Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Lords of the Fallen looks very interesting but I know very little about it. Anyone know who is developing it? This seems like it could be the next-gen's Too Human. That was one game that on-paper sounded like a mix of everything I wanted and it even looked good. But in reality it just didn't pan out. Here's to hoping I'm wrong and this is something worth buying, say, between Destiny and Dragon Age Inquisition.
It caught my eye when they released the trailer for it.

Yeah apparently it's City Interactive which I've never heard of though.

The indie program is looking real good. Alot of developers have already applied, and even a few of the ones that Sony has been showing off have applied and are excited to bring their games to the Xbox One too.

Indie devs can be creative so it'll be cool to see what they can do with smartglass/kinect integration.
I could be wrong but I swear when the Indie program was announced they said Indie titles couldn't appear on a different platform first, same time would be fine, but not first, that would exclude a lot of the already announced titles for PS4...

Also one line in this article bothers me a bit:

Applications for the Independent Developers @ Xbox program are being accepted beginning today at Acceptance into the program will be granted with priority to "qualified" developers with a "proven track record" of shipping games for console, PC, or mobile.
Most big indie titles come out of people without proven track records. Under this policy, a lot of them might not get a chance.

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Pretty lame "surprise". What about Epic? Didn't they also have an announcement?
Yeah! I forgot about that. Eh, the Epic we knew in the current gen is no more if you ask me. I have very little interest in Fortnite and without the core guys involved with Gears, who knows how bad that franchise will get moving forward.

This all makes me wonder if Microsoft pulled back on whatever surprise they were planning. And if so, why?
im at work right now lol most companys don't give off for labor day anymore

most retail places don't. unless you work for my company.
360 didn't get a launch date until mid-September 2005.

People are seriously going way, way, way too far to hate on anything MS does these days.  Like the people who have no intention of buying one who keep showing up to post know who you are.

Posted Yesterday, 04:28 PM

So, its now Pax Prime and STILL no release date?

Everyone figured because Seattle is the home of MS they would have an announcement.
I was not hating on the Xbox One at all. I was just shocked there was no release date announced since it was a big American event and it was right in their backyard.

I hope more detail about Crimson Dragon will be release soon. I think for me right now that is the only game I am looking forward that is releasing at launch.

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Retail is an exception as they're most likely open during holidays as that's when people like to shop.
im full time so other holidays im off but wit that said i have alot of friends that work office jobs and are working. labor day is a dumb holiday anyways lol no reason for it.

im full time so other holidays im off but wit that said i have alot of friends that work office jobs and are working. labor day is a dumb holiday anyways lol no reason for it.
YOU sir, are Un-mm-'Merican! Just playing! Dude, all I know is that day off = good, for whatever reason.

So, what's everyone thinking about the non-Euro territories getting a free game with the Day-One edition? Other than KI, that is. I really thought they would announce one, but I'm losing hope. IF they do, I'm betting it'll be Madden or maybe Need for Speed.

I doubt US will get anything for free considering this is their strongest area and they really don't need to worry about moving units here.

Labor day has become a dumb holiday but what it started out as was actually very solid day.

I don't think this will be an issue at launch but could be in a year or so:

Xbox One: external storage won’t be supported at launch
Xbox One will not allow you to add external storage for games or media installs at launch, Microsoft has confirmed.


The news comes from the latest Major Nelson podcast. Answering a fan question at PAX about the feature, he said: “The future plan is for definitely to support external storage much like we do on the Xbox 360.

“My understanding is that feature will not be there at launch because the team is working on some other things, but it definitely is on the list. I don’t know when it will come in though.”

Xbox One will ship with a 500Gb internal hard drive, and it was confirmed back in May that users can’t replace the internal drive.

Sony has said it will allow users to change their internal PS4 hard drives come launch.

Thanks, NeoGaf.

Clarification, you only get Fifa if you pre-order a day one edition console (and you live in Europe):

Mon, Sep 02, 2013 | 14:22 BST

Xbox One’s free FIFA 14 for ‘Day One Edition’ consoles only
Microsoft announce that all European Xbox One pre-orders in Europe would receive a free download of FIFA 14. Acey Bongos has now clarified that the incentive extends to Day One Edition consoles only on Twitter.

