The only upside was: don't stick the disc in the drive at all at all times, just boot said game (even though you still had to often connect to the Net now & then). That was it.

In the beginning, Steam didn't have a lot of the features we've come to now appreciate Steam for - Steam Community Forums, Steam User Reviews (which can be great to slap a company to get them to fix their game, improve their game, make them do better w/ better business practices, object to things, etc.), Big Picture Mode, Steamworks Suite for Multiplayer stuff, Remote Play, Cloud Saves, Community Guides, Steam Controller Support, Steam WorkShop integration, and anything else you can think of that makes Steam as a PC Gaming Service actually Great. Steam has so came a long way since the OG Steam days.

Of course, I will always prefer having offline installers, DRM-FREE, client-app is optional for single-player content, and all of that GOG type of mentality stuff - but if you want modern service and feature-rich service, Steam obliterates all the wannabe's and it ain't even freakin' close. It makes EA desktop app, UbiSoft Connect, Blizzard's App, and all the others look like a freakin' joke.
Before you can add this product to your Steam account, you must own the base product.

If you find an old physical copy of Prey 2006, you can still add the key to steam. I lucked out and found a copy to add it to my library.

It still should be added back and available for purchase. I really liked that game.
Steam always was and is an intrusive DRM.

What they've got going for them now is their good stewardship with PC gaming over nearly two decades. They've done a lot to try to make controllers that work better with games, encouraged more open platform stuff, embraced handheld PC gaming, and been very much an open platform for all kinds of games. Remember how much criticism they got for gatekeeping certain adult games. Well they listened to everyone and leaned hard in the other direction. Refunds, for nearly any reason, are a breeze.

We all know there's a huge difference in culture and interests between Valve and Microsoft. I can't see Gabe selling to them ever. They don't need the money and they're too far apart in philosophy. I think Gabe would leave Valve to his cats before he'd sell to Microsoft.
Steam always was and is an intrusive DRM.

What they've got going for them now is their good stewardship with PC gaming over nearly two decades. They've done a lot to try to make controllers that work better with games, encouraged more open platform stuff, embraced handheld PC gaming, and been very much an open platform for all kinds of games. Remember how much criticism they got for gatekeeping certain adult games. Well they listened to everyone and leaned hard in the other direction. Refunds, for nearly any reason, are a breeze.

We all know there's a huge difference in culture and interests between Valve and Microsoft. I can't see Gabe selling to them ever. They don't need the money and they're too far apart in philosophy. I think Gabe would leave Valve to his cats before he'd sell to Microsoft.
To be fair, refunds are a breeze because they got sued in Australia for breaking the law about refunds
This is unrelated to any current topics, but I figured I'd mention it here in case you played the beta a few years back.

Multiversus, that WB platform fighter that was in beta few years back, is coming back to Steam next week as an official launch. If you participated in the beta you should be eligible to get the first premium battle pass for free, which will include the newest addition Jason Voorhees. Just throwing this out there for anyone who might have played the game before and are interested in going back when it officially launches next week.

"For our returning players from Open Beta, if you log in to MultiVersus by June 11, you’ll receive access to Season 1 premium Battle Pass for free! And as part of that you’ll get the Jason Voorhees character from Friday the 13th as your first reward. We’ll talk more about that in a moment.

Additionally, Open Beta players who return to MultiVersus at any point will receive a special edition Snow Suit Finn commemorative character variant, a special edition Rising Stars ringout, and a special edition Banana Guard announcer pack."

This is unrelated to any current topics, but I figured I'd mention it here in case you played the beta a few years back.

Multiversus, that WB platform fighter that was in beta few years back, is coming back to Steam next week as an official launch. If you participated in the beta you should be eligible to get the first premium battle pass for free, which will include the newest addition Jason Voorhees. Just throwing this out there for anyone who might have played the game before and are interested in going back when it officially launches next week.

"For our returning players from Open Beta, if you log in to MultiVersus by June 11, you’ll receive access to Season 1 premium Battle Pass for free! And as part of that you’ll get the Jason Voorhees character from Friday the 13th as your first reward. We’ll talk more about that in a moment.

