The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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I did the same with Brutal Legend. Now I've learned my lesson. No more double fine or deep silver games for me. I bought Trine 2 last year, but I played through that immediately twice, so I don't feel bad about that.
I just finished Trine 1, and was really crossing my fingers that Trine 2 would make the next Humble before I broke down and bought it.

I BTA'd on this one (at $3.78--TOO slow!), but I'm not even sure I want to play FEZ. It looks like lukewarm crap. As many times as I've looked at gameplay videos and read about it, it still looks terrible. I think it has something to do with my lack of affection for platformers and games that revel in being difficult. I already have FTL and Mark of the Ninja (oh, and I hated Trine 1), so I think I mainly bought this for the mystery bonuses and to double-dip on Brutal Legend (which I'm about an hour into on PS3). I may need to have my head examined.
I don't think that FEZ is trying to be a difficult game. It's a game about exploration and puzzle solving, not crazy jumps and death traps like Super Meat Boy. You can take as long as you want in solving any particular part; very few things in the world are actively trying to kill you. I get that the art style isn't for everyone, but I think that the gameplay is really rewarding in this title.

Since you already own it, I hope you'll at least give it a chance in the future.

I did the same with Brutal Legend. Now I've learned my lesson. No more double fine or deep silver games for me. I bought Trine 2 last year, but I played through that immediately twice, so I don't feel bad about that.

I don't feel bad because they are mostly indie, and I want to support double fine...
I BTA'd on this one (at $3.78--TOO slow!), but I'm not even sure I want to play FEZ. It looks like lukewarm crap. As many times as I've looked at gameplay videos and read about it, it still looks terrible. I think it has something to do with my lack of affection for platformers and games that revel in being difficult. I already have FTL and Mark of the Ninja (oh, and I hated Trine 1), so I think I mainly bought this for the mystery bonuses and to double-dip on Brutal Legend (which I'm about an hour into on PS3). I may need to have my head examined.
Someone else who disliked Trine! I played through most of it and although I didn't think it was terrible I never understood what the big deal was beyond the pretty graphics. But then as I've said before, I think I'm pretty much over platformers...which makes my purchase for Fez even sillier. On that note, I'm feeling pretty warmly toward all my fellow double-dipping CAG regulars at the moment...

While I didn't hate Trine I wasn't overly impressed and stopped half-way through the sequel.  Part of me just likes them because they're so visually impressive and the music is great.  The gameplay is pretty meh, though.

I mostly like fez because I seem to have a soft spot for dimension manipulation games. Specifically Super Paper Mario. But man is Fish a hipster turd. I gave him less of my bundle percentage, but still a little.

A quick impression of Phil Fish upon realizing there's gold in them PC hills:



Trine 1 and 2 are A LOT more fun in coop than they are in single player. Coop makes the levels and puzzles much more interesting having to rely on others to use their abilities instead of just switching between characters solo. I would even go so far as to say if you don't have friends to play them with, you might as well just skip playing them.

I watched Indie Game The Movie and expected Phil Fish to be the biggest arsehole that ever lived. I found him to be a little unhinged, mildly eccentric but above all engaging. Some people really know how to get their knickers in a twist over very little.

Phil got ALL my money. Go spend it on more hair products you magnificent bastard. :whee:

P.s. I was a little disappointed that Phil didn't get an avatar. Thankfully he got a profile background.
I watched Indie Game The Movie and expected Phil Fish to be the biggest arsehole that ever lived. I found him to be a little unhinged, mildly eccentric but above all engaging. Some people really know how to get their knickers in a twist over very little.

Phil got ALL my money. Go spend it on more hair products you magnificent bastard. :whee:

P.s. I was a little disappointed that Phil didn't get an avatar. Thankfully he got a profile background.
Fish is the dictionary definition of getting knickers in a twist over very little. He explodes at every little thing and what kind of mature grown up cancels a game over internet trolling? Fish does.

join this group. It's not live yet, but if it's like the card beta, first come first serve.


"Welcome to the New Steam Library Sharing Group!

Our beta will begin in about a week, when we'll invite our first 1,000 users from this group to try the new Family Sharing features. More invites will go out to group members on a regular basis, until we end the beta period and set sharing live for everyone."

They're currently under 400 members.

edit 2: 600 members. It's really climbing. Go go go!
I was away from the computer when this went live, but I managed to sign up at around 31,000 members thanks to this post. Which means I'll get in, but not before Halloween. lol

However, I'm noticing that it no longer seems to be open to join. Or at the very least, the page looks different to me now. I guess there was a limit on how many could get in, and they've hit it already.