Responding to a fan, Acey clarified the promotion:

This tweet corrects an earlier tweet from the official Xbox One feed which is now said to have been made in error:

@Ianoconnor22 All pre-orders come with FIFA 14 in Europe, Ian. Doesn't matter if it's a Day One console or not.

— Xbox (@Xbox) August 27, 2013

So there you go folks, free FIFA 14 with your Xbox One, but only if you order the Day One Edition.

What do you make of this? Let us know below.

Via Eurogamer.

In accordance to the external hard drive support at launch, this isn't a thing (said to be supported down the line) and people are making articles about it (people are just focusing on it's not supported).

Man Dead Rising 3 just keeps looming better and better!

The X1 can support up to 8 wireless controllers at once.

The X360 was announced on Sept 14, 2005 days before TGS that year.

Spencer wants Halo Spartan Assault on more platforms...maybe the X1

And lastly, some info on the NFL and ESPN apps (Huge selling point for me!).
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Ok Matsui, I'm not a sports guy at all, so I want to ask, does the ESPN fantasy football thing hold that much appeal to you? Because nearly every podcast I listen to that has guys who do fantasy football say they do it with Yahoo, not ESPN and don't want to switch, and/or they'd rather do it on their phones and not clutter up the screen. I just wanted your take on that.

Because nearly every podcast I listen to that has guys who do fantasy football say they do it with Yahoo, not ESPN and don't want to switch, and/or they'd rather do it on their phones and not clutter up the screen.
In that article they actually state they want to port the yahoo app ideally in 2014. It's a cool feature that i'll probably use too. All these extra features aren't "system sellers" individually, but they're a nice bonus. Being able to play Dead Rising 3 and say "xbox snap fantasy football" and get updates on the screen without interrupting my gameplay or taking my hands off the controller...its a nice touch.

The snap feature isn't going to work on a lot of retail games they've already said. I'm assuming it would just work with XBLA titles.

Dead Rising 3 is looking a LOT better. I was considering canceling my pre-order after hearing of all the performance issues, but after watching that video It seems like they fixed the frame rate issues and it looks a lot more fun then even DR2.

The snap feature isn't going to work on a lot of retail games they've already said. I'm assuming it would just work with XBLA titles.

You can't snap a game, but you can snap apps to any game. Like I said, you can snap the fantasy football app to Dead Rising 3 using kinect and it'll be seamless.

In that article they actually state they want to port the yahoo app ideally in 2014. It's a cool feature that i'll probably use too. All these extra features aren't "system sellers" individually, but they're a nice bonus. Being able to play Dead Rising 3 and say "xbox snap fantasy football" and get updates on the screen without interrupting my gameplay or taking my hands off the controller...its a nice touch.

I really enjoy the ESPN fantasy experience over Yahoo or but to each his own. Like kcobra said those wont come til 2014 just now. To me kcobra is right, they aren't system sellers. But once you put everything together it starts to be the complete package for me. Like he said playing Madden or BF4 and being able to snap my Fantasy score up on the screen or being able to get alerts from the system when they score is big for me. I play in a lot of money leagues that I like to keep an eye on and being able to do that while gaming is a plus.

I think this all boils down to what you want out of your system. To me there are two clear directions here one system is all about games both AAA and indie. The other is about wrapping everything that you might want to so in your living room into one system. This is what appeals to me. I can go hardcore and play Titanfall or Dead Rising 3 on the X1. I can then snap and go right to a Skype call with my in laws that is completely hands off and they can talk to my daughter and watch her play in our living room. As soon as they hang up I can go right back into my DR3 game or switch over and watch something on TV with my wife and still be able to come back and pick up right where I left off in DR3. With a family, as some of you may know, this is an often occurrence. You game when you have time and to be able to so everything else in my living room without interrupting what I was doing is huge to me. I can play games with my kids with Kinect and then play the core games I want to play. It's all there for me.

Can I do this all now? Some yes, but not seamlessly. I really support this philosophy and the idea of one box that can do it all. I hate switching back and forth and love that I can do that all with the X1. That's what sold me on it. It has nothing to do with exclusives, indies, power, price, release date. It's what I just explained above.
Given the console is going to miss the start of the 2013 NFL season (it will come out around week 10 or so), not really sure how not fully supporting the various FFB providers will be a major issue.  2014 will be another story.

What I'd like to see is greater integration with the TV broadcasts, so that I can overlay a game with a screen of stuff I'd like to see, like real-time updates of player stats and scores/situations of other games in progress.  Give me control of that stuff, so I can have as much....or as I like.  Some games, it's nice to have extra information on screen, but at other times, you just want to see THE GAME with no running ticker underneath, as is the fashion on every network these days, it seems.

Given the console is going to miss the start of the 2013 NFL season (it will come out around week 10 or so), not really sure how not fully supporting the various FFB providers will be a major issue. 2014 will be another story.

What I'd like to see is greater integration with the TV broadcasts, so that I can overlay a game with a screen of stuff I'd like to see, like real-time updates of player stats and scores/situations of other games in progress. Give me control of that stuff, so I can have as much....or as I like. Some games, it's nice to have extra information on screen, but at other times, you just want to see THE GAME with no running ticker underneath, as is the fashion on every network these days, it seems.

You will be able to do this. Both with fantasy and with and being able to snap the browser. This is going to be awesome.

And just an FYI it is up on the X360 now. Just not with all the added integration etc., obviously.
They cannot announce bringing Sunday Ticket to the Xbox One this year unless MS has made a deal with DirecTV to obtain the rights.  DTV still owns the rights to Sunday Ticket, and, generally, you either have to subscribe to DirecTV or you have to live in an area that cannot obtain DirecTV service (north-facing apartment, dorm, etc.) in order to get it.  That was a part of the deal that allowed Sony to offer it through the PS3 - from what I can tell, most people just lied about the availability of DTV and got it anyway.

I believe that DirecThieVes deal with the NFL expires at the end of this season or the next, at which time Sunday Ticket will likely be available to a broader market.  DTV apparently isn't interested in renewing it, as it costs them over one billion dollars per year.

I thought they would have already announced it.
I think it'd come in 2014 since a Nov launch would be toward the end of the season. Gives them a year to hammer it out. And it's something they can save for a future announcement if sales are low... if it's even something that's going to happen. Would easily sway me into getting an X1 over a PS4 though.

Xbox One CPU boosted, console now in full production
Xbox chief marketing officer Yusuf Mehdi has confirmed that Xbox One is now in full production, having received a last minute performance-enhancing tweak.


Speaking at the Citi Global Technology Conference, as reported by GeekWire, Mehdi said the Xbox One’s CPU has been improved from 1.6 GHz to 1.75 GHz.

The console is now in its final form and being manufactured ready for its November launch, although Mehdi still could not give a solid release date.

Writing on NeoGAF, Xbox’s Albert Penello said that everything shown at PAX Prime (and, presumably, gamescom and other events earlier this year) were running on “1.6 boxes” and that developers “should start seeing” the increased CPU “soon”.

Penello also addressed rumours of production issues.

“Can I please finally get you over this ‘we’re having production issues’ thing that’s going around? We increased the GPU 6%. We increased the CPU almost 10%. We have been showing retail boxes. We are now in full production,” he said.

Sony has not announced the CPU speed of the PlayStation 4, by the way.

Thanks, Gematsu.

Just pray it's not like the Wii U update, that was fucking brutal.

The update runs in the background anyway. And there was one that ran on a dev kit at a MS store that I saw a video of on Reddit and the update didn't take any longer than a Norma X360 update. This is MS we are talking about. The system updates hardly ever take a quarter of the time that the other systems updates do.
I read the "X1 will support up to eight controllers" story today, and it just made me sad that no developer will ever utilize it.  I mean for fuck's sake, eight controllers + widescreen hi-def + surround audio = the best version of Bomberman ever.  Seriously, at least spiff up Saturn Bomberman and give it local eight player battles so I don't have to lug out my nest of Saturn controllers/multitaps every few years.

I read the "X1 will support up to eight controllers" story today, and it just made me sad that no developer will ever utilize it. I mean for fuck's sake, eight controllers + widescreen hi-def + surround audio = the best version of Bomberman ever. Seriously, at least spiff up Saturn Bomberman and give it local eight player battles so I don't have to lug out my nest of Saturn controllers/multitaps every few years.
Best Party Games with 8:

Fusion Frenzy 3


bread's done