Additionally, Open Beta players who return to MultiVersus at any point will receive a special edition Snow Suit Finn commemorative character variant, a special edition Rising Stars ringout, and a special edition Banana Guard announcer pack."

I played the beta. Supposedly depending on how much gold you earned.. you'll get exclusive rewards during the official release. Unfortunately mastery levels and perks aren't going to transfer over, and gold will no longer be a currency so that's not transfering either (besides the rewards you get for having earned gold).

The beta had some really bad issues with grind. You had to dedicate a massive amount of your time to finish the last 2 battle passes and the events. Hopefully that changes in the final version. There were also balance issues as well.. but I seriously couldn't keep up with the grind, and they were greedy as hell with how the battle pass worked (which now has been fixed). Basically the dev (or WB?) got really greedy and it led to the downfall of the game. It was dying and not meeting expectations so they shut it down for a year. Officially, it was always planned to be shut down temporarily so they could work on it, but I highly doubt it would've happened if it remained a success at the time.

I'm still gonna give it a chance cuz I spent money on it, and the login bonuses for new and returning players are pretty nice, but there's a fair chance the game will die again.
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War is free on Steam until 5/30:

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War is free on Steam until 5/30:

I think it's also free on Epic and GOG.
I'm tempted to get the Monster Hunter bundle at Humble. $30 is a lot, but it looks like it's two games and a good sized expansion for each.

Are they both worth playing? Are the expansions worth getting? It seems like a lot of Monster Hunter and I've never played one before.

Anyone have any experience with the series?
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I'm tempted to get the Monster Hunter bundle at Humble. $30 is a lot, but it looks like it's two games and a good sized expansion for each.

Are they both worth playing? Are the expansions worth getting? It seems like a lot of Monster Hunter and I've never played on before.

Anyone have any experience with the series?
I've played MHW. They're worth playing for a lot of people who enjoy the gameplay loop of gearing up a central hub and going out to hunt for loot. Some find this too grindy. The dlc expansions for both are substantive and recommended. The cosmetic dlc items are not. The reason these have recently become available more cheaply is Capcom's decision to force heavy handed anti-tamper drm into the games
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I'm tempted to get the Monster Hunter bundle at Humble. $30 is a lot, but it looks like it's two games and a good sized expansion for each.

Are they both worth playing? Are the expansions worth getting? It seems like a lot of Monster Hunter and I've never played one before.

Anyone have any experience with the series?

If you've never played one then I'd just pick up World at one of the current discounts around $8 or less. If you get really into it Capcom almost always repeats their bundles and does a lot of other deals but dropping $30 on essentially four games (each DLC expansion is substantial) you may not even get into probably isn't recommended because a lot of people do bounce off of the series. There is a demo available for Rise but it won't give you a good idea of what most of the play is really like honestly.
Anyone have any experience with the series?
Rise is the newest and it's more accessible for beginners, but that's also why veterans don't like it. That, and they added DRM a year after release.

Sunbreak, the expansion, isn't well liked.

Monster Hunter World is a more MH experience, but there's a lot of QoL missing. A huge annoyance is that the story mode multiplayer is a huge pain. I tried restarting with the wife and that was too painful for both of us.

Iceborn is supposedly really good, but it has the multiplayer issues as MHW. I haven't played it, and it's why I tried to restart with MHW. Wife and I did play through all of Rise together, nd it was a better experience.

tl;dr: Rise if you are playing co-op all the way through. MHW if you want the classic experience, and don't mind soloing a for dozens of hours. Iceborn if you like MHW.
Sunbreak is the only reason to play Rise in my opinion. Rise base game is really lacking, Sunbreak adding companion quests and the better switch skills plus a much better variety of monsters was a huge step up.

MHW/Iceborne are a vastly deeper, better, and more fun experience though. I put about 1,000 hours into them and quit Rise/Sunbreak after about ten hours of end game since anomaly hunts are incredibly boring.
bread's done