The "Night of Champions" Wrestling Thread

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Maybe it's every match in the streak and then the part where WCW makes a terrible mistake and Goldberg forgets to wear his Roddy Piper brand Shock-Proof vest?

And there was a PPV last night?

*goes to Cageside Seats*

Oh, you mean a "PPV." The new In Your House series PPVs.

This isn't happening right? I mean he's still at least a couple months away from coming back.

Yeah, I'm thinking they'll have Sandow cash in right before the match happens.  They probably just want to have Cena around to do Komen promotion.

This isn't happening right? I mean he's still at least a couple months away from coming back.
I thought she was just trollin' Del Rio, but Cena is on twitter acting like he's coming back for Hell in a Cell... I thought he was out for a hell of a lot longer, but who knows...

Also should've been Backlund as special ref. Have it be another no contest but because Backlund went nuts and put both guys in the chicken wing til they died.

Okay show, but nothing amazing. It dragged a lot and just felt like a night of either worthless rematches or filler. And Cena is facing Alberto at the Cell PPV to further shorten his career. HBK as the ref should either lead to a great visual with him raising Bryan's hand with the title, or him turning on Bryan and hopefully wrestling him at WM. I liked Bruno getting some time, although it's odd to have his first Raw appearance ever being on the app. Backlund's promo was amazing. The show-closing angle ruled - HHH took a glorious bump for Show's punch.

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Ring Angel time!






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I watched another great KENTA/Marufuji match.  Hopefully some of you will give it a shot.  At the very least go to the 20:00 mark and closely watch Marufuji's moonsault.  These guys go 150 MPH.

That was a pretty great reaction Show got there too.

Screw it...put that 6 man in the cell also.  Rollins can bounce off that thing all day and they can do the spear through the announcer's side wall with Reigns.

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Terrible RAW with a great ending. How in the hell do they put 2.5 hrs of crap out there and end it with something great like that?

Can the writers only focus on one storyline at a time, or what?

I just realized something: Los Matadores theme is just an updated version of The Red Rooster's old theme. Put them side by side and tell me there's no similarity:



I just realized something: Los Matadores theme is just an updated version of The Red Rooster's old theme. Put them side by side and tell me there's no similarity:


Several forgettable WWE good guys through the years have had themes that sound a lot like those. Any time I hear a song starting with a stupid catchphrase or something supposedly "memorable" and followed by those boring synth drums it's pretty safe to assume the performer has a strong chance of not doing a damn thing in the company.
What's the matter? No love for Los MataDoras the Explorers and their pet mon- I mean bull?

The only good thing to come out of Los Matadores was Zeb Colter's comments about them. "They call themselves Los Matadores, but I simply call them Los Illegals. I see them sneaking across the border, no they were literally running across it. Make no mistake, I'm going to expose them, and that's no bull."

I'm listening to the last few minutes now and I'd say yes.  it's nice to hear him talking history while lucid.  Hall could do hours and hours of interviews based on his experiences.  He touches a little on multiple points of his career, definitely a good listen.  Colt has gotten very good at getting his guests to open up.  He has a unique perspective being both a wrestler and a fan which, I think, most of the people he has on the show seem to appreciate.

EDIT: He just gave new information (at least to me) about The Curtain Call.

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Real good episode. It felt far more important than last week's show, and was better with an awesome opening, great stuff with Show, and an awesome main event. Big E came off like a bigger star in losing here than he did in teh Raw match a couple fo weeks back. It helps that this was given a lot more time and he got in more offense - making it a bit more like Lynn-RVD in ECW versus the 5 minute Heat match. Alberto was tremendous in his promo, and has a big fire lit under him now that he's in a prominent role again. Real Americans-Usos was glorious due to the commentary and Zeb taking wacky bumps for the bull. Shame it undermined the Usos a bit, but it was a lot of fun. Main event ruled the world too. This was exactly what the show needed to fell important, and a show like this every couple of months could do a lot of good to make it seem more like must-see TV.

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Worth listening to if you have the time...Nash running through all of 1995. (excuse the odd still shot)

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I love that little bull. The guy is ridiculously talented and he's fun to watch.