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I was away from the computer when this went live, but I managed to sign up at around 31,000 members thanks to this post. Which means I'll get in, but not before Halloween. lol

However, I'm noticing that it no longer seems to be open to join. Or at the very least, the page looks different to me now. I guess there was a limit on how many could get in, and they've hit it already.
I woke up at 9AM Hawaii Time, and joined at 52,000 members... Pretty sure it's still open.
I was away from the computer when this went live, but I managed to sign up at around 31,000 members thanks to this post. Which means I'll get in, but not before Halloween. lol

However, I'm noticing that it no longer seems to be open to join. I guess there was a limit on how many could get in, and they've hit it already.
I'm interested to see how the beta works. I assume both the lender and borrower will need to be in the beta. If that's the case, they'll probably give out extra invites when you get in so that you can invite your trusted friends and family to share. If so, you may be able to get in earlier than your wave. That's just speculation, but they did it with the trading card beta.

I'm interested to see how the beta works. I assume both the lender and borrower will need to be in the beta. If that's the case, they'll probably give out extra invites when you get in so that you can invite your trusted friends and family to share. If so, you may be able to get in earlier than your wave. That's just speculation, but they did it with the trading card beta.
You could also sell those invites...

Helping CAGs vs. Steam Wallet :whistle2:k

Curious - did you play w/ gamepad or KB/mouse?

Or did you try both?
I don't even remember, that's how much it sucked. lol. I will give it another try.

My opinion is your opinion sucks :boxing:

At any rate, I never found any difficulties with the controls. I love swinging through the gorgeous levels with the thief.
They didn't really feel loose and imprecise to you? Maybe that's part of the fun for some, but boxes flying across the screen at the slightest movement is not my idea of fun.

I don't even remember, that's how much it sucked. lol. I will give it another try.

They didn't really feel loose and imprecise to you? Maybe that's part of the fun for some, but boxes flying across the screen at the slightest movement is not my idea of fun.
They didn't. I played with a controller (just for clarification purposes), and I didn't have any issues building stacks of magic boxes or putting a plank where I needed it, and I was able to land the jumps I needed to land.

I highly recommend this bundle at BTA just for FTL if you like table-top gaming or board gaming: similar strategies, very difficult and very very addictive (for me anyway). Probably my favourite game of this year so far. 

I own everything in this bundle apart from Eets and Fez, but will throw in $4 or so to pick them up. 

They didn't. I played with a controller (just for clarification purposes), and I didn't have any issues building stacks of magic boxes or putting a plank where I needed it, and I was able to land the jumps I needed to land.

I would much prefer to play trine 2 on my wii u, but its not a dollar, I will probably play with a controller for sure though.... I am not a good M+K user anyway for quicker paced games

They didn't. I played with a controller (just for clarification purposes), and I didn't have any issues building stacks of magic boxes or putting a plank where I needed it, and I was able to land the jumps I needed to land.
I don't remember what I used, but that was not my experience. Spoderman can attest to my difficulty in accomplishing anything in Trine 2. He also never asked me to play co-op with him again after that. I'm willing to concede I may suck at it. And I don't like games I suck at.

Trine was kinda meh for me with KB/M which is a bit odd since I play almost everything with a KB/M. Fine with a controller, but the games are just a bit dull. Amusing with a friend, but even that gets old fast imo.
Great now Gabe is trying to force his sense of "family values" on me. I can hear him now, "moralistic highground b*tches."

As an only child, I never learned what "sharing" is.

I did however learn about "taking responsibility."
Just SHARE all of your Steam-versions of racing games w/ me, thanks. ;)

Guys you have all created a monster. I have all of the consoles and didn't own a single pc/mac game until about a month and a half ago.... within that time my steam and origin and so forth list has grown to nearly 80 games. These deals are too good for my heart and wallet to handle... and it is especially painful to my poor little hard drive.

Guys you have all created a monster. I have all of the consoles and didn't own a single pc/mac game until about a month and a half ago.... within that time my steam and origin and so forth list has grown to nearly 80 games. These deals are too good for my heart and wallet to handle... and it is especially painful to my poor little hard drive.

When you're done w/ a game - you might want to back it up to an external HDD, BR disc, DVD's, or whatever.

Of course, if it's a game w/ annoying 3rd party DRM schemes (i.e. Riddick: Dark Athena uses Tages on all versions except GOG); has TONS of DLC coming/out already that you're missing (Borderlands 2, anyone?); or just takes up tons of space (i.e. The Secret World is around 39 GB currently) - I could understand you not wanting to uninstall the game/backup the game somewhere else. ;)

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Guys you have all created a monster. I have all of the consoles and didn't own a single pc/mac game until about a month and a half ago.... within that time my steam and origin and so forth list has grown to nearly 80 games. These deals are too good for my heart and wallet to handle... and it is especially painful to my poor little hard drive.
Welcome, brother. Have you prepared your virgin sacrifice?
When you're done w/ a game - you might want to back it up to an external HDD, BR disc, DVD's, or whatever.

