GGT 281 and Lil B loves you

It's a combination of juvenile and cheeky to me, it seems.

It's definitely intentional because look at some of the other humor like the semi ramming in between the giant spread legs.

I'm pretty sure while Ryu is supposed to be some sort of "hero" ninja fighting for the greater good, Yaiba is just supposed to be an asshole. Maybe he's a sexist asshole... but nonetheless, I think he's supposed to have a very strong and potentially dislikeable personality.

There are sexist assholes in life. And it just so happens the main character of Yaiba might be one. :rofl:
The way I saw it was that Yaiba seemed like a parody of the way a lot of moronic gamers talk/act on the internet and in games. Not sure if that was intentional though. Even if that wasn't the case, it definitely seems like Yaiba is supposed to be seen as a bad guy, with Ryu being the honorable one.

If the game itself promotes sexist messages (as opposed to being a parody, and/or having a sexist main character that you are supposed to dislike), then I don't see the problem with calling it out in reviews.

I thought you hated the game.

I think my game might be bugged everytime I go to the map alfred has to tell me he has set up a fast travel thingy a majig and I can't skip the dialogue.
I didn't hate it, but it took a little too long to really get going for me. Once it drew me in though, I fucking LOVED it.

Did you kill the Riddler tower so you could fast travel?

THANK YOU. I'm so over the hopeless bitching about that game. It has easily the strongest and most "Batman" story of the trilogy.
You're right. I can't believe how good it is. Took a little bit of time to warm up to it, but once that story gets going it's fucking incredible.

The way I saw it was that Yaiba seemed like a parody of the way a lot of moronic gamers talk/act on the internet and in games. Not sure if that was intentional though. Even if that wasn't the case, it definitely seems like Yaiba is supposed to be seen as a bad guy, with Ryu being the honorable one.

If the game itself promotes sexist messages (as opposed to being a parody, and/or having a sexist main character that you are supposed to dislike), then I don't see the problem with calling it out in reviews.
This is also how I see Yaiba. He's basically the Ninja version of Travis Touchdown.

I didn't hate it, but it took a little too long to really get going for me. Once it drew me in though, I fucking LOVED it.

Did you kill the Riddler tower so you could fast travel?
Yeah I'm at the part where you get the distruptor and run into teen Barbabra

I didn't hate it, but it took a little too long to really get going for me. Once it drew me in though, I fucking LOVED it.

Did you kill the Riddler tower so you could fast travel?

You're right. I can't believe how good it is. Took a little bit of time to warm up to it, but once that story gets going it's fucking incredible.
I've only played about an hour so far because yeah, it's really slow to start but I keep hearing once Joker shows up it gets awesome, but I might wait or a patch to fix to the patch...

Whoa, Jim Sterling's leaving Destructoid to be a full-time game writer? That's actually pretty sad. I guess since he'll be gone that'll be the final death of Podtoid. I'll miss the Willem Dafoe movie pitches and Gordon Ramsay ideas. Between this and Brad Nicholson leaving TouchArcade I have pretty much no podcasts to listen to.
Whoa, Jim Sterling's leaving Destructoid to be a full-time game writer? That's actually pretty sad. I guess since he'll be gone that'll be the final death of Podtoid. I'll miss the Willem Dafoe movie pitches and Gordon Ramsay ideas. Between this and Brad Nicholson leaving TouchArcade I have pretty much no podcasts to listen to.
I should let them know that I'm available if they're looking for a new troll.

Really? I've got too many-Giantbomb, Vidjagame Apocalypse and Weekend Confirmed are my faves but I also listen to the Joystiq Podcast, various IGN podcasts, Gamertag Radio, Cagcast, GI podcast, Gamesradar podcast, Nintendo World Report, Idle Thumbs, Gamers With Jobs, Rebel FM, Indoor Kids and The Nerdist podcast whenever there is a guest I give a shit about. There might even be one or two I'm forgetting in there.

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The 'shut the fuck ups' were a little juvenile, otherwise it seemed pretty cheeky. Looks pretty cool visually and it has dubstep, so it's at DmC hype level for me, which is a game I was okay defending until I played it. NGZ will get railed for being sexist though, and it seems critics are actually docking points for that sort of thing now, lol (see gamespot's GTAV review).
GTAV is satire. I don't understand why you'd dock points for fake mysogyny. fucking white knight bs.

It's a combination of juvenile and cheeky to me, it seems.

It's definitely intentional because look at some of the other humor like the semi ramming in between the giant spread legs.

I'm pretty sure while Ryu is supposed to be some sort of "hero" ninja fighting for the greater good, Yaiba is just supposed to be an asshole. Maybe he's a sexist asshole... but nonetheless, I think he's supposed to have a very strong and potentially dislikeable personality.

There are sexist assholes in life. And it just so happens the main character of Yaiba might be one. :rofl:
In the case of Yaiba, I don't know if it makes any sense to make such an unlikeable boor as a main character unless there is some kind of context the trailers aren't showing. Also, anti-heroes don't need need to be sexist assholes. If it's done more like Breaking Bad, where we see the main character is ultimately a selfish, egotistical asshole, but with layers, then it makes more sense.

melonie mac is the jean grey of the youtube and that other girl is emma frost
No ways, Melonie is Emma because Emma is way hotter. Jean Grey was a whiny, latchey bore. She needed to turn into Dark Phoenix to become interesting. Emma Frost is confident about herself and comfortable in her own skin. She didn't need no man to be that way either, unlike fucking "I need you Scott to complete me" Jean Grey, who fell in love with one of the most cardboard cutout, one-dimensional dudes in comics.

That was a pretty tame representation, then.
Hahaha... very true, at least if we're talking about XBL.

In the case of Yaiba, I don't know if it makes any sense to make such an unlikeable boor as a main character unless there is some kind of context the trailers aren't showing. Also, anti-heroes don't need need to be sexist assholes. If it's done more like Breaking Bad, where we see the main character is ultimately a selfish, egotistical asshole, but with layers, then it makes more sense.
I didn't say he had to be or even that he is.

And not every game needs some super complex story.

If I recall the first trailer, Yaiba was an overly cocky, and maybe lazy, drunk.

"Nice gimp suit, Hayabusa. Where's your ball gag?"

Sounds like he's just a straight up asshole to me. ;)

I'll miss Jim. I loved reading his reviews. I don't really see a point in going on there anymore after he's gone. Him and Dale were the only reasons I would visit the site.

I just spent an hour trying to find classes for the Spring only to realize I can't actually register for them until December the 3rd.


That's an hour less of Pokemon. Damnit.

No ways, Melonie is Emma because Emma is way hotter. Jean Grey was a whiny, latchey bore. She needed to turn into Dark Phoenix to become interesting. Emma Frost is confident about herself and comfortable in her own skin. She didn't need no man to be that way either, unlike fucking "I need you Scott to complete me" Jean Grey, who fell in love with one of the most cardboard cutout, one-dimensional dudes in comics.
*spam like button*

You need to read Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men and current post-AvX Cyke. There is nothing contrived or boring about him. 

Deadpool is the worst Marvel character.

Followed by Leda.
Probably why he has one of the best selling comics each month.

She isn't in marvel but if she was yeah she'd be pretty bad. She'd be like jubilee bad

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Probably why he has one of the best selling comics each month.

She isn't in marvel but if she was yeah she'd be pretty bad. She'd be like jubilee bad
People like terrible things.

Just look at how well the Wii sold.

Or Deadpool.

Glad his game was as terrible as he is.

If Melonie Mac was a comic character she'd be a DC character.

Since DC characters are good.

Unlike Marvel characters like leda.

hayley would be in image comics cause shes independent and does things by herself even if the music quality goes down

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I'm glad joel isn't here to see frosty break his heart.

I can agree man of steel and iron man 3 sucked shit I still can't get over the fact that the villain in iron man 3 was a villain because tony didn't want to talk to him at a party

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MoCi reminds me a lot of how I was whenever I first joined the GGT way back when with the way he seems to always be playing games and always likes them. He comes to the defense of everything too. It feels so weird to see someone as positive as I used to be about gaming.
Haha, I'm very positive/passionate about my games, I just love the form of entertainment and whenever I play through a game that's only okay I'm still usually able to be able to see the good points about it and at least get some enjoyment out of it!

Yer welcome.
Wooooooo Action!

I'm glad joel isn't here to see frosty break his heart.

I can agree man of steel and iron man 3 sucked shit I still can't get over the fact that the villain in iron man 3 was a villain because tony didn't want to talk to him at a party
At least Man of Steel was a Superman movie.

IM3 was not an Iron Man movie.

I like the part where he kept using his broken suit though for most of the movie and then actually had like 100 million working ones he refused to use throughout.

I did read some of that. He turned into an arrogant douchebag.
Yeah, Cyclops gets on my nerves sometimes. He is like Reed Richards for me, I don't like the character but I put up with him because I like the series he's in.

What was not great was Marvel's summer movie.

Iron Man 3. Which made a ton of money, further proving people like terrible things.
I agree, I did not enjoy Iron Man 3, I think I might even like Spider-Man 3 better, because there are at least a lot of unintentional funny parts of that movie (like emo parker, haha); Iron Man 3 has totally bi-polar jumps of super serious to trying way too hard to be funny, plus Spider-Man 3 didn't have an annoying little kid in it.

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bread's done