Primo and Epico are clearly his minions and do his bidding along with making him tiny sandwiches.

I don't know about a guy that huge doing the same finisher as Dean Ambrose...seems like a waste.

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It's not like as if TNA lacks talent. My several problems with TNA comes down to this... in a spoiler since I kinda spoil Bound For Glory during this so if you haven't watched it and don't want to know anything you've been warned.

1 - Too many matches are ones we've seen before. See Kurt Angle vs Booby Roode tonight. Or the 10,000 times we've had AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels.

2 - Most matches tonight had some kind of run in, interference, etc.

3 - Putting the tag belts on a team nobody cares about that's been seen as a joke prior to tonight.

4 - Putting the X Division belt on someone who just a few months ago had a transitional World Title run.

5 - Too much time killing filler on the show including multiple in ring promos, video packages, etc.

6 - A freaking squash match added in that went on for too long.

7 - The whole "Hall Of Fame" crap. Seriously TNA you are barely over a decade old. You aren't that important, worthy, or even relevant to have anything remotely worthy of anything named "Hall Of Fame." At least the WWE has a legitimate reason to have their Hall Of Fame as they've been around long enough to warrant one (even if there's no physical HOF establishment).

8 - TNA cuts down to four PPVs a year yet they can't build up to their biggest one properly. Angle vs Roode had no real build to it. Yeah the match was okay but it felt like for the biggest show of the year there was no intensity or energy going into it. It's like "yeah we're wrestling this match tonight." For the "biggest show of the year" that's inexcusable.

9 - Dixie Carter attempting to act.

10 - Blowing tons of money on people who shouldn't be getting that money. I'm looking at you Sting, Hogan, Nash, Jenna Morasca, and all the other people TNA blew tons of money on over the years yet their average TV ratings never changed at all.

And before neocisco drops his atomic leg drop on me bear in mind that I've followed TNA since the early days of the Dupps, Puppet The Midget Killer, the Rainbow Express, Ken Shamrock as NWA-TNA champ, racist Ron Killings, the Lollipop incident, Toby Keith, Vince Russo and Sports Entertainment Xtreme (S.E.X.), etc etc etc. It's not like as if TNA hasn't had great moments but for every great moment it seems like they give us at least two to five Wrestlecrap ones.

That includes this bit of Wrestlecrap that wasn't too long ago.


TNA shows are extremely fun live. I recommend anyone who has the chance to see one, do so.

With that said, shit is terrible on TV. WWE can get away with a lot of the crap they do because a lot of fans give them the benefit of the doubt. How many great matches, angles, feuds, etc. did WCW have yet a ton of people shit on them? If that's the case, then TNA has no chance of being remembered as great.

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It's amazing to me when wrestling fans who were legitimately exposed only to WWE look back fondly on WCW being shitty.  (It's because they're being brainwashed by the highly talented, highly unethical PR titans of a billion dollar publicly traded corporation - and we live in a world where people are compelled to defend their favorite publicly traded corporation to the very last sling and arrow.)


I wish the AJ Styles angle were stretched out a little further because it could've been such hotter.

If you noticed, they adapted and condensed Sting's Crow transformation of the late mid-late '90s, which took quite some time to tell in order for it to get so red hot.  If I remember correctly, they teased at Sting possibly going nWo for weeks.  AJ teasing at joining Aces & Eights felt like only a couple installments.

I asked myself why they're doing this.  WWE goes hyperspeed with their angles all the time now.  I don't regularly watch, but when I flip it there, Cody Rhodes has a mustache one week, and 2 weeks later, no stache and a babyface?  That's just one example of how rapid-fire they are with completely changing characters' motivations and alliances.  Is everyone that wishy-washy in the WWE universe?

They're both doing it because childrens entertainment (video games, cartoons, movies, facebook, twitter, everything else online) is so damn fast.

It's a shame.  I think TNA could have gotten away with a slowly simmered storyline.  It would be unlike a lot of entertainment children have instant access to, and would have invested their hearts and imaginations in a hero they'd want to dress like and have action figures of.  I see that Styles has that potential.  I hope he reaches that level.

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Decided last minute to go to Bound for Glory and ended up pretty happy.  It was my first live wrestling event and it's such a different experience than just watching it on tv.

Yesterday around noon was contemplating buying my tickets online and picking them up at will call.  Cheapest seats were about $31 after fees and would have put me at stadium style seating on row 21 behind the floor seats.  Knowing that TNA doesn't sell out their shows (and being a cheapskate) I decided to just buy them at the venue.  When I asked for the cheapest seats the girl at the box office had a slight problem with my purchase. She referred to a co-worker and I overheard the co-worker saying they were instructed to sell seats in a certain area first.  This quite didn't click with me until the doors actually opened. 

Waiting in line, I noticed more WWE shirts than TNA. I don't know what conclusions can come from that but I just thought it was amusing.  I also thought the lines were kind of small for the TNA equivalent of Wrestlemania. Once the doors opened security informed everyone that signs larger than 20 inches were prohibited. While I didn't have a sign, I didn't see anything about this on the TNA, Viejas Arena, or Ticketmaster website. This ended with people trashing their signs. There was already a massive crowd around the merchandise booth and while I would have liked to see what they were selling, I wouldn't have gotten anything.  

Upon entering the arena, I then noticed the situation regarding my seating.  Instead of paying $31 for a ticket in a row 21 stadium seat, I paid $24.25 for a row 4 stadium seat.  I really couldn't believe how close I was considering I paid for the cheapest seat only 2 hours prior to the doors opening. I had to ask an usher if I really was correct on where my seat was.  As you've probably already seen on the internet, the side with hard cameras was virtually empty.  Everyone was either facing the cameras or facing the ramp leading to the ring head on.  I think this is probably normal procedure for TNA and probably WWE as well.  Regarding the seating, I'm 99% positive there were seat fillers around. The seat in front of me as well as the two seats to my right probably didn't sell. I saw what looked like college kids getting "kicked out" from their seats by paying patrons move in to those seats. It was during the pre-show or early in the PPV that a man and in a woman in more business attire sat in the seats next to me and the guy was asking people who were walking down the stairs if they wanted to take the empty seat about two or three rows in front of us. The pair later left to be replaced with other seat fillers.  I did notice the guy in front of me had "free" stamped on his hand.

As far as the actual PPV, it's such a different experience live.  We didn't get Tenay and Taz commentary and we only get one point of view. I don't have any other live wrestling events to compare to, but I didn't get the feeling that this was a celebration of TNA, as Daniels stated.  From an aesthetic point of view, it just looked like an episode of Impact you'd catch on Spike. I consider myself a casual wrestling fan who doesn't watch every episode of WWE/TNA but I will read the dirtsheets. I don't get excited about matches on TV but I was shouting and chanting and cheering at times.  

There isn't too much that I'll comment about the matches. A big WTF moment was when EGO were eliminated from the tag team gauntlet and when the Bro Mans won the titles.  Abyss coming back was pretty awesome. Angle rejecting the HoF was another big WTF.  Everyone was standing at the end of the Angle/Roode match because of the "injury." I didn't notice very many people leaving their seats during the Knockouts match as the internet led me to believe.  The EC3 match got a boring chant, which it was.  I noticed much louder impacts hitting the ring during the Styles/Bully Ray match. I don't know if there is some theater magic going on or they wanted to convey how much the two didn't like each other.  After his win, Styles came down the aisle I was closest to and if he wasn't swarmed by a bunch of people I would have gotten a clear view of him.

Overall I was entertained by the event.  I only paid $30.25 for a fantastic seat and parking. If TNA were ever to come to town again, I'd definitely go but that doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon.  I'm also more open now the next time WWE comes to San Diego. I'll get around to posting a few pictures whenever I'm not lazy about it.

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That Rhodes Family theme sounds like one of those things that's going to change every week for the next month, until they come up with something that does not sound Mike its a mashup done by a 13 year old.
Dear fucking Christ I would watch the hell out of a segment with Goldust on commentary every week, just spouting non sequiturs in his Goldust voice whenever he is spoken to.
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I know they don't pay them to think, and that's probably a good thing, but the 1999 L on the forehead thing the Bellas do has got to go.  

Just when I thought no one could top JR commentating UFC matches, someone comes along and makes this gem.

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