Of course, if it's a game w/ annoying 3rd party DRM schemes (i.e. Riddick: Dark Athena uses Tages on all versions except GOG); has TONS of DLC coming/out already that you're missing (Borderlands 2, anyone?); or just takes up tons of space (i.e. The Secret World is around 39 GB currently) - I could understand you not wanting to uninstall the game/backup the game somewhere else. ;)
good advice EXCEPT I keep buying more and more and can't get anything finished! Though I do have a little terabyte external around here somewhere. At the very least it will help stop my ISP from getting mad for quadrupling the amount of data I am supposed to use.....

$5.80 is the average of all the humble bundles sold over their entire history.  The second weekly sale that used it dropped "average" from the wording.  If you're going to use a set level instead of a moving average, $5.80 doesn't seem all that different than Groupee's $5.  It does seem clear though that it is an option that can be used in bundles and not a change to be used in all bundles--I'm certainly glad for that.
That was the Arcen Weekly (which is still active)--and this topic was beaten to death in the Humble thread. The answer goes something like this: 1) the dev probably wanted it set that way; 2) the site doesn't actually say that the number represents an average; and 3) there is no indication that this change is permanent.
I bought the Arcen bundle at a dollar two days ago, and it definitely termed the $5.80 level as the "average" when I did so, while it was clear that it was an arbitrary threshold instead, hence my questioning the use of the term.

And no, I agree that it isn't any different from Groupees or any other bundle setting tiers, and that's fine. I just thought that anything not a multiple of $0.25 or ending in .99 was particularly odd. I'd buy the explanation that it's a lifelong average for the site, for lack of a better one.

Also, I haven't visited the Humble thread all year, so sorry if it did seem like a dead discussion point. It hadn't been brought up in the Steam thread before today.

(What happened to Multiquote? It was here a few hours ago. Had to do this manually and it's adding unbracketed HTML calls to the visible text.)
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good advice EXCEPT I keep buying more and more and can't get anything finished! Though I do have a little terabyte external around here somewhere. At the very least it will help stop my ISP from getting mad for quadrupling the amount of data I am supposed to use.....
The trick is this - stick w/ the game you're working on (if you are); especially if you know you can get through in a certain amount of time and you know you need some kind of focus (on gameplay, story, etc) to get through it.

DO NOT buy anything else while in the midst of a game - unless it's 75% off or better for the backlog.

DO NOT start something else just b/c you bought it - especially if you bought it at backlog pricing.

I know, this all is easier said than done - doesn't always work for me, either. ;)

Some games that are open-world, huge, have tons of content - and they are easy for you to say leave, come back way later, and then pick-up and play - i.e. TDU2, Skyrim - this doesn't apply to. These games - yeah, their main quest feels like just another quest, which makes them EASY to pick-up and play whenever.

If it is an ASAP game you want to buy and you are playing NOTHING currently - PWYW.

I try to avoid buying ASAP games - but, that doesn't always happen.

I try to go w/ at least 50% on those ASAP games if I want to buy one, but that doesn't always happen.

ASAP games are usually more expensive - and these games, you should play and finish ASAP. You're paying more money b/c you want to play NOW.

The point of backlogging - is so you have a game to go to, when you need something. When you've finished your assortment of ASAP game(s), that's when you look into your backlog for something.

About HDD's - I need another internal. I'm going through space on internals like crazy.

I'm all set for external HDD's, for now...

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The trick is this - stick w/ the game you're working on (if you are); especially if you know you can get through in a certain amount of time and you know you need some kind of focus (on gameplay, story, etc) to get through it.

DO NOT buy anything else while in the midst of a game - unless it's 75% off or better for the backlog.

DO NOT start something else just b/c you bought it - especially if you bought it at backlog pricing.

I know, this all is easier said than done - doesn't always work for me, either. ;)

Some games that are open-world, huge, have tons of content - and they are easy for you to say leave, come back way later, and then pick-up and play - i.e. TDU2, Skyrim - this doesn't apply to. These games - yeah, their main quest feels like just another quest, which makes them EASY to pick-up and play whenever.

If it is an ASAP game you want to buy and you are playing NOTHING currently - PWYW.

I try to avoid buying ASAP games - but, that doesn't always happen.

I try to go w/ at least 50% on those ASAP games if I want to buy one, but that doesn't always happen.

ASAP games are usually more expensive - and these games, you should play and finish ASAP. You're paying more money b/c you want to play NOW.

The point of backlogging - is so you have a game to go to, when you need something. When you've finished your assortment of ASAP game(s), that's when you look into your backlog for something.

About HDD's - I need another internal. I'm going through space on internals like crazy.

I'm all set for external HDD's, for now...

Yeah My lappie has 256 gigs internally so I have to be pretty picky on here, but My gaming desktop is much much larger and so it isn't as much of a problem

The biggest killer for this is that its not all games and its entire libraries. I'd love to give access to my content to family members and friends but the way it stands it sounds like if I am even logged in they can't use it. I don't want to log out because that's how I keep my games up to date.

It almost make an account for every game and share them with yourself but the work involved in that hardly seems worth it.

It still sucks that you can't have two people playing a different game simultaneously. However, separate achievements/cloud saves is a nice feature.
Letting people play different games from the same account would be killing the goose that keeps laying those (high cholesterol) golden eggs that Gaben keeps eating.

Fightin' words: It also never ceases to amaze me that it has come to be considered "normal" that two people (in the same household even) can't play two different games simply because they are tied to the same Steam account and that DRM-free is now almost considered a dirty phrase.

Family sharing sounds like it has potential for cards abusing.

I watched Indie Game The Movie and expected Phil Fish to be the biggest arsehole that ever lived. I found him to be a little unhinged, mildly eccentric but above all engaging. Some people really know how to get their knickers in a twist over very little.

Phil got ALL my money. Go spend it on more hair products you magnificent bastard. :whee:

P.s. I was a little disappointed that Phil didn't get an avatar. Thankfully he got a profile background.
Agreed. I think it's one of those groupthink deals that people pretend like they aren't part of. Like all the Simcity hate from all the people that never played it.
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I watched Indie Game The Movie and expected Phil Fish to be the biggest arsehole that ever lived. I found him to be a little unhinged, mildly eccentric but above all engaging. Some people really know how to get their knickers in a twist over very little.

Phil got ALL my money. Go spend it on more hair products you magnificent bastard. :whee:

P.s. I was a little disappointed that Phil didn't get an avatar. Thankfully he got a profile background.

That's how we hate in the states, mate. Hey, how would you like a free military base?

:twoguns: :grouphug: <------------ lots of this too.

They didn't. I played with a controller (just for clarification purposes), and I didn't have any issues building stacks of magic boxes or putting a plank where I needed it, and I was able to land the jumps I needed to land.

+ button mashing and that's the extent of Trine's gameplay.

It's like that bad bitch from the laundromat who's dead in bed.

Having said that, I completed both games.

Off topic but...[customspoiler='was this always here']

How is that off-topic?! Bitch-ass CAGer

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My opinion is your opinion sucks :boxing:

At any rate, I never found any difficulties with the controls. I love swinging through the gorgeous levels with the thief.
The only thing I didn't like was having up on the left stick jump. Yes, a button was jump, too, but I couldn't figure out how to unmap the stick jump. When things were tense I'd occasionally have an accidental jump that really didn't help. Otherwise, the controls with a controller were fine.

Trine was kinda meh for me with KB/M which is a bit odd since I play almost everything with a KB/M. Fine with a controller, but the games are just a bit dull. Amusing with a friend, but even that gets old fast imo.
I enjoyed a playthrough. It was short enough to not overstay its welcome.

I bought the Arcen bundle at a dollar two days ago, and it definitely termed the $5.80 level as the "average" when I did so, while it was clear that it was an arbitrary threshold instead, hence my questioning the use of the term.
"Average" was gone from the main bundle page with this second use, but it wasn't gone from everywhere--I think Fox pointed that out in another thread. It looks like, to prevent confusion, they'll likely just use that fixed amount and drop the use of the term average when using that option.

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Just installed today's beta client update.  I logged in and noticed that the "NEW" above my username was gone in the default skin...

(Wonder what lit a fire under their ass to change it???)   :wave:

Just installed today's beta client update. I logged in and noticed that the "NEW" above my username was gone in the default skin...

(Wonder what lit a fire under their ass to change it???) :wave:
I'd be glad about that if I used the default skin anymore (does anyone actually like it?). ES has me covered on the web end so I'm all set :bouncy:

Hopefully though this is a sign Valve is actually doing something again and not just lazing off in Gabe's golden hamburger palace. Or maybe this is their 10th anniversary "gift", who could say...
Trine was kinda meh for me with KB/M which is a bit odd since I play almost everything with a KB/M. Fine with a controller, but the games are just a bit dull. Amusing with a friend, but even that gets old fast imo.
I haven't actually played much of Trine 1, but Trine 2 is better with KB/M if you're using the mage a lot. Trapping enemies in cages is really fun, and can't be done quite as fast with controller. Making boxes/planks is also a bit easier with KB/M. I played through it several times with gamepad, and kb/m for my last playthrough.. kinda wish I'd used kb/m for the other playthroughs.

Controller was more comfortable for the other characters though, so I guess it depends on who you use the most, and if you're playing it in co-op, since you're gonna have to use the mage a lot in singleplayer anyway